Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft DOS => Topic started by: Lukelumia800 on November 18, 2012, 07:37:00 AM

Title: Batch file problem: is not expected at this time/moment
Post by: Lukelumia800 on November 18, 2012, 07:37:00 AM
i have a problem with a batch file. i om working for this code 2 ours, its not finished yet.
but when i start the file, it does everything but when it comes to the middle. it stops, like "exit"
i put --------------------- on the last punt it shows

the code:
Code: [Select]
@echo off
if not exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts" goto first_startup_settings
if exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts" goto beveiliging2

title First startup instalation
md %appdata%\.minecraft\accounts
md %appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts
md %appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\settings
md %appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft
echo Instalation is succesfully finished
del "first_startup"
goto beveiliging2

if not exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\name.txt" goto start2
if exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\name.txt" goto start3

set name=!missing!
goto beveiliging3

title minecraft username veranderen.
for /f "Delims=" %%a in (%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\name.txt) do (

set name=%%a

goto beveiliging3

if exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\minecraftlocation.txt" goto menu
if not exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\minecraftlocation.txt" goto beveiliging3_1

echo copy and paste the locations of the following things,
echo if you don't use some of those
echo download it, ore say none
echo as exemple of mincraft: C:\Users\%random%\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft
set /p mineshafter__location=copy and paste te location of mineshafter:
set /p minecraftsp__location=copy and paste te location of minecraftsp:
set minecraft_location=%appdata%\.minecraft\minecraft.exe
if %mineshafter__location%==none goto break_1
set mineshafter_location=%mineshafter__location%\mineshafter-proxy.jar
if %minecraftsp__location%==none goto break_2
set minecraftsp_location=%minecraftsp__location%\minecraftsp.jar
goto beveiliging3_3

set mineshafter_location=none
goto beveiliging3_2

set minecraftsp_location=none
goto beveiliging3_3

if %minecraftsp__location%==none goto beveiliging3_3
set minecraftsp_location=%minecraftsp__location%\minecraftsp.jar
goto beveiliging3_3

echo this is ride?
echo %mineshafter_location%
set /p beveiliging3_3_1=Yes/No :
if %beveiliging3_3_1%==No goto exit_reload
if %beveiliging3_3_1%==Yes goto beveiliging3_4
goto beveiliging3_3

echo %mineshafter_location% > "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\mineshafterlocation.txt"
echo this is ride?
echo %minecraftsp_location%
set /p beveiliging3_3_2=Yes/No :
if %beveiliging3_3_2%==No goto exit_reload
if %beveiliging3_3_2%==Yes goto beveiliging3_4_0
goto beveiliging3_4

echo %minecraftsp_location% > "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\minecraftsplocation.txt"
echo %minecraft_location% > "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\minecraftlocation.txt"
goto menu


for /f "Delims=" %%c in (%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\minecraftlocation.txt) do (

set minecraft_loc=%%c


for /f "Delims=" %%d in (%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\minecraftsplocation.txt) do (

set minecraftsp_loc=%%d

for /f "Delims=" %%e in (%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\mineshafterlocation.txt) do (

set mineshafter_loc=%%e

if %minecraftsp_loc%==none set minecraftsp_loc=""
if %mineshafter_loc%==none set mineshafter_loc="'
goto menu_start

title minecraft username veranderen. nu actief: %name%
echo naar wie wil je veranderen?
set /p keuze= Hoe heet de avatar:
if exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%" goto a
if not exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%" goto b

copy "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%" "%appdata%\.minecraft\lastlogin%"
if exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%_minecraft" start %appdata%\.minecraft\minecraft.exe
if exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%_mineshafter" start %
echo %keuze% > "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\name.txt"
goto beveiliging1

echo wat gebruik je?
set /p keuze2= minecraft of mineshafter:
if %keuze2%== minecraft start %appdata%\.minecraft\minecraft.exe
if %keuze2%== mineshafter start C:\Users\luke\Documents\Bureaublad\minecraft\Minecraft\mineshafter-proxy.jar
echo typ je naam en wachtwoord in %keuze2% en login
echo als je dat gedaan hebt, en je bent ingelogd
echo sluit %keuze2%
echo gelukt?
set /p keuze3= ja/nee:
if %keuze3%== ja goto c
if %keuze3%== nee goto b

copy "%appdata%\.minecraft\lastlogin" "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%"

goto menu

echo pleas restart this application

here a small version where it goes rong:
Code: [Select]

for /f "Delims=" %%c in (%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\minecraftlocation.txt) do (

set minecraft_loc=%%c


for /f "Delims=" %%d in (%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\minecraftsplocation.txt) do (

set minecraftsp_loc=%%d

for /f "Delims=" %%e in (%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\mineshafterlocation.txt) do (

set mineshafter_loc=%%e

if %minecraftsp_loc%==none set minecraftsp_loc=""
if %mineshafter_loc%==none set mineshafter_loc="'
goto menu_start

title minecraft username veranderen. nu actief: %name%
echo naar wie wil je veranderen?
set /p keuze= Hoe heet de avatar:
if exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%" goto a
if not exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%" goto b

or view on:

thank you
Title: Re: Batch file problem: is not expected at this time/moment
Post by: foxidrive on November 18, 2012, 08:05:23 AM
Try wrapping these in double quotes - there could be long filename elements in the paths that need them.



set "minecraftsp_loc=%%d" and the other variables.

if "%minecraftsp_loc%"=="none" set minecraftsp_loc=""
Title: Re: Batch file problem: is not expected at this time/moment
Post by: Lukelumia800 on November 18, 2012, 11:26:23 AM
Wouw, It works thank you for command me
Thank you very much
Title: Re: Batch file problem: is not expected at this time/moment
Post by: Lukelumia800 on November 18, 2012, 01:29:40 PM
now i have an other problem,
on the same file.

the code:
Code: [Select]

for /f "Delims=" %%c in (%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\minecraftlocation.txt) do (

set minecraft_loc=%%c


for /f "Delims=" %%d in (%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\minecraftsplocation.txt) do (

set minecraftsp_loc=%%d

for /f "Delims=" %%e in (%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\mineshafterlocation.txt) do (

set mineshafter_loc=%%e

if "%minecraftsp_loc%"=="none" set minecraftsp_loc2=""
if "%mineshafter_loc%"=="none" set mineshafter_loc2="'
if not "%minecraftsp_loc%"=="none" set minecraftsp_loc2=minecraftsp
if not "%mineshafter_loc%"=="none" set mineshafter_loc2=mineshafter
goto menu_start

title minecraft username changing. now active: %name%
echo How calls the username you wanne use?
set /p keuze= Username:
if exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%" goto a
if not exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%" goto b

for /f "Delims=" %%d in (%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\minecraft\%keuze%_start.txt) do (

set start_fenster=%%d

copy "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%" "%appdata%\.minecraft\lastlogin%"
if exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%_minecraft" start %appdata%\.minecraft\minecraft.exe
if exist "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\accounts\%keuze%_mineshafter" start %
echo %keuze% > "%appdata%\.minecraft\accounts\name.txt"
start %%start_fenster%_log%
goto beveiliging1

at onn of the least lines "start %%start_fenster%_log% how can i fix this, so it works
%start_fenster% comes from a text file
%..._log% is the location

i need to make the location again, or is is possible to make 2 %...% togetter 1 output

thank you
Title: Re: Batch file problem: is not expected at this time/moment
Post by: foxidrive on November 18, 2012, 10:27:02 PM
I think this is what you want.  Also, when you double quote the term you also need to provide empty double quotes after the start command - as that is an empty title command.

start "" "%start_fenster%%_log%"