Computer Hope

Software => Computer programming => Topic started by: Mflipb on January 26, 2013, 12:11:31 AM

Title: Asm+batch?
Post by: Mflipb on January 26, 2013, 12:11:31 AM
Help, computer problem after file recovery(pictures), bios takes longer to load and windows too, when computer is idle cpu and gpu goes to 100%, mouse click 2 times sometimes... I once see a question mark in hex editor in between hex of a hard drive mft then format and it was gone.

Beginning of my master boot record starts at offset 55 on my hard drive it should be on offset 0, every time i test ports in dos debug some of values change. This happened after doing file recovery of some old hard drive.
In every computer i plugged in this hard drive, when i view the picture recovered with file recovery same thing happens. Tried low lvl format, cmos reset, batery out, different battery, flash bios. Bios got bricked then i reset cmos (battery out) and dual bios write original bios but still same problem.

Specs of one of the computers:
 OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
 Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X2 550 Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 4 Stepping 2
 Processor Count: 2
 RAM: 4094 Mb
 Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series, 1024 Mb
 Hard Drives: C: Total - 476832 MB, Free - 93325 MB;
 Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd., GA-770TA-UD3
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Geek-9pm on January 26, 2013, 10:14:03 AM
Is this a home brew?
You should have in your resource chest:
1. A Live Linux CD or a AV rescue CD
2. A spare Power supply
3. A spare tested Hard drive, preferably with a system image
4. All the CDs needed for a fresh install. Or Flash drives.

When you do a home brew you have to be your own repair technician. You are now at the point where you need to fix the problem and stop looking at it. Take  action. Deploy your recovery method.

If you do not have a well-made recovery method, do this:
Put in the spare drive and set it as the boot media.
Either boot it up or install the OS again.
Once you have the OS up, you can get your data of the other drive.
Does this apply to you?

Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Mflipb on January 27, 2013, 01:08:59 AM
Yes its a home brew, i assemble it in 2010, it worked for 1,5years. I did recover files... the pictures on another pc, but then in every pc i view the picture,  same thing happened (youtube link).On an old pc where i cant flash bios there i cant even save to cmos and change a setting (flopy drive) it doesnt move o.O. Of course i did a fresh instal of Xwindows on all pcs that werent laptops. I dont know this looks to me like hardware programming issue. But now im looking for help to repair pc rather to get files recover. I had a computer tehnician(programmer) 7-8 years ago he looked at input output hard drive, then he sad it was cmos, he disable some flags(interrupt), he filled up memory with 1 dont know which memory exactly dont remember wery much, and he fount  a 0 somwhere and change it a function at offset (example a=bc) fill it u again and all was good it took him like 5min. But now 3 computer services telling me they cant find anything wrrong with a pc and i cant find this tehnician annymore.
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: BC_Programmer on January 27, 2013, 04:57:27 AM
Is there actually something wrong with the PC, or are you just making a fuss about a single byte not being what you expect it to be?

Windows 7 doesn't come with DEBUG, nor does it run on x64. How are you booting to DOS to run "DEBUG"?

The video doesn't go anywhere near the MFT.
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Mflipb on January 27, 2013, 11:40:32 AM
Serious performance issues + i once transfer data (another picture) to my phone and my phone died:( there must be something wrong with data being transfered. I heard once its in betwen 0 data.
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Mflipb on January 31, 2013, 05:31:47 AM
How abt look up tables, anyone know how?
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Mflipb on August 30, 2013, 07:07:44 AM
I think 100% that something is wrong with my pc, I was trying to learn batch commands and dos so I could synchronise data buffers or something and trying to learn asm so I coul read cmos many times or write 1 values to see where it goes wrong but no sucsses. I remember pluging hard drive broken by file recovery to a working pc and there were only 254 sectors one missing, and after restart 255 sectors but some values missing in cmos and seetings in cmos wrong load defaults... so the first one is missing or is it it starts with second bit? Could some Expert tell me is it the data buffers or what?

I would really appreciate it, if anyone could help me!
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Mflipb on August 30, 2013, 07:17:55 AM
I rember the repair man was like "writing ones to buffer host ide or something cmos without reading next data buffer clock to get data buffer to beginning"
maybe data buffer starts at middle of the data buffer or second and ends up In the middle, then darknes in between new middle.
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 30, 2013, 08:52:21 AM
I think 100% that something is wrong with my pc
No there isn't.

I was trying to learn batch commands and dos so I could synchronise data buffers or something
This is a nonsense phrase. It doesn't make any sense.

and trying to learn asm so I coul read cmos many times or write 1 values to see where it goes wrong but no sucsses.
This doesn't make much sense either. Why would you want to read the CMOS RAM many times? Surely once would be sufficient. (Of course let's ignore the fact that you aren't running DOS to begin with, thus you don't actually have real-mode access to the system but (if you are on 32-bit) are actually given access to a virtualized Processor through NTVDM. On 64-bit there is no Debug and there is no simple way to assemble and run 16-bit Assembly programs from within the OS.

I remember pluging hard drive broken by file recovery to a working pc and there were only 254 sectors one missing, and after restart 255 sectors
Hard Drives use LBA now. Sectors are always 255. Some informational tools will show 254, since they will count the first one as Sector 0.

but some values missing in cmos and seetings in cmos wrong load defaults... so the first one is missing or is it it starts with second bit?
The CMOS has nothing to do with your Hard drive. I'm honestly not sure if you are trolling or are seriously this uninformed on the concepts that we've so far tried to explain, but which have so far been ignored. You cannot just make up phrases and terms and think we'll know what you mean.

Could some Expert tell me is it the data buffers or what?
I cannot rightly apprehend the confusion of ideas that would lead to such a question.

It's a glitch related to combination of using a internal command name for the name of the batch script (for) calling a batch script with that internal command name, but using a forward slash to trick the parser into calling the batch rather than the internal command, and continuing the call it until it ends up exiting. In this case the Error code that causes CMD to crash is "c00000fd", which is Stack Overflow.

I would surmise that some combination of using the internal command name for the batch script, the batch script chaining to itself, and the use of a forward slash at the end of the name causes this problem.

I rember the repair man was like "writing ones to buffer host ide or something cmos without reading next data buffer clock to get data buffer to beginning"
maybe data buffer starts at middle of the data buffer or second and ends up In the middle, then darknes in between new middle.

This entire post is unintelligible.

Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Mflipb on August 30, 2013, 11:55:40 AM
The repair man also said that a=bc that C is actualy A and need to change it, after he filled some memory with ones  #1 , does that make any sense im writing to you what he did to repair my pc  im not making things up and I don't know anything about programing trying to learn...
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 30, 2013, 12:12:36 PM
The repair man also said that a=bc that C is actualy A and need to change it, after he filled some memory with ones  #1 , does that make any sense
No, that makes no sense.
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Salmon Trout on August 30, 2013, 01:55:51 PM
I say this character is a fairly obvious "attention troll", probably aged about 12. His outpourings remind me of the "stuff about computers" in novels written by people who don't actually know anything about computers. I remember one of the Kay Scarpetta novels by Patricia Cornwell where she goes on about "formatting a few files" and other nonsense.

Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Salmon Trout on August 30, 2013, 01:58:02 PM
I was trying to learn batch commands and dos so I could synchronise data buffers or something

Or something? Or something?

He's yanking your chains and not even hiding the fact.
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: BC_Programmer on August 30, 2013, 02:38:10 PM
yes I was having trouble deciding if this was somebody who had a prenatal lobotomy or somebody who was purposely making absolutely no sense. I was leaning towards the latter.
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Geek-9pm on August 30, 2013, 04:05:13 PM
Time to reformat.
This thread is beyond recovery.   :'(

Note to the OP.  :)
What do you want to do? Is the issue saving a picture? You should export your pictures to some kind of permanent t media, like a CD-R you burn in a CD-EOM drive.

Problems with pictures have nothing  to do with the hard drive geometry. Pictures and never stored in CMOS.  An many technicians know the difference between a Phillips head screwdriver and the other kind. That is how they  got to be technicians. And when not working on computers, they shoe horses.

If you want to go back to Windows XP and start over again, you have my permission. But But if you keep using Windows 7, please do not post any more questions like the ones you did here.  In Windows 7 programmers do not use the DEBUG tool from early versions of Windows. It just don't work right. And nobody here will help you work on the MBR in Windows 7. In Windows 7, the MBR is not for any user programming or modification. That is by design.   8)

But we are willing to help. Just no more DEBUG with Windows 7. ;D
For the benefit of all readers, here is a simple explanation of what CMOS meas with reference to a PC.
(Also has pictures of other common PC parts.)
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Salmon Trout on August 30, 2013, 04:37:56 PM
Bloody *censored*.
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Linux711 on September 01, 2013, 02:16:19 PM
I rember the repair man was like "writing ones to buffer host ide or something cmos without reading next data buffer clock to get data buffer to beginning"
maybe data buffer starts at middle of the data buffer or second and ends up In the middle, then darknes in between new middle.

No No, he got that wrong. You need to load the master partition table and make sure the A20 gate is properly initialized by executing this assembly:

in al,92h
or al,2
out 92h,al

And then you need to assemble this to flat binary and write to partition table and master boot record. Easier way would be to boot dos and translate that code to hex manually and then use a hex editor to enter it at offset 0x5381 on your hard drive because...

    For geometry 1020 16 63 of a disk with 1028160 sectors CHS 3 2 1 is LBA  3150=(3* 16+2)* 63
    For geometry 1008 4 255 of a disk with 1028160 sectors CHS 3 2 1 is LBA  3570=(3*  4+2)*255
    For geometry  64 255 63 of a disk with 1028160 sectors CHS 3 2 1 is LBA 48321=(3*255+2)* 63
    For geometry 2142 15 32 of a disk with 1028160 sectors CHS 3 2 1 is LBA  1504=(3* 15+2)* 32

So yeah, you need to enter that code at 0x5381.

Then when you try to recover pictures or transfer to your phone like you said, your computer will not slow down. Your welcome!  ;D
Title: Re: Asm+batch?
Post by: Geek-9pm on September 01, 2013, 06:18:35 PM
Linux711, the OP has Windows 7.