Computer Hope

Software => Computer software => Topic started by: GL9K on November 26, 2013, 09:16:50 PM

Title: Apache server issues
Post by: GL9K on November 26, 2013, 09:16:50 PM
I use an Amazon-ec2 linux computer and I have just installed Apache and opened ports 80 and 443 in the security groups and started the server. but then whenever i go to connect to try to see whether it worked or not I can not connect at all (the server does not respond in time) and I double and triple checked my ports and they are fine so i am wondering if anyone can please help answer what I might be doing wrong. all the commands i used to install and set it up will be pasted below.
thank you
Code: [Select]
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum groupinstall -y "Web Server" "MySQL Database" "PHP Support"
sudo yum install -y php-mysql
sudo service httpd start
sudo chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig --list httpd
httpd           0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
Title: Re: Apache server issues
Post by: DaveLembke on November 26, 2013, 10:50:54 PM
I have run into issues with ISP's blocking servers. I have had to run my apache servers on ports like 8080 and 8077 etc instead of port 80. Also instead of 443 I have had to use alternate port numbers as well when having FTP etc.

Can you view your web page locally through the apache service at If you can not view it locally, then there is a problem with it and it may be in the httpd.conf or local firewall blocking etc. If you can view it locally through browser thru apache service to local, then it is either ISP blocking it or you need to set up your port forwarding to allow passthrough of specific port traffic to a specific IP in your router. If your port forwarding is not configured and enabled then your router will not allow access to the apache server system from other computers.
Title: Re: Apache server issues
Post by: GL9K on November 27, 2013, 09:11:07 AM
I will try what you said to do as soon as Amazon Web Services stop giving me an error 400 BadRequest lol. I wonder if it is possible a problem with Amazons end of this (unfortunately i do not have a web browser on my Amazon Linux-AMI server and I do not have direct contact with the server since it is in the cloud.) thanks for the advice though :) I will still be changing the port numbers as soon as I can get on the AWS interface.
Title: Re: Apache server issues
Post by: DaveLembke on November 27, 2013, 01:07:50 PM
Amazon-ec2 linux computer

Didnt realize this was on Amazon Cloud, you have very limited access to server then. I'd contact Amazon ( AWS ) tech support directly and have them assist you. You do not need to mess with changing ports or port forwarding in your router. I thought you were running your own server and were an amazon merchant with a store front that was self hosted or something like that branched off of an amazon store front.

Did you ever get Apache to work yet without adjusting the httpd.conf file for supporting server side scripting languages and features? I would verify that you can get to the default Apache Home page of the server before enabling the modules for features. Then once you know that the default Apache setup is working you can then edit the httpd.conf ( apache config ) to remove the # hashes to enable features and edit parameters that require modification from the default such as SSL enabled etc.

Looking back at your initial post I see mySQL and PHP, so you will need to enable those modules by removing the # before  them in this config file. I am not sure if mySQL has a module or if there is a passthru of communications directly from PHP to the servers mySQL service, but I remember PHP requiring a # removed to enable that module to support PHP scripts.
Title: Re: Apache server issues
Post by: GL9K on November 28, 2013, 12:39:14 PM
ok I will try to call them(they might not be able to answer today because of it being thanksgiving), Also I do not know where I might find the config file is it maybe somewhere in the /var/www directory?
Title: Re: Apache server issues
Post by: DaveLembke on November 29, 2013, 06:42:07 PM (