Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: tom373uk on January 25, 2016, 05:46:44 AM

Title: Asus M2NPV-MV Vi Bios 0504 USB over current fault
Post by: tom373uk on January 25, 2016, 05:46:44 AM
Hi..I was bench testing the motherboard after replacing a corrupt bios chip,the board POSTs ok and I was able to enter the Bios,nb I had one sick of Ram and a video card mounted on the Motherboard.I attached my USB Hard Drive to one of the Rear Usb ports and rebooted ,now although I got a single Beep from the Board I could not enter the Bios as there was a Black Screen with an Alert Ie Usb over current fault.I shut down the PSU taking all precautions etc removed hard drive etc.When I powered up there was still an over but no usb devise was connected to the Motherboard current warning.Is there any way of resolving this issue other than cleaning USB ports and ensuring that all MB  usb jumpers are set to defauly.I have not had any issue with any of the USB ports before,and the USB drive is fine when connected to a Gygabite MB..
Any help or advice appreciated..Michael
Title: Re: Asus M2NPV-MV Vi Bios 0504 USB over current fault
Post by: DaveLembke on January 25, 2016, 06:11:30 AM
.Is there any way of resolving this issue other than cleaning USB ports and ensuring that all MB  usb jumpers are set to defauly

You should disconnect all USB devices including the front panel or other cables that connect to onboard and direct the USB to other areas of the case. Then see if the problem remains. If the problem remains with nothing connected even passively connected to USB then swap the power supply. If it still is a problem you have a motherboard issue with the USB as the likely cause which is a damaged board.

How did the board lose its original BIOS chip? Is there a history with this board such as it took a surge etc?
Title: Re: Asus M2NPV-MV Vi Bios 0504 USB over current fault
Post by: tom373uk on January 26, 2016, 12:47:44 AM
Thank you for your comments

The reason the original was replaced because the computer would not Post after a "bad" Bios Flash.The new chip purchased from Bios Master in the Netherlands,and is the correct one for this Board.
There has not been any history of surges etc as far as I am aware.I have inspected the back external USB ports with a light and they all appear undamaged and clean
The PSU is 500 watt and is almost new.[I have tested it on a Gygabite M61-PM-Se2 which has the same chip which POSTS no problem.
When bench testing I did not have the internal USB ports connected,Mouse and Keyboard are both PS2,not usb.
I have a gut feeling that the usb controller may be at fault,as after doing research on this Asus Boards made circa 2006 have had similar problem.

Title: Re: Asus M2NPV-MV Vi Bios 0504 USB over current fault
Post by: DaveLembke on January 26, 2016, 07:38:02 PM
Odd that this problem would crop up like this after just a simple bad bios flash then requiring a new preflashed ROM chip.

You could always disable the onboard USB and install a USB Card to a PCI or PCIE slot. You would disable the integrated USB in the device manager in windows, and then have the USB 2.0 or 3.0 card enabled after installed. If you dont need USB 3.0 you can get like a startech USB 2.0 card for around $13 USD for a 7 port. ents_io_cards_adapters_a3_other:na:na:na:na:na:2&code=PLA15&k_clickid=85bc1818-6e28-4ab2-96cb-bbb0980a5476&abkId=403-558647&gclid=CKWfmOv6yMoCFZOBaQod0nwORQ

I added one of their 4 port cards to a older system that needed USB ports and the card worked well. *Note: I have never dealt with this site, this link is just to show that the card is inexpensive.
Title: Re: Asus M2NPV-MV Vi Bios 0504 USB over current fault
Post by: tom373uk on January 27, 2016, 02:19:12 AM
Hi Would disabling on board usb disable all USB ports,on my board there are two internal for the front usb ports and five usb ports on the rear case side of the Board.?
Only problem is I cannot get into the Bios to disable the USB Controller! as when the Board posts instead of going into Bios..pressing goes into a black screen with the over power message,and I cannot see any easy way round this? can you?
Tks Michael
Title: Re: Asus M2NPV-MV Vi Bios 0504 USB over current fault
Post by: DaveLembke on January 27, 2016, 01:58:32 PM
I'd say this board has pretty much had it then.... You could try flashing it with a DOS based flash if there is one to overwrite what could be a wrong bios. But if that doesnt work or is unavailable then I'd say save the CPU and RAM and toss out the board. Maybe stuff the CPU and RAM into a healthy socket AM2 or AM2+ motherboard if you really want this CPU to run again.

Its too bad the CPU isnt a AM3 because you can still get Socket AM3+ motherboards new for around $40 or more. But you would need DDR3 RAM if this was the case.
Title: Re: Asus M2NPV-MV Vi Bios 0504 USB over current fault
Post by: tom373uk on January 28, 2016, 05:07:53 AM
thank you I suspected that!  michael