Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: sew333 on July 20, 2016, 10:46:22 AM

Title: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: sew333 on July 20, 2016, 10:46:22 AM
Hi. So first my pc.

My rams are Kingston Hyperx 16gb 2x8 DDR4, 6700K,Asus Z170-P, SSD Crucial Bx100 256GB and Windows 10.

Everytime i am opening some application which is fine and opening. But on event viewer i get : RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 entries. Applications are opening fine but windows 10 reporting this as RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 entry in event viewer.
If games not crashes and i have that logs in event viewer do something, or leave it alone?

I have that radar entries in event viewer almost everytime when i am opening some game or benchmark , thats all. But not crashing.

Example from BlackOps3:

Like i said i dont have crashes , but only that informative entries on event viewer. Thats all. Should i worry? Something with rams, ssd? Should i check memtest86 or that will be waste of time?  Somebody said that this can be caused by faulty ram, faulty ram slot, faulty mobo or faulty cpu controller. Please help thx.
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: patio on July 20, 2016, 10:53:24 AM
I would definitely run MemTest....any errors at all and you have a bad stik of RAM...

Let it run at least 1 hour.
Secondly while thats running i would look up your MBoard Manual and see if the RAM you have is on their QVL list....QVL means it's been lab tested on that MBoard and is an approved RAM.
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: sew333 on July 20, 2016, 11:29:28 AM
But i dont have any crashes during games, computer is stable. Only that entries in event viewer.

Yes my ram is compatible with my motherboard.
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: Allan on July 20, 2016, 11:44:43 AM
If you aren't experiencing any problems, stay out of Event Viewer
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: patio on July 20, 2016, 11:46:08 AM
If you aren't experiencing any problems, stay out of Event Viewer

+ 100.
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: BC_Programmer on July 20, 2016, 11:58:29 AM
RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 is exclusively software, as you were told here (
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: sew333 on July 20, 2016, 12:04:35 PM
Somebody told that can be caused by faulty ram module, faulty mobo, or faulty cpu controller?  It can be true?
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: BC_Programmer on July 20, 2016, 12:26:14 PM
'RADAR' is a software only feature intended specifically for detecting memory leaks in applications. The behaviour it detects is not triggered by hardware faults. It is based on program behaviour and  how the application allocates memory to detect possible memory leak scenarios, not hardware behaviour.

You don't have any crashes and they all run fine, according to what you are saying both here and on the handful of other forums you posted this exact information to. You'd be best served by Allan's advice.
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: sew333 on July 20, 2016, 02:23:17 PM
So what answer to guy that he tells me that reason can be:"Faulty ram, faulty cpu controller or faulty mobo" ?
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: Allan on July 20, 2016, 03:05:19 PM
We've told you that you that if you aren't experiencing any problems you should move on - and stop looking in event viewer. Not to be rude, but we don't care what you tell the guy who doesn't know what he is talking about in the first place.

Accept our answer or don't - it's up to you.
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: sew333 on July 20, 2016, 03:53:14 PM
Ok letting memtest86 so far, no errors :) Cool. But i have an question. is this normal?

Here is movie with the same flickering in test: (

That little strokes filickering is this normal during test?
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: patio on July 20, 2016, 04:55:27 PM
Not gonna watch a video of the issue...

See above.
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: BC_Programmer on July 20, 2016, 04:57:46 PM
Here is movie with the same flickering in test: (

That little strokes filickering is this normal during test?

No idea what you are referring to as a problem.
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: patio on July 20, 2016, 05:05:46 PM
Some people spend hours...even days in event viewer...

Hope yer not one of those...

Power down....take a deep start using the PC.
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: sew333 on July 20, 2016, 05:13:59 PM
I have flickering short lines during test .I add red arrows to show. Is this normal?

Here are screen. And video clip with other user .
( (

Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: patio on July 20, 2016, 05:19:30 PM
If it looks like that i would just throw the PC off the balcony...

Thats just me...
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: sew333 on July 20, 2016, 05:35:12 PM
So that flicker is normal?
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: camerongray on July 20, 2016, 05:37:34 PM
Looks like it's just the cursor that memtest is using to redraw the screen. Nothing to worry about.
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: BC_Programmer on July 20, 2016, 05:40:56 PM
So that flicker is normal?

Yes. That's a text cursor. You're trying REALLY hard to find problems. Why is that?
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: sew333 on July 20, 2016, 11:48:25 PM
OK guys. Thx for help and replies. :) I made 6 hours memtest86 and no find errors .:) So its fine?
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: patio on July 21, 2016, 07:55:35 AM
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: sew333 on July 21, 2016, 12:16:17 PM
Last question.

Also somebody said to me this:
"Your PC is exhausted, box needs new CPU and Motherboard. The Z170-P is all tear and has mutated the CPU. You should claim warranty on the motherboard, since yours is a TOA."

What he mean ? Believe to him?
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: patio on July 21, 2016, 12:48:14 PM
Have him stop by here and explain how a CPU gets "mutated"....
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: sew333 on July 21, 2016, 02:09:32 PM
Yes but why sometimes GTA V.exe, 3dmark.exe ,not only Black Ops 3,and other apps trigger that entry in event manager. ??
What is triggering this?
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: patio on July 21, 2016, 02:30:09 PM
As Allan 1st suggested and others have concurred on...stay out of event viewer...
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: BC_Programmer on July 21, 2016, 02:40:28 PM
Yes but why sometimes GTA V.exe, 3dmark.exe ,not only Black Ops 3,and other apps trigger that entry in event manager. ??
What is triggering this?

This question was already answered not only here but on several other forums that you were posting this in.
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: sew333 on July 21, 2016, 02:47:55 PM
Yes but nobody answer me why other apps not only BlackOps3 triggering that RADAR entry in event viewer.
Title: Re: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 reports in event viewer - problem hardware?
Post by: BC_Programmer on July 21, 2016, 03:32:36 PM
Yes but nobody answer me why other apps not only BlackOps3 triggering that RADAR entry in event viewer.

I explained what the Event means, and it means the same regardless of the program.