Computer Hope

Internet & Networking => Web design => Topic started by: VictoriaGilbert on April 28, 2020, 06:05:29 AM

Title: Managed Server Vs Un managed Server which one is better
Post by: VictoriaGilbert on April 28, 2020, 06:05:29 AM
I run a retail store in Orlando, Florida region and it was running fine until this feb. But, now due to Covid 19 pandemic the sales of my store has hit drastically. As, there is absolutely 0 sale since then and it doesn't looks to stop anytime sooner. That's why, I am looking to take my store online. For that reason, I am looking to launch an online store. Although, the ecommerce website development part is over and now it's time for the hosting of the store.
Since, it is created on Magento framework. Therefore, I am looking to host it on the best magento hosting provider and I think AWS is the  ideal host for the job. But, I am encountered by two different terminologies.
The first one is AWS hosting which is provided by AWS itself. while, the other one is managed AWS hosting which is provided by the third party host named Cloudways. So, what is the difference between the two and which one is the best option.
Title: Re: Managed Server Vs Un managed Server which one is better
Post by: Base10 on May 12, 2020, 01:48:59 PM
Hi there,

Scroll down to the picture of managed v/s unmanaged and click on read more, on the link below. (

Hope this helps :)