Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows NT/2000 => Topic started by: Steph on February 14, 2006, 12:25:52 PM

Title: Wndows Server 2000 Help
Post by: Steph on February 14, 2006, 12:25:52 PM
How Can You Transfer Your Database Over To Another Drive And Get It Linked Properly?

And Or Hide Critical ASP Files Inside A WebRoot Directory?So That Way They Can't Be Accessed Via Internet.

Anyway Possible?

Thanks In Advance!

PS. The Reason For This Is Due To A Certain Hacker Who Won't Leave Our Forums Alone.

Title: Re: Wndows Server 2000 Help
Post by: Rob Pomeroy on February 14, 2006, 03:39:57 PM
Yep it's definitely possible.  Is this on an Apache server or a server running IIS?  Is ANYONE going to have access to these files?

Not entirely sure what you mean by your first question.  What kind of a database are you using?
Title: Re: Wndows Server 2000 Help
Post by: Steph on February 14, 2006, 04:24:10 PM
Yes We Are Running IIS......The Only Folks That Have Access To This Server Are Me And My Husband......From Our Individual PC's Here At Home As Well As From Work.
But We Ran Into A Problem Yesterday Were Someone Got Into The Database Somehow And Started Deleteing asp Files.My Husbands Forum Got Hacked As Well As Mine.They Tend To Mess With His More Than Mine Though.And It's Someone From Overseas..UGHHHH

We Are Wanting To Hide The Database So That Way They Can't Find It Like To Another Drive...Was Told This Was Possible But Hubby Tried It Lastnight And Couldn't Get It To Work Right.

Or Is There Another Way To Do This(Such As Settings)..We Are Behind A Router Also.

Hope This Helps If Not I Will Try To Answer Ur Questions As Best As I Can..

Thanks In Advance,
Title: Re: Wndows Server 2000 Help
Post by: Rob Pomeroy on February 15, 2006, 08:45:12 AM
Yes we can do something about this but again: what kind of a database are you using?  MSSQL?  MySQL?  PosatgresSQL?  Oracle?  Sybase?  Text file?  Excel file?  MS Access DB?
Title: Re: Wndows Server 2000 Help
Post by: Steph on February 15, 2006, 09:58:05 AM
MS Access DB......
Title: Re: Wndows Server 2000 Help
Post by: Rob Pomeroy on February 15, 2006, 07:46:02 PM

Okay, you definitely don't want the database sitting anywhere in your webroot tree.  That way, anyone can open it in a browser unless you deny access to the IUSR_*** account.  You should be able to plonk the .mdb file anywhere you like, and then reference it in your ASP scripts by its absolute path (e.g. C:\safefolder\database.mdb).  Unfortunately I'm not an ASP programmer, so I can't provide a code snippet.

Consider investigating MySQL and transferring your database to that.  You will achieve a massive increase in performance, security and stability.

Also consider not capitalising every word in every sentence...
Title: Re: Wndows Server 2000 Help
Post by: Steph on February 15, 2006, 08:27:26 PM

Okay, you definitely don't want the database sitting anywhere in your webroot tree.  That way, anyone can open it in a browser unless you deny access to the IUSR_*** account.  You should be able to plonk the .mdb file anywhere you like, and then reference it in your ASP scripts by its absolute path (e.g. C:\safefolder\database.mdb).  Unfortunately I'm not an ASP programmer, so I can't provide a code snippet.

Consider investigating MySQL and transferring your database to that.  You will achieve a massive increase in performance, security and stability.

Thanks A Bunch...Read This To My Hubby And He Will Try This.

Also consider not capitalising every word in every sentence...

Sorry It's A Bad Habit!And Bad Habits Are Hard To Break!