Computer Hope

Software => Computer games => Topic started by: homer on July 03, 2006, 01:06:39 AM

Title: BattleField 2 Commander Poll
Post by: homer on July 03, 2006, 01:06:39 AM
The vehicle drop, EA's big mistake. the newest patch allows commanders to drop a vehicle to be used as a form of "emergency" transport for soldiers far away from any vehicles or too slow to get thier own.

great idea, lets a person be able to get transport no matter where they are. however, there is a downside...CARTILLERY!!! the vehicle acts like dropping a load of bricks on an object. the vehicle drop can kill soldiers, destroy enemy commanders artillery, destroy tanks, APC's, helicopter, and stationary guns as well.

Picture this, ur about 2 seconds away from taking a COMPLETLY undefended flag, when all of a sudden, ur crushed by a vehicle drop.

Also picture this, the enemy commander is constantly dropping cars on ur artillery and causing u to waste supply drops and makes u lose the ability to use ur artillery.

Now would u simply NOT do it because its not what the vehicle drop is intended for, would u do it if the enemy commander is doing it, or do u do it all the time??