Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows XP => Topic started by: Bill57 on September 04, 2004, 08:10:47 PM

Title: Program conflicts with IE 6 SP1
Post by: Bill57 on September 04, 2004, 08:10:47 PM
I recently reformated my hard drive and reinstalled Win 98, I updated IE 6 SP1 to get my software current. I apparently have a confilct with my Solitare and FreeCell programs with IE 6, every time I try to run those programs I get an error message for a illegal operation - general protection fault then I have to close the programs. I tried uninstalling IE 6 and that took care of the problem, but I would very much like to have IE 6 and run those card programs run correctly. Is there a patch to take care of this conflict?

The error message is ... caused a general protection fault in module USER.EXE AT 0004:00005ff0.
and so on there are a bunch of numers after Registers and Stack Dump headings.

Hope someone has an answer. :(
Title: Re: Program conflicts with IE 6 SP1
Post by: merlin_2 on September 05, 2004, 03:15:47 PM
bill load your win98 install disk and browse the there should be an icon called setup hit that ...this will re-install your system without losing anything..shame winxp did not have that..<moan.>but your case have proven again that updating does not work...maybe it would via a cdrom disk?and to boot win/m$oft  does not explain what the hells on these install disks..not very user friendly?like a folder called add ons..etc..
Title: Re: Program conflicts with IE 6 SP1
Post by: Bill57 on September 07, 2004, 12:28:18 PM
I tried reinstalling Win98 as suggested, It did not work. any other ideas? ???
Title: Re: Program conflicts with IE 6 SP1
Post by: merlin_2 on September 07, 2004, 12:48:25 PM
have you tried to remove ie6 bill....control panel add/ on the microsoft ie6 and it should throw up options like repair or remove...failing that a win98 boot disk..reboot pc with it in when it boots at the a:\>scanreg/restore chose the last good cab file and follow on screen instuctions....options to try bill..can see why the setup icon failed ???it should  have been in the add ons in the win98 disk..just had alook at one of my old disks its listed in this folder bill>D:\ADD-ONS\pws
Title: Re: Program conflicts with IE 6 SP1
Post by: Bill57 on September 07, 2004, 08:38:00 PM
yes I had tried removing IE 6 and the programs work with it removed. I would like to have IE 6 and have my programs work as well (I'd like my cake and eat it too! I guess) I didn't look into the add-ons folder for a set up icon I reinstalled win98 from the main directory. I will have a look. Will keep you posted.