Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: fanofsims2 on October 27, 2006, 11:45:16 PM

Title: Can i merge two hard drives?
Post by: fanofsims2 on October 27, 2006, 11:45:16 PM
 have searched for the answer to this for months. I give. I need to ask:

At work ran a gateway, 650 mhz, celeron processor, One day it locked up. Shut it down and on reboot it lost it's printer, Lexmark, X63 USB. Did recognize there was something plugged in but could not id it. Found the driver disk and re-installed it. It showed the printer program, showed the printer, but 'print' would not work. It would show it spooling but the printer never responded. Tried a new cord. Nothing. BUt i did notice what when ever I would plug the USB cord from the printer into USB port on the gateway there was a tiny spark. Not a good thing I am sure. They are intergrated USB ports and while I could use them for mouse and keyboard I could not use any of them for the printer. Gave up and brought my old Compaq, 90 mhz, AMD processor, in. Bought a new printer. Now I could print but all of my info was on the old computer. Could not transfer, no parallel port for transfer. I installed the current program that we had recently purchased for our invoices, installed those back up discs and I was off and running. The current invoice program showed all the info from the back up disk but the program would shut off often. This is time dated software (license expires in 365 days) and I did notice that it reset the time remaining. But it was working and i could print out invoices. But now I need the info from the Gateway and it needs to be printed. I have back up files for the obsolete peachtree program they are using but need the program. They do not have the original software. I tried to install the new printer on the Gateway but only succeeded in blowing the power supply. Now I can not even look at the info. Finally decided to take the Gateways hard drive, pulled out the hard drive in the Compaq and made the swap. Worked great. But now I need the information for the the new program on this drive. My Compaq did not have extra cords for another drive but someone said that I could pull the plugs froms the CD writer and use them I reinstalled the Compaq hard drive.. booted to make sure it worked. Pulled the cord from the CD writer and plugged in the Gateway hard drive(set the pin to a slave) and rebooted. It shows both drives but on the gateways hard drive it does not show the Peachtree program or new invoice program.
I have no idea what to do?! Any suggests?!

I am lost ..

PS.  both are running ME
Title: Re: Can i merge two hard drives?
Post by: GX1_Man on October 28, 2006, 05:14:45 AM
To run the old software program on a new machine you have to have the install disks, as Windows scatters the necessary files all over your drive.

You can save the data in a variety of ways-back up to a USB pen drive , zip drive, slave that hard drive in a new machine, etc. As to why the program seems to be missing, I don't know unless something was deleted. If the USB sparked there may be other issues as well.

It sounds like the Gateway has a LOT of problems and may not be salvageable, at least with this install. I guess you could try reinstalling Windows and hope for the best. Do you have the Windows CD?