Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: David Ian Smith on September 23, 2004, 03:55:18 PM

Title: Hard Drive Error Message on Boot"
Post by: David Ian Smith on September 23, 2004, 03:55:18 PM

I have a Computer that's 3 months old. It's been fine up to reciently when suddenly it's started taking ages and ages to get to the log on screen. 5 or 8 mins each time! for a new computer with a fast processors this isn;t right.

Also. Occasionally this error message comes up before it even reaches the boot screen saying "hard drive error. Backup and replace. press f4 to continue".

why is this? any help me please

thanks dave
Title: Re: Hard Drive Error Message on Boot"
Post by: MalikTous on September 23, 2004, 04:01:59 PM
Sounds like your HD is taking a dump. First, try remounting the drive upside down and see if the trouble goes away for a while; if so, order a new drive before the bearings go completely on the old one. Run Scandisk or Error check on the drive to lock out any bad clusters. Listen for nasty noises...

The new self-monitoring firmware in modern hard drives gives reports like that before the drive dies. Replace the drive while you can still copy your files off it.