Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows XP => Topic started by: unknownman_007 on November 12, 2006, 03:54:45 PM

Title: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: unknownman_007 on November 12, 2006, 03:54:45 PM
Okay, I'm in a really big problem here.

I need to be using my computer ASAP, but now it doesn't work!

It reads:
NTLDR is missing
Press any key to restart

Now, I've tried the following things"
bootcfg /rebuild

I've even tried the common solution of restarting my bios, and copying over the NTLDR files from the CD.

Finally, I've EVEN tried a windows XP repair! Then, as soon as it restarts to continue the repair process, NTLDR shows up AGAIN.

Any help will be GREATLY appreciate as I am in a crunch for time.

Thank you SO much in advance!!!!! Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: GX1_Man on November 12, 2006, 05:21:07 PM
Is there a floppy disk in the drive?
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: unknownman_007 on November 12, 2006, 05:26:22 PM
No, the computer only has a CD Drive.

Will offer a $10 paypal reward to one who can fix the problem!!!
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: Dusty on November 12, 2006, 05:42:02 PM
PC details (partitioning, file system, multi-boot :-?) - OS details (Home or Pro :-?) - OS disk details (is it full version, update, genuine :-?)

What was done immediately prior to the problem manifesting itself (downloads, installs etc...) :-?

Is your backup up-to-date :-?

Also your inside leg measurement - well, not quite - but we need details...
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: unknownman_007 on November 12, 2006, 05:42:18 PM
Currently, I deleted my extra partition leaving only the windows XP partition.

Now, I get:
No bootable devices--strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility

I've tried everything like I did above, except fixboot won't work.

Any ideas?
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: GX1_Man on November 12, 2006, 05:44:32 PM
What was on the extra partition? Was it another operating system?
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: Dusty on November 12, 2006, 05:47:07 PM
[highlight]How[/highlight] did you "delete" your 'extra partition' :-? :-?  Did you use a re-partitioning tool, if so which one :-?

I get the feeling you will now have to slave your hdd on another machine to recover files then reinstall your OS.

Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: unknownman_007 on November 12, 2006, 06:02:04 PM
Here is what happened:

I installed linux on a separate partition on the drive

Then, XP didn't show up on the Linux boot menu so I did:
bootcfg /rebuild

Then, that's when I got the missing NTLDR error

At that point, I deleted the other linux partition in hopes of that fixing it, by only giving the computer one partition to boot off of.

Now I'm at the point where it doesn't even find the XP partition bootable, even though it hasn't been touched.
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: Dusty on November 12, 2006, 06:15:54 PM

Now I'm at the point where it doesn't even find the XP partition bootable, even though it hasn't been touched.

Ahhhh Linux.   Did you use Grub :-?  Did you try to protect the MBR when installing Linux :-?
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: unknownman_007 on November 12, 2006, 06:17:51 PM
Previously I did but that's long gone now.....
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: Dusty on November 12, 2006, 06:28:58 PM
So the Linux install over-wrote your MBR - that's probably why the XP boot option didn't show on the 'Linux boot menu'.  Now having 'deleted' your 'extra partition' there's no possibility of booting unless the MBR can be rewritten.

Perhaps someone with more knowledge & experience than I have will pick up your thread and come up with a brilliant answer to your problem.  Meantime I recommend you consider slaving as in Reply #6

Good luck
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: unknownman_007 on November 12, 2006, 06:46:01 PM
I can still boot off my CD drive.

What if I installed Linux or something like that?

Any sugestions to rewrite the MBR?
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: street1 (RIP) on November 12, 2006, 07:12:02 PM
Have you tried the repair install mentioned at below website?
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: unknownman_007 on November 12, 2006, 07:18:04 PM

As I mentioned I've tried it numerous times.
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: Dusty on November 12, 2006, 07:27:06 PM
You already stated you tried FixBoot, FixMbr and BootCFG so I guess you ran them in the Recovery Console which would have been my answer to your latest query.

I strongly recommend that you do not even attempt to install any Operating System until you have scrutinised your partitioning and the condition of your data files unless you are prepared to lose the lot :P   That was my reason for asking if your backup is up-to-date.  If it's not up-to-date you should try to recover critical files before taking a chance on their being over-written.

You didn't respond to the query about your partitions and whether a partitioning tool was used to 'delete' the 'extra partition' (Replies #3 and #6), it's possible that no partitions now exist, not even the partition on which XP was originally installed.

The Diskpart ( utility [highlight]might[/highlight] be of some use but I have never used it so cannot comment on its suitability.

Sorry, I'm out of steam on this one, someone else might step in

Good luck
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: Gummybear on November 12, 2006, 07:42:31 PM
This may sound silly but if you try to boot with a floppy disc in drive A it will come up NTLDR is missing every time. Cure.... Take the floppy out of drive A
Title: Re: Emergency: Missing NTLDR - Tried many things!
Post by: GX1_Man on November 12, 2006, 07:43:51 PM
Yes the Linux information was surprisingly absent until it was asked for.  ::)

What happened with the repair install? Are you using something like Partition Magic as well? You might want to reload Linux just as a way to backup your data and then reformat and reinstall Windows.