Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: Tinygnome on November 19, 2006, 09:29:26 AM

Title: 83C Graphics card should i be concerned
Post by: Tinygnome on November 19, 2006, 09:29:26 AM
So my graphics card was running at 94C and i stuck a VGA coller under it and that droped it to 84 C
its an X850 PRO and im wondering how i can drop the temp
The computer runs fine and the envirment is an avrage 54C
so i really only need to cool the GPU and i was wondering what you all reccomend
i have already but mem collers on it and that helps and i have 4 case fans 3 can go up to 4800 RPM and one is about 2700 (i keep them all about 2-3000 reduce sound)

Question two i dont have much experience with sound cards, how bad is it i have the graphics card the a VGA cooler that takes two PCI slots THEN the sound card all meshed together ...the exit point of some of the heat is right on top of the sound card...should i be very concerned

Thank you
Title: Re: 83C Graphics card should i be concerned
Post by: Track on November 19, 2006, 12:29:39 PM
80c+ is very bad. At 94c u shouldnt turn it on.

Buy a VF900 for 20$ and install it. Undo any overclock that u have done.
Title: Re: 83C Graphics card should i be concerned
Post by: Tinygnome on November 19, 2006, 04:57:03 PM think the VF900 will drop it over 20C???

i would have to move the VGA cooler out of the system
Title: Re: 83C Graphics card should i be concerned
Post by: Tinygnome on November 19, 2006, 05:03:45 PM
does it even work for an x850?
Title: Re: 83C Graphics card should i be concerned
Post by: Track on November 20, 2006, 03:41:36 PM
does it even work for an x850?

It shouls work for every modern graphics card, especially a high-end one.

Check out Zalman's site to be sure though. And if it cant give u a workable temperature, u should throw away the card, because there is nothing u can do.. This does seem wierd though, how can the card get to 90c?? Are u sure u arent overclocking?
Title: Re: 83C Graphics card should i be concerned
Post by: Tinygnome on November 20, 2006, 04:23:49 PM

i would show pics but i dont want to go back to that i did some re-aranging in my case and i think im droping the temp more

its down to atleat 77C now but im trying to get it lower i will tell you soon

P.S. i looked on there site i couldnt find my card listed
Title: Re: 83C Graphics card should i be concerned
Post by: Tinygnome on November 21, 2006, 05:06:54 PM
sweet so i got it down to less than 70C at maxiaum load

i made my front fan push air out after taking my Graphics card out and reliazing it was not sucking air in through those rivits i swa it was blowing out
i also reversed two other fans and now my entire rig is MUCH cooler

thanks for your help all

but M2TW (greatist game ever)
Title: Re: 83C Graphics card should i be concerned
Post by: soybean on November 21, 2006, 05:43:26 PM
The generally recommended fan configuration has the front fan(s) pulling air into the case and the back fans exhausting air out of the case.  Seems like you've got your fans  installed the opposite of this.  Which direction are your rear fans blowing?  
Title: Re: 83C Graphics card should i be concerned
Post by: Track on November 21, 2006, 05:52:26 PM
sweet so i got it down to less than 70C at maxiaum load

i made my front fan push air out after taking my Graphics card out and reliazing it was not sucking air in through those rivits i swa it was blowing out
i also reversed two other fans and now my entire rig is MUCH cooler

thanks for your help all

but M2TW (greatist game ever)

70c will ware down ur card slowly but steadily. If u want to keep it for longer, buy the VF900.

M2TW is good, but nothing can compare to FFVII for the Playstation.
Title: Re: 83C Graphics card should i be concerned
Post by: Tinygnome on November 22, 2006, 07:30:42 AM
FFVII is good i own it its been an amazing month of gaming
1. M2TW
3. Socom Combined Assult
4. BF 2142 (last month)
5. DOW: Dark Crusade (last month)

oh yea and i used to have it so the front fan was pulling air in and the back was pushing air out But right not it was stayed under 70C for quite some time....if i switch the front one to pull air in again it temp will drop more beacuse before i had my front fan hooked up to my Powersupply on the fan only line.  Which i found out later makes it so the fan is supposed to keep quite but kicks up when it gets hot....but this feature did not include Graphic card temp.  So i will have the fan sucking air in soon and all of the back blowing out except for one, i was thinking having one in the back sucking in and one out would be best.  Also i have a fan on the side of the case about half way up i was going to make that bring air out beacuse heat rises.

Well thanks again all i am very happy with my new temps but i believe i can get them lower so i will fiddle with them,  of one more thing, how do you all check air flow???  i have herd of many people just blowing smoke into there comp but i dont smoke nor do i want smoke in my comp.  There anything cheap i can just blow in there to check for hot pockets?