Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: jamesbrilliant14 on November 21, 2006, 10:43:47 AM

Title: xp recovery console failure
Post by: jamesbrilliant14 on November 21, 2006, 10:43:47 AM
i recently purchased a new Dell:

Core 2 Duo with Viiv, 1.66Ghz, 1024Mb RAM, XP Media Centre Edition 2005

I booted it and was faced with a screen saying "UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME". I loaded up the XP Recovery Disk from the boot menu. I had been faced with this problem before, and presuming the boot.ini file was corrupt again, i was planning to run the system recovery function on the disk, and either create a new boot partition or run CHKDSK. This has fixed the problem every time in the past. I selected the recovery console option (as opposed to setting up XP fresh). However where as usually a command line screen loads up and from there i can run CHKDSK to fix the problem etc. it has not loaded up this time. I have tried over half a dozen times, left it for hours, but it simply claims it is examining the disk and the command line screen DOES NOT appear as it usually does. Without this, i can not repair my current problem, or even reinstall fresh.

any help would be much appreciated. Could it be that the boot.ini file is fine but it is another problem that CHKDSK wont fix anyway?

many thanks
Title: Re: xp recovery console failure
Post by: ale52 on November 21, 2006, 10:48:33 AM
"i recently purchased a new Dell: "

Danger Will Robinson...Danger!!  :o :o :o

Contact Dell immediately and have them replace you system.  The "recently purchased" should be a red flag to you.  A "new' system right out of the box should not give you error messages.  If you don't get this resolved NOW you'll regret it later with all the hassle and fiddling just to get it to work.

Alan <><  :D
Title: Re: xp recovery console failure
Post by: street1 (RIP) on November 21, 2006, 07:52:47 PM
"i recently purchased a new Dell: "

Danger Will Robinson...Danger!!  :o :o :o

Contact Dell immediately and have them replace you system.  The "recently purchased" should be a red flag to you.  A "new' system right out of the box should not give you error messages.  If you don't get this resolved NOW you'll regret it later with all the hassle and fiddling just to get it to work.

Alan <><  :D

Good Advice.


Title: Re: xp recovery console failure
Post by: Vincent on November 21, 2006, 11:08:28 PM
Hi there,

Take the PC back to Dell.
Tell them that you think the HDD has failed.

Vincent  ;)