Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: Raupe316 on February 19, 2007, 07:06:24 PM

Title: Sound Device Not Detected After Reboot
Post by: Raupe316 on February 19, 2007, 07:06:24 PM
 This is my first post on the forum here, but i've browsed through here for help with other issues, and i've been all over the internet on this one already this evening.

 Last night I changed a registry key by recommendation of my virus scanner to keep a virus from launching itself on reboot.  After removing the registry key, rebooting, and removing the virus, my computer began to run REALLY slowly.  I restored my registry to a point BEFORE I caught the virus, wondering if I had inadvertently damaged something in the process, and it seemed to work like it was supposed to, so I shut down my computer for the night.

 This afternoon when I booted up my computer, Windows XP was unable to detect a sound device, and was also unable to play system sounds (I use my motherboard's NVIDIA nForce onboard sound).  I've been all over the internet trying this fix and that, and trying to apply solutions for similar problems, but I haven't been able to find an effective fix for a problem quite like the one i'm having.  

 I was able to get my sound working properly again after copying sndvol32.exe off my Windows XP cd back into the proper directory, and then reinstalling the sound driver from my motherboard CD, which I thought was a remarkably simple fix.  But now, after rebooting my computer, Windows XP is unable to detect a sound device (Control Panel -> Sounds and Audio Devices displays "No Audio Device") until I install the drivers from my motherboard CD again, after which point it begins functioning properly.  Device Manager displays no conflicts, and shows everything to be functioning properly, the only abnormality being that I have Audio Codecs twice on my list of devices.  Even when windows doesn't detect my sound device, it's displayed as functional in Device Manager.  I'm not sure if it's something that i've screwed up in the registry, or my boot.ini, nor do I have any idea how to fix it at this point, so any guidance is appreciated :)

Title: Re: Sound Device Not Detected After Reboot
Post by: honvetops on February 19, 2007, 07:26:24 PM
Just a 1st suggestion, do a restart and go into your bios and make sure the onboard audio NVIDIA  (your mobo) is 'enabled".
Title: Re: Sound Device Not Detected After Reboot
Post by: Raupe316 on February 19, 2007, 08:04:04 PM
Just went through and looked, and everything in my BIOS appears to be in order, although I don't know what some of the things in there do, but I don't mess with them at all  :)