Computer Hope

Software => Apple => Topic started by: brock on March 20, 2007, 11:38:33 PM

Title: Dreamweaver to HTML files on Mac
Post by: brock on March 20, 2007, 11:38:33 PM
I have a series of identically tagged HTML files created using Dreamweaver.  Each one embeds a different movie file.  When uploaded to the host site, the different files seeme to be treated differently.  In one case, an extra embed tag is  created at the end of the line, and this seems to enable the movie to play. In other cases, no extra embed tag is created, and the movie fails to play.  I have tried adding the extra embed tags to my Dreamweaver page, but they seem to disappear when uploaded to the sever.  Does anyone know why the same files would be treated differently in the upload process?  
Title: Re: Dreamweaver to HTML files on Mac
Post by: Zylstra on March 22, 2007, 05:03:40 PM
*Moderators: You might want to move this one to WebDesign
I dont use Tags on my websites, so I cant guarentee if I understand your question

Are you uploading the video files when you upload the HTML files?
Also, check where the embeded video source is. You might want to use the full address format
(eg: instead of /movies/ have it ... try that on one of your pages and see if it works)

If its still not working, try using an FTP connection for your file transfer upload instead of using Dreamweaver