Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: Mr.Paul on March 28, 2007, 09:43:11 PM

Title: Haha Fire!
Post by: Mr.Paul on March 28, 2007, 09:43:11 PM
Well, in my super day, i came home to find that for some reason my cathode lighting caught on fire (or all out exploded) in my case!  I got soot on most of the stuff in it, but i was just wondering if the hard drives which were tright above it might still be usable, or salvagable, or anything other than trash, i dont really know why or how there was a fire, but there was, so any information, or something would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Dilbert on March 28, 2007, 09:48:30 PM
There was a FIRE in your PC? :o

I wouldn't dare even check the drives in another box if that's the case. Between the chance of soot spreading to a new box, and electrical malfunction, I'd just trash everything, especially if the thing started burning while it was on (which I presume was the case).

Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Mr.Paul on March 28, 2007, 09:55:10 PM
yep fire in the case, crappy huh. andyhoo, i'm not especialy kean on letting anything go, i have like 70 gigs of music and some movies on one drive, and some stuff that is irriplaceable on the other (2 hds).  What if i just put everything in a diffrent case?  Would it even be possible for the drives to still run, even if for a short period of time?
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Computer Hope Admin on March 28, 2007, 09:59:31 PM
You could try it in another computer, unfortunately however it's very likely it will not work. If the data is really important you can pay companies who specialize in recovering data, many of these companies are capable of recovering data from hard disk drives from more sever house fires.

A listing of these companies can be found at:

By the way I'm sure everyone (or at least me) would find it interesting if you posted pictures of your case if you have a digital camera. :)
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: honvetops on March 29, 2007, 03:07:28 AM
Well, in my super day, i came home to find that for some reason my cathode lighting caught on fire (or all out exploded) in my case!  I got soot on most of the stuff in it, but i was just wondering if the hard drives which were tright above it might still be usable, or salvagable, or anything other than trash, i dont really know why or how there was a fire, but there was, so any information, or something would be greatly appreciated.

cathode lighting <<  "would you care to let us know what brand of lighting?
                                   some of us mod'ers  might be interested to know and what  psu are you using ?
I would be very interested.....
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Mr.Paul on March 29, 2007, 03:15:41 PM
Im not sure exactly what the brand was, but it came stock on an alienware computer, and it was so much the lighting as the power inverter (if thats the right word for it), so you can see, where the thing used to be :'(.  But i have a 400w raidmax psu.  The little bos which im going to call an inverter till im corrected, was blue, and not too big, it had to slots for the lighting and i was only using one, this was the only problem Ive had with it, sorry that i dont know though. Just ask if there are anymore questions.

[old attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Computer Hope Admin on March 29, 2007, 03:20:58 PM
Wow that's pretty insane. Much thanks for the follow up and the pictures. If it came stock with the Alienware computer you may also want to contact them and inform them about the problem and maybe even see if they'll compensate you for the data recovery potentially caused by their product.
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Mr.Paul on March 29, 2007, 03:23:30 PM
i took it out of the alienware, im not sure if that matters though, thats a good idea, ill call them and let them know.
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Dilbert on March 29, 2007, 03:24:46 PM
:o :o :o

Okay, Mr. Paul, let's compare your hard drives with healthy equivalents:


If you took your hard drives to me, I would refuse to test them for fear of what could happen. When you burn an electronic component, chances are high that somewhere, a little tiny connector could be broken, and short out, creating a spark, causing a fire and then we'd both be out a rather expensive machine.

If you must have it tested, I won't can't stop you from plugging them in, but I don't recommend it. If anything, you *might* be able to take them to a computer store and ask for a test. I think Fry's would do that, but don't quote me.

What Admin said; ignore above paragraph (or read for future reference). ;)
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Mr.Paul on March 29, 2007, 03:32:13 PM
well, the mother board is still working, but, i put it in a new case that i had around (dont ask why). The only problem is that i dont know how the pins need to be put onto the motherboard, cause its a diffrent connector(s) than in the old case. so i cant really see if they still work.  right now im not worried about the other  parts, its the data i want, the computer is like 7 years old, and it only kept up cause i keep upgrading it, kinda a poor investment. But i think i will try frys we have one not too far away. Thanks ill keep ya posted
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: william.paul on March 29, 2007, 04:20:11 PM
hahahahahahaha!!!!! Sucks to be you! n00b! I should drop that off the deck.

*A note to everyone else, Mr. Paul is my brother. I can get away with these things.
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Mr.Paul on March 29, 2007, 04:22:10 PM
as soon as you find the time you get your worthless *censored* down here, feel free to drop it off the roof
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Dilbert on March 29, 2007, 05:25:59 PM
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: honvetops on March 29, 2007, 06:52:40 PM

Holy Crapo  Batman  !!!!

that  Sucks,,,,,man,  I'm sorry you had that   bad experience  !!
Your feedback w/ pictures is most awesome.... I hope future posters here can/ would do the same, it really adds to the humanity ! 

Is the repair bucket/ plate >  going around ???   ;)
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Mr.Paul on March 29, 2007, 07:18:46 PM
there is no repair bucket or plate in my house, i payed for everything in that computer, and ill get to pay everything to get a a new one, or that one working, BUT, i went to frys thanks to dilberts comment, and they say the drives work fine, and that i had the most interesting thing since they worked there, now i just need a case that works as well =C but its good that the hds work now they just look cool.  BUT if you wanna send me money im cool with that.
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Dilbert on March 29, 2007, 08:18:55 PM
I'd still get a new hdd and copy over the data to be safe. ;)
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: street1 (RIP) on March 30, 2007, 05:10:45 AM
Most interesting Chortle of the month.

Good new topic idea........COL ;D
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: honvetops on March 30, 2007, 06:24:02 AM
Alienware Computer + Heat + Fire =  extreme gaming !!!

I guess you could fit it somewhere in hardware / games      :D
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Dilbert on March 30, 2007, 10:06:51 AM
I still find it funny that the OP used the subject of "Haha Fire!". I get a mental image of a pyro with a flamethrower. ;D
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Mr.Paul on March 30, 2007, 02:25:43 PM
Haha, ok, so i was whining to a bud of mine who didnt have as much on the line by trying new stuff, and we thought of something, since the button was melted, i decided to just cut the wires, and complete the circet myself...AND shabam it works fine, cept it took like 5 mins to get all the hardware recognized again anyways, im glad to let you guys get a laugh at my expense. i might post some picks of my new power switch once i make one
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: Dilbert on March 30, 2007, 04:41:06 PM
I'm not laughing... I'm frightened. :o
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: patio on March 31, 2007, 09:14:02 AM

Make sure the House insurance is paid up...
Title: Re: Haha Fire!
Post by: william.paul on April 03, 2007, 06:24:35 AM
Yeah, I kinda have to agree. the rents would be pissed.....

Tell you what, as of yesterday I owe you a birthday present. Lets see what we can do about finding you some components that aren't sliced and diced, yes?