Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows Vista and 7 => Topic started by: Zylstra on April 06, 2007, 12:09:05 PM

Title: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Zylstra on April 06, 2007, 12:09:05 PM
I purchased a laptop last month with 1GB or RAM, a great graphics card, and Windows Vista.

I personally love it! It is a completely new interface (took a while to get used to) and its not just the "pretty" colors and layouts.

The only problems I have had were with UAC (Which I disabled) and a few compatibility problems (one was caused by software Dell just preinstalled, but hey, I'm not complaining! They accidentally upgraded my HDD)
(You are glad, cancel or allow?)

Overall, I think its worth it. It has many similarities with XP, but more differences.
Vista, as with every OS since Windows 3.1, has failed to update the sysedit.exe ... and that is probably one of the oldest pieces of software you will find in your Windows OS.

Along with the updates of the interface, control placements, and whatever else, many of the preinstalled apps were somewhat updated.
Write and Notepad now support the well working Speech Recognition, and those pre-installed games were updated too. (So what? I like Solitaire...)

The OS seems to handle crashes better than XP, but I have yet to witness crash recovery. So far, M$ doesent seem to have much in their crash solution database, as its still coming up with little fixes for these things.

(I refuse to enable that stupid bubble screen saver!)

If you use XP, it will take you a while to adjust. It took me forever to figure out how to uninstall a program, and it was right in front of me. They changed the layout and text to suite newer users better.
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: GX1_Man on April 06, 2007, 04:31:58 PM
But outside of the "pretties" and having to relearn how to do simple tasks, what are the improvements you've noticed? Granted the crash issue you have not seen at all.

When I install XP, the first thing I do is remove all of the changes so it will look like Win2000. No decrease in function, and nothing to relearn. Is that progress?
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Zylstra on April 06, 2007, 10:53:43 PM
Other improvements include:
Very sped up
Improved applications
Many new applications
Speech Recognition (Actually works great!)
Improved interface (Better for newbies)
Backup and restore
Better mobile support (power management and more)
Driver capabilities
Parental Controls
UAC (Better for smaller children, or people not experted at using Windows)
Better security

There are quite a few features that you dont really notice, and some you will never use. It seems to cover a wide range of people.

Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Calum on April 07, 2007, 02:49:14 AM
Off the topic a little . . . what laptop did you get in the end?

Seems Vista is working out for you, that's great.
I still don't see myself upgrading any time soon as most of the games I play aren't compatible with Vista, and I don't want to pay out for it either because I have no money at the minute.
However, the improved mobile support would appeal to me.
When I install XP, the first thing I do is remove all of the changes so it will look like Win2000. No decrease in function, and nothing to relearn. Is that progress?
Same here.
As for if it's progress, I'm not sure.
Most people seem happy with pretty green start buttons and blue taskbars, for some reason.
We're sane, it's the rest of the world that's crazy.
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: patio on April 07, 2007, 08:15:48 AM
You mean the default Fisher-Price theme ? ?
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Calum on April 07, 2007, 08:36:43 AM
Urgh . . . indeed I do.
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Dilbert on April 07, 2007, 08:38:31 AM
Heh, I installed a Vista-ish theme a while back. I like it, but I may go back to Royale soon. :)
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: patio on April 07, 2007, 09:41:04 AM
An Interesting Read... (
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: steelegbr on April 07, 2007, 11:25:21 AM
When I install XP, the first thing I do is remove all of the changes so it will look like Win2000. No decrease in function, and nothing to relearn. Is that progress?
Same here.
As for if it's progress, I'm not sure.
Most people seem happy with pretty green start buttons and blue taskbars, for some reason.
We're sane, it's the rest of the world that's crazy.

I'm currently running vista with the pretty graphics turned off (don't really know why - does it actually improve performance?).

I only see UAC stuff when I change a settings and when I install something. As I don't do either too often, it's not too bad (and it's only one click to accept!). It has not ticked me off ever.

The automatic backup is fantastic. After accidentally deleting a file (I naturally do SHIFT+DEL) required for coursework (I hadn't backed it up yet), simply right clicking and selecting an old version was fantastic.
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Zylstra on April 07, 2007, 01:18:38 PM
I purchased a Dell E1505

Specs are attached

[old attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Zylstra on April 07, 2007, 01:34:08 PM
Finally! Windows Expr has been released! I ran to the store and got it ASAP! The box for Windows Expr looked so cool!
The installer for Windows Expr was actually in high definition, which went so well with my old HD monitor.

Goodbye year 2007 Windows Vista, hello year 2013 Windows Expr!

Now that I loaded it, everything is different. All the new looks are just annoying!
I recommend that as soon as you get Expr, you revert the colors and schemes back to the Vista style, and QUICK!

Look at all of those updates M$ keeps putting out! I cant believe the security problems.
Go back to Vista, everyone!

--An alternative perspective by Zylstra
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: patio on April 07, 2007, 03:42:50 PM
Expr ? ?

I can't tell if this is humor or not...
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Zylstra on April 07, 2007, 11:25:10 PM
Expr ? ?

I can't tell if this is humor or not...
What do you mean, exactly?
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Calum on April 08, 2007, 03:13:59 AM
'm currently running vista with the pretty graphics turned off (don't really know why - does it actually improve performance?).
That's a fairly good laptop Zylstra, good all rounder.
And I get what you mean talking about Windows Expr ;)
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Zylstra on April 08, 2007, 02:28:07 PM
Not sure what the hidden meaning behind "Expr" is... it was supposed to mean "Expirence"...

It wont do much for your computer if you turn the special graphics off. If your computer starts running out of RAM, it will disable it for you. (It did that for me once, I was playing The Sims 2)

Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: majinbuu on April 08, 2007, 07:29:43 PM
Vista is a WASTE OF MONEY! I have a nice Computer with 1GB Ram, AMD ATHLON X2 DUAL CORE, ATI RADEON 9600 PRO 256MB, 300GB HD, but os is CRAP!

It slows down your comuter, and it has just as much as security flaws as XP. If you've heard the news, Vista has a repetitive crash exploit that can be accessed when you download a cursor!!!!!!

I reckon Win 2000 is better than all of them!!!
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on April 08, 2007, 08:27:10 PM
I agree 5000% I don't see the point of upgrading to a new os that has just come out and crashes 100 times a month and can't download/install most programs.
What is up with the 3d page view. That is what the task bar is for. Using the 3d view to switch pages is 5 times slower than clicking the button on the task bar.

I reckon Win 2000 is better than all of them!!!
I actually cant rember my experiences with windows 2000 and 98, after all i am 14.
I am used to Windows XP and it suits all my needs. Fast and efficient.
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Zylstra on April 08, 2007, 10:16:29 PM
I can see that I have a different opinion, but I still like Vista more than XP
As I recall, Windows 2000 has its own list of security problems.

Vista hasn't given me really any bad crashing problems. Your computer doesent completely freeze up during  a crash, like 2000, ME, 98, and 95.

I have used many operating systems, and by far, Vista is my favorite.

People thought that Windows XP, 2000, 98, 95, NT, 3.11, 3.1, 3.0, and 2.0 were a waste of money.
The future is here. Keep it if you will, but just remember: Soon, everything you see in stores will be compatible with Vista, not XP.

Think about it this way:
People thought about ever operating system except Windows 1.0 the same way as people think of Vista.
(Though, I used to be against XP... then I started using it, and I loved it. For some reason, I had nothing against Vista, and I think its just great!)
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: patio on April 09, 2007, 01:03:45 AM
I can see that I have a different opinion, but I still like Vista more than XP
As I recall, Windows 2000 has its own list of security problems.

Wrong Wrong...and Wrong again.

I don't know where you got that info from but anyone out there that knows their stuff will tell you that Win2K is not only the safest but also the most stable OS to come out of MS labs this decade...
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on April 09, 2007, 02:16:05 AM
What are the security problems with Windows XP?
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: patio on April 09, 2007, 11:20:21 AM
What are the security problems with Windows XP?

Do you want a list or would you prefer the novel ? ?
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: BraZillion on April 09, 2007, 12:02:27 PM
Vista is a new GUI and TCP/IP. The new GUI is a RAM *censored*, and the TC/IP causes many problems with gaming. The only good thing, which all in its own is lame, is DX10. Because windows is not going to allow DX10 on XP the only reason to get Vista right now is if your an avid gamer and you want to play DX10 games. They are forcing people to get vista for DX10 by not allowing support for it on XP. LAME!
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Zylstra on April 09, 2007, 04:46:29 PM
Time advances. Many programs that came out for older operating systems were not avalible for XP.

Windows 2000 has the same base as XP and Vista, it is just as secure.
"But Microsoft is always rushing those new 'security patches' all the time!" So what. Thats what makes it secure. Thats what made 2000 secure. Thats what made XP secure. And thats what is making Vista secure right now.

Look, the chances of a hacker using even 1/4th of the security exploits in any Microsoft OS (2000 and above) is low. They dont get to know the exploits fast enough, because the updates come out.

But like I said before, I do believe that many people have their own opinions.
But as well as before, many people thought the same way about XP as they think about Vista now. And many people will think the same way about the next Microsoft Operating System that comes out, and oh yes, they will continue.

Better kernel means better computer, and faster processing, even if it leaves some applications out.

Some things work better in Vista and some things work worse. (Same as XP. I have different software types that dont work in XP. Especially 3D rendering software.)

Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: GX1_Man on April 09, 2007, 05:27:52 PM
Better kernel means better computer, and faster processing, even if it leaves some applications out.

What??? And how does this apply to Vista?

Some things work better in Vista and some things work worse.

And some things don't work at all. Outside of DX10 games, what works better? And how do you judge that?
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Zylstra on April 09, 2007, 05:48:30 PM
*I give up*

I like it, and I think its great.

But I just cant emphasize more, this is the same thing that people said about XP five years ago or however long ago it was.
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: GX1_Man on April 09, 2007, 06:14:08 PM

I like it, and I think its great.

That's fair enough. Opinions are OK, but are different than fact.

But I just cant emphasize more, this is the same thing that people said about XP five years ago or however long ago it was.

Some of us still do.  ;)
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Zylstra on April 09, 2007, 07:57:23 PM

But I just cant emphasize more, this is the same thing that people said about XP five years ago or however long ago it was.

Some of us still do.  ;)
LOL! Very true (like my cousin, he doesent like XP, I happen to like its driver support and application handling, so I just say to him: "Would you rather have a Mac?")
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on April 10, 2007, 08:38:33 AM
I don't like mac.......
The reason is too complicating. I guess i was brought up that way.
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: patio on April 10, 2007, 09:26:56 AM
Vista is a new GUI and TCP/IP. The new GUI is a RAM w***e, and the TC/IP causes many problems with gaming.

What does this mean ? ?
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: tc28376 on April 10, 2007, 12:05:26 PM
i think i will stick with windows xp for now its great and a friend of mine has vista and having trouble with it freezing up.
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: Zylstra on April 10, 2007, 12:36:09 PM
Vista is a new GUI and TCP/IP. The new GUI is a RAM w***e, and the TC/IP causes many problems with gaming.

What does this mean ? ?
I have been trying to figure this out as well
Title: Re: What do you think about Vista now?
Post by: patio on April 11, 2007, 02:29:28 AM
At least it's got TC / IP ......that feature alone was worth waiting for.