Computer Hope

Software => BSD, Linux, and Unix => Topic started by: dend on May 18, 2007, 08:34:45 AM

Title: Cron job not running at all (shell script)
Post by: dend on May 18, 2007, 08:34:45 AM
I am trying to setup a cron job but cannot get it to run at all. I have a shell script I want to run and like many others, I can get it to run from the command line but not through cron. I have tried all suggestions I can find but they don't seem to make any difference.

The job I have is:
23 15 * * * /home/sde/sdecompress/ > /home/sde/sdecompress/sde_sh

Running on its own is fine, but not that script when its in the cron job. I don't even get the logfile or mail, and I was trying with an error log (i.e. 2>), but still did not get anything. I have a line in my script to echo the date but it doesn't even return that:

# Description:
# set -x
echo this is a test
sdemon -o shutdown -p sde -N

The permissions are available (I did a chmod 777 to ensure that) but am at a loss as to how to get it to run. Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?!

My system details are:
AIX 5L Version 5.3 - Unix
There is a cron.deny, without any entries in it.
Title: Re: Cron job not running at all (shell script)
Post by: banjo67xxx on May 18, 2007, 08:53:30 AM
23 15 * * * /home/sde/sdecompress/ > /home/sde/sdecompress/sde_sh

You wont see anything happening at 23:15 as this is set to run at 15:23. For testing purposes set it to * * * * * so it runs every minute.
Another thing to check, does AIX require that /home/sde/sdecompress/ be listed in /etc/shells ?

echo this is a test
sdemon -o shutdown -p sde -N

Your .profile wont execute within the same shell without a preceding .
All commands should use the full pathname as the context of cron jobs is not the same as that inherited from a login

Code: [Select]
. /home/sde/.profile
/usr/bin/echo this is a test
/home/sde/sdecompress/sdemon -o shutdown -p sde -N
Title: Re: Cron job not running at all (shell script)
Post by: dend on May 22, 2007, 04:50:24 AM
Thanks for your reply, I have been out of the office so couldn't post any sooner.

I seem to have a bit more progress now. The script will run (the echo command works), but

The problem seems to be recognising the 'sdemon command'; when I check my mail now it says (path name)/sde_shutdown[7]: sdemon: not found.

If I were using another language it would be straightforward here - enclose it in quotes to get the whole line to run as it has spaces in. Is there a way around this in Unix?
Title: Re: Cron job not running at all (shell script)
Post by: banjo67xxx on May 22, 2007, 08:01:29 AM
Thanks for your reply, I have been out of the office so couldn't post any sooner.


The problem seems to be recognising the 'sdemon command'; when I check my mail now it says (path name)/sde_shutdown[7]: sdemon: not found.

If I were using another language it would be straightforward here - enclose it in quotes to get the whole line to run as it has spaces in. Is there a way around this in Unix?

You can do that in bash/sh on linux/AIX too

Code: [Select]
"/home/sde path name/sdemon" -o shutdown -p sde -N