Computer Hope

Other => Other => Off topic => Topic started by: Computer Hope Admin on June 08, 2007, 02:35:57 AM

Title: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: Computer Hope Admin on June 08, 2007, 02:35:57 AM
If you've ever found yourself trying to fish your mobile out of the toilet, you're not alone. A staggering 855,000 handsets are flushed away every year in the UK - that's roughly £342 million we're 'loo'sing. Research by SimplySwitch, the price comparison and switching service, found 4.5m handsets are lost or damaged every year.
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: Calum on June 08, 2007, 02:58:41 AM
I haven't dropped one there myself, but I've had a few close calls (pun not intended).
My friends and cousins have dropped loads though, I fail to see how they dropped more than one - surely after losing one you would be more careful?
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: Dark Blade on June 08, 2007, 03:04:08 AM
Lol, close call!

Quite interesting, but it doesn't really affect me; I don't even have a phone yet (parents won't let me have one for another 2 years...).
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: reaper_tbs on June 08, 2007, 07:58:18 AM
i've had 4 run over, one of them 3 times, and one of those times by a semi trailer. that was the last time  :o then again, i've had my psp run over by a fat guy too :P
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on June 08, 2007, 08:04:29 AM
How can you get your phone or psp run over?? Do you leave it at the side of the road, lol!
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: reaper_tbs on June 08, 2007, 08:14:14 AM
lol no i have a short temper... for instance... one of my phones was persistant when it came to not working, and it happened to get this new air of persistance while i was in my backyard, so i threw it in the general direction of the house, only to find that i missed... (yes i know, how can you miss a house :-X ) my phone when over the house, and landed on the road. upon trying to investigate, it got run over before i could get to it (run over by a Holden Commodore that is). i didn't mind too much... might as well have some fun if it doesn't work anyway, or you could do what everyone else does and sell it to cash converters :-X
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: Computer Hope Admin on June 08, 2007, 06:51:40 PM
I've ran over my phone, thankfully it survived with just a little display damage. Happened as I was getting into the car it must of fell out of my pocket and as I was backing up ran over it.
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: reaper_tbs on June 08, 2007, 08:38:30 PM
you know i actually find the terminology in the first post offensive, mind you i'm Australian though...

that is.. cellphone  :o don't care about brit or brits :P but cellphone? i don't like it...
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: Calum on June 09, 2007, 04:01:27 AM
Yeah, I prefer mobile phone, but whatever . . . they outnumber us here.
Talking of mobiles, you should see my friend's, I'll try and get a picture sometime.
He decided he hates it so he's hit it with a mallet, played tennis with it, threw it a few hundred times, stamped on it and attacked it with a saw, and who knows what else.
It still works though, it's amazing.
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: chriscool9 on June 09, 2007, 09:19:34 AM
On my 5th within one year.
My Samsung D900
I dont have much luck with phones.

Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: reaper_tbs on June 09, 2007, 06:44:20 PM
dude... d900... nice phone. i had a nokia 7260, it got run over twice, eaten by the dog (don't ask), welded, dropped off a balcony, and lost it's screen. everything is still fully functional except for the memory  :-X so i was forced to try to get a tougher phone, the 5140i  ;D i'm happy with it. seems more fragile than the 7260 though... :-\
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: chriscool9 on June 10, 2007, 08:34:22 AM
Not to keen on it to be frank. Prefer my W810i. Two things which i think are good about it. The Camera - Since im with my mates alot of the time we take a fair amount of photos, and the quality is nice. The slide function as well. Thats nice. Apart from that let down really.

Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: reaper_tbs on June 10, 2007, 10:11:28 AM
well... i only know the d series by samsung and my brother has every phone in the series for some strange reason, but i like the 900 and 500 the most...
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: street1 (RIP) on June 10, 2007, 01:39:27 PM
This is a question for reaper_tbs. ;D

Hey Brit!!What do people do with portable telephones/cellphones/mobile phones

in the bathroom/loo/toilet/shitter ?............Hmmm.
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: Zylstra on June 10, 2007, 02:49:35 PM
I've ran over my phone, thankfully it survived with just a little display damage. Happened as I was getting into the car it must of fell out of my pocket and as I was backing up ran over it.

Do you have the slightest idea of how many people I know that have done that?

My parents forced the cell phone into my hands. I dont like cell phones, they are not near close to being perfected technology.
(They are quite annoying)
Especially since there is no reception out here... and my cell phone spends all its time going "Oh cell phone tower, where art thou?" wasting its battery using its high power consumption... *sigh*
Title: Re: Brits Drop 850,000 Phones Down the Toilet - Each Year
Post by: reaper_tbs on June 10, 2007, 03:09:16 PM
This is a question for reaper_tbs. ;D

Hey Brit!!What do people do with portable telephones/cellphones/mobile phones

in the bathroom/loo/toilet/shitter ?............Hmmm.
do i want to know? i keep mine in my pocket lol

btw - i'm aussie, not british, lucky for them :P