Computer Hope

Other => Other => Off topic => Topic started by: Jonas Wauters on June 12, 2007, 03:38:23 AM

Title: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: Jonas Wauters on June 12, 2007, 03:38:23 AM
If I'm missing something in between please tell me.
I vote for Vista, I do know that there are still some problems but XP is getting bored. ::)

Thanks for participating:

Jonas ;)
Title: Re: Best Windows Version?
Post by: Calum on June 12, 2007, 03:42:35 AM
These topics crop up every so often, but I don't think I've seen one including Vista before.
XP gets my vote, for the simple reason that that's what I use most of the time.
Earlier versions I was too young to know much about except from Win2K, which I only used a little bit so I don't have much experience with it.
Whilst I have sued Vista even less, I dislike it just from that.
I don't like the GUI it has, and I don't like the system requirements either.
I also don't like the way it saps performance and many games and other programs and hardware do not work yet.
I'm sure the problems with incompatibility will be worked out soon, but I'll stick with XP for the performance reasons, and because I prefer the GUI.
Title: Re: Best Windows Version?
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on June 12, 2007, 03:47:04 AM
Hey Jonas Wauters, change the question to 'What windows operating system do you like the best'
It makes more sense. You can't really say what is the best OS, otherwise, all of them a great.
Title: Re: Best Windows Version?
Post by: GX44 on June 12, 2007, 03:57:53 AM
I voted XP as well...

Windows 3.1, only used that briefly, and only played freecell or solitaire heh.

95 was just a bridge to be crossed on way to 98, which up until XP, I considered the best/my faveourite.

ME was just a horrible thing that should be removed from history.

Haven't really used Win2k, so I can't comment on it.

As for Vista, I had a copy of it installed to see if it was any good. From what I seen, hardly any software/drivers (at the time I used it) were compatible with an OS that was meant for things to "just work."  Ate up loads of system resources while idle, so I got rid of it.

Anyway, XP is my choice... Feel free to tear my opinion up, it's only 1 persons opinon... Plus I may not have had the same experiences as others :)
Title: Re: Best Windows Version?
Post by: Dark Blade on June 12, 2007, 03:59:20 AM
I remember, many years ago, when I was at my friend's house, and I was amazed that he had Windows ME! I only had like Windows 98 at the time. Amazing how times have changed...
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: street1 (RIP) on June 12, 2007, 05:22:59 AM
Used to we didn't have no Winders. ;D

I haven't got to use 'used to' in a Coons age.

Thanks for the opportunity. ;D

I chose Winders XP.
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: Jonas Wauters on June 12, 2007, 05:25:00 AM
Anyway, XP is my choice... Feel free to tear my opinion up, it's only 1 persons opinon... Plus I may not have had the same experiences as others :)
I'll do  ;D.
Ok in my home network there are 3 XP's (prof)SP2 including mine and one Vista home premium.
In the beginning it wasn't able to connect to any of our printers.
Now a few months later it is able to Connect to 2 of our 3 printers.
Because the 3rde one is shared through a XP PC and Vista wouldn't connect to XP.
Hope this is going to be fixed but I don't think sow.
Sow my opinion is:
That for the moment Vista is growing very fast and I think that I won't take much time to get Vista in an appropriate state.

Jonas ;)
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: GX44 on June 12, 2007, 05:34:31 AM
I doubt I'll even consider Vista again until at least a second SP has been released for it.

Not sure if it was on here someone said, which I completely agree with, was M$ releases are like:

M$ RC1=Alpha
M$ RC2=Beta
M$ Release = (Actual) RC1

Especially with Vista. I guess Vista can only get better though, I could be proved wrong in time...
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: lordvader781 on June 12, 2007, 08:01:59 AM
I chose XP because it seems to be the most compatible with old and new software.  It's also not nearly as much of a resource hog as Vista is.  As for the other OS's, I've never used anything before Win 95.  95 seemed like an early version of 98.  Win 98 was the first system I ever used and is my second favorite.  Don't know anything about ME.  Like 95, Win2k seemed as if it was an early version of XP.  I haven't used Win2k much at all, but it seemed like an okay OS to me.  As for Vista, I thinks it's a complete joke.  For an OS that took several years and was behind schedule by several months, you would think it would be a little more polished.  I know it will get better over time with SP1 and later, but I still don't like it.  It's way too resource heavy, is hardly compatible with any old software, and has a overdone GUI.  Like we really need all that Aero stuff, which only bogs the system down.
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: Jonas Wauters on June 12, 2007, 08:07:10 AM
I doubt I'll even consider Vista again until at least a second SP has been released for it.
Vista doesn't even have a First SP sow...
But when there is a more completer version then they 'll give it an other name.

Jonas ;)
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: GX44 on June 12, 2007, 08:34:23 AM
I doubt I'll even consider Vista again until at least a second SP has been released for it.
Vista doesn't even have a First SP sow...

I know... Just making a point as to how far Vista has to come before I'll consider it. :)
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: Calum on June 12, 2007, 08:44:05 AM
Vista is only an interim release anyway, at least that's what I've heard.
Apparently the next version will not have such a big gap between it and Vista as Vista and XP, and will include many of the features dropped from Vista because it was so far behind schedule.
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: GX44 on June 12, 2007, 08:50:51 AM
Should probably be a good idea to spend less time on features and extras etc and spend more time on compatibility issues?

I'v only heard a small amount about how the sales of Vista are doing, but apparently it's not doing too badly? If the hunk of rubbish they shipped as a final release is selling well, they would probably have done a lot better if they shipped a product that had less problems with it.

I know all software has it's issues, but I'm sure they could have ironed out some of the stuff if they waited that little bit longer.
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: 2k_dummy on June 12, 2007, 09:06:49 AM
Its all six of one, half dozen the other. Microsofts goals:

1. Completely do away with DOS in all its incarnations.
2. Forget backward compatabilty - a New OS is for a New Computer.
3. Control DRM and copy protection - They decide what will or will not run on your computer.
4. Seize absolute control of the internet.

Microsoft thinks it is their manafest destiny to rule the world.
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: unlovedwarrior on June 12, 2007, 09:10:59 AM
xp... MS will be brought down mark my words....
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: GX44 on June 12, 2007, 09:12:36 AM
Can you actually imagine what it would be like is Microsoft had absolute control of the internet??? ::shudder::
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: unlovedwarrior on June 12, 2007, 09:14:50 AM
i would move
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: michaewlewis on June 12, 2007, 12:55:20 PM
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: Zylstra on June 13, 2007, 02:56:21 PM
I do use Linux, but I am still far more impressed with Windows.

I voted Vista

I absolutely love Vista, it does seem to have higher standards than what most people consider it.

Sure, it requires a better graphics card, RAM, Processor, but hey, it all ends up making your computer faster  ;)

Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: GX44 on June 14, 2007, 02:05:20 AM
My rig is particlarly meaty, it could handle Vista no problem. But I can't bring myself to change from XP.
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: unlovedwarrior on June 14, 2007, 08:18:09 AM
My rig is particlarly meaty, it could handle Vista no problem. But I can't bring myself to change from XP.

my new rig is to.. but i might buy another hhd vista on it
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: lordvader781 on June 14, 2007, 08:43:50 AM
Can you actually imagine what it would be like is Microsoft had absolute control of the internet??? ::shudder::

Or how about if Microsoft one day ceased to exist or at least was no longer dominant.  That would be the day.
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: unlovedwarrior on June 14, 2007, 08:45:27 AM
Can you actually imagine what it would be like is Microsoft had absolute control of the internet??? ::shudder::

Or how about if Microsoft one day ceased to exist or at least was no longer dominant.  That would be the day.

a wonderous one..
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: GX44 on June 14, 2007, 08:52:56 AM
Indeed it would ;D
Title: Re: What windows operating system do you like the best?
Post by: Zylstra on June 14, 2007, 01:08:43 PM
Can you actually imagine what it would be like is Microsoft had absolute control of the internet??? ::shudder::

Or how about if Microsoft one day ceased to exist or at least was no longer dominant.  That would be the day.

a wonderous one..
(Think of all the Macintoshes  :o )