Computer Hope

Other => Other => Off topic => Topic started by: Richenstony on July 21, 2007, 02:13:08 PM

Title: why i have been away
Post by: Richenstony on July 21, 2007, 02:13:08 PM
I have been away latley because i have been having a *censored* of a lot of problems with socal services in my country and i am in major crisis at the moment of looseing my kid and my gf i wont go into to much detail but i though you all should know  :'(

Things cant be much worse........ >:( :'(
Title: Re: why i have been away
Post by: reaper_tbs on July 21, 2007, 02:17:51 PM
woah.. sorry to hear that man... :-\
hope things turn out ok...
you have my full support! ;D
well.. however much it may help anyway :P
Title: Re: why i have been away
Post by: Comp Guy on July 21, 2007, 02:41:33 PM
 ??? ??? ???

Glad your back, Tony!

You have my support too. :)
Title: Re: why i have been away
Post by: Computer Hope Admin on July 21, 2007, 11:29:45 PM
Sorry to hear about all that. Hope you get it all resolved.
Title: Re: why i have been away
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on July 21, 2007, 11:34:52 PM
Sorry to hear that, Tony. I really hope you clear it up too.
Title: Re: why i have been away
Post by: CBMatt on July 22, 2007, 05:51:59 AM
Sheesh, I'm sorry to hear that, Tony.  I've been going through a few major problems of my own (personal stuff that only a tiny handful of people know about), which has limited my online activity slightly.  Your situation sounds a bit more serious than my own, though, and I hope you manage to get it all worked out.
Title: Re: why i have been away
Post by: Richenstony on July 22, 2007, 06:06:28 AM
Sheesh, I'm sorry to hear that, Tony.  I've been going through a few major problems of my own (personal stuff that only a tiny handful of people know about), which has limited my online activity slightly.  Your situation sounds a bit more serious than my own, though, and I hope you manage to get it all worked out.
I dont think i can dig myself back up from this mate , whats happened has happened now i got to try and find a way to make myself better because its very deppresseing ............ i aint been on my own in 2 years and now i am so its very very very hard.

I dont mind discussing some of my issues but theres a lot more to this than meets the eye and im saw people wouldnt understand.....i was explaining it to everyone because as everyone knows im never offline lmao and im trying to take my mind of things while im on here , i also wasnt online because i corupted my harddrive with illegal software but thats a whole other story.....
Title: Re: why i have been away
Post by: CBMatt on July 22, 2007, 06:18:47 AM
I'm sorry, Tony.  I'm about one of the most cynical people out there, so I don't know if I can be much comfort.  But I can say that in my experience, some of the biggest emotional tragedies and obstacles tend to develop us in a positive way.  Some of the worst things in my life have made me a better person.  And even the crap I'm dealing with now are bringing about positive changes in me.  Despite how painful the events are, I can already feel myself making better choices and handling things differently.  I'm trying to better myself so I won't have to deal with these problems again. hard as this stuff is, just remember that something good will come of it.  You may not recognize it at first, but it'll come.

As for your harddrive...I'm also sorry to hear about that, but let's hope you've learned your lesson when it comes to warez, eh?
Title: Re: why i have been away
Post by: Richenstony on July 22, 2007, 06:26:56 AM
Yh on the plus i have a ton of space now 210gbs its all good.....i do know where your coming from and i really am thankful for that advice but ive heard that before and ive been liveing a bad life now since i was 16 and it doesnt appear to be stopping .... whats a guy to do ....... there are things you couldnt possbiley imagine ive tryed to do to stop this from hurting so bad.....its a dark spot in my chest and its eating and sucking the life out of me..... i asked the GP and a shrink i have got post traumatic stress and something else which i aint gunna say but it inflicks my actions on every day life .......... im gunna install AIM again chris we can chat on there tonight mate i will send ya pm with my screename .... i got shot of it because it was taking up space but im saw i can set aside some now.......

But on a darker note . all good things come to a end  :'( its something now that isnt just a fancy quote its true and its about time i understood that.
Title: Re: why i have been away
Post by: CBMatt on July 22, 2007, 06:37:40 AM
Yeah, unfortunately, life isn't very easy for many of us.  But if it was, I suppose it wouldn't be too terribly interesting.  I mean, just watch a few sitcoms...most of the time, they're only funny when there's a bit of underlying tragedy.  Alas, I must get some sleep because I've been up all night editing a book and I'm exhausted.  But perhaps I'll see you online soon.
Title: Re: why i have been away
Post by: Richenstony on July 22, 2007, 06:38:34 AM

have a watch and you will understand the pure gravity of my siutation a little more , the song sums it all up.....