Computer Hope

Other => Other => Topic started by: ale52 on August 31, 2007, 08:22:58 PM

Title: You need to get this done
Post by: ale52 on August 31, 2007, 08:22:58 PM
Hi everyone,

Well, I had a colonoscopy done today.  You know, where they stick a camera up your *censored* and check the colon for cancer and various and sundry stuff.  Anyway, everything checked out OK.

I just wanted to address the fear that's associated with this process.  Personally, I built this thing into a mountain.  In reality, it's one of the easiest things one can do to protect themselves from this deadly killer (colon cancer).

Yesterday I had to drink the "jungle juice" to clean out your pipes.  Now, I'd heard tales that this stuff was worse than caster oil.  Well, the stuff I had tasted like a flat soda...period.  I was able to pound down 2 quarts of this stuff in about 3 hours without a hitch.  Cleaned the pipes just fine.

Everyone at the hospital was reassuring, kind and sometimes downright funny.  They rolled me into the examination room, nurses joking and having more fun than I thought they should.  One nurse asked if I wanted to watch the procedure.  I said..."gimme the juice".  60 seconds later I was out like a light and the next thing I knew I was in the recovery room with my wife by my side.

Beings I don't take any kind of medications, drink or smoke, it's taking some time for the "juice" that they used to knock me out fade away, so I'm kind of loopy now  :P

All-in-all, it was an experience that, if I have to repeat it years from now, will be a no-brainer.

So the moral of the story is:  Don't be afraid of this.  There is some discomfort when cleaning the pipes (and that's not all that bad either, just stick close to the can and you'll be fine) but other than that, it truly is a breeze.

If you are of the age (I'm 55) please do this.

Alan <><  :D
Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: Zylstra on August 31, 2007, 08:44:05 PM
(I'm not 55...)

You know, I would think that it would be a bit more difficult to do this, but from what you described, it sounds simple.

I wouldn't think that they would administer any sort of anesthesia (well, not the stuff that puts you out at least)
I suppose if you were worried about someone seeing your... er... rump, the anesthesia would spare you that humility.  (Not like their going to make a big deal about it, I'm sure they have all seen plenty, in fact, they probably put that surgery covering stuff on so those parts aren't as well exposed)

But, if I may ask, about how much does the average insurance kick in with such an operation?
Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: patio on September 01, 2007, 12:28:15 PM
Alan this is great info...not only do most people know nothing about this procedure but they tend to put it off because of their misconceptions...
The key to treating this insidious disease is early treatment. I've recently read they recommend having the procedure in the low to mid 40's now which i fit into.
You have talked me into it and i will be scheduling it next week as i ahve some free time coming...
I'm glad you posted this and also thankful it all went well for you.
Here's to your continued good health !
Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: street1 (RIP) on September 01, 2007, 08:39:30 PM
lol.............I had that done 2 years ago before they surgically removed a large growth.

Anyway no cancer and all is well.

Very good advice ale52.
Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: Hopester Doofus on September 02, 2007, 01:41:45 AM
In Computer Hope terminology...

It's not the utility that concerns me, it's the installation.
Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: ale52 on September 02, 2007, 08:07:24 AM
"But, if I may ask, about how much does the average insurance kick in with such an operation?"

Right now I don't know.  I'm on my wife's insurance and it's very good (she works for the hospital where I had the procedure done).  If I remember I'm PM you when I get the bill  ;).  You can stay awake if you want to watch.  My thoughts are:  God put this stuff on the inside so you DON'T have to look :o

I'm really glad to be able to post something that is so incredibly misunderstood...mainly by me  ;D  I built this up to be a huge mountain when in reality it wasn't even a molehill.
My brother's wife is going to have the procedure done in October and he, as well as she, was under the same misconception that I was.  After talking to him last night he's much more at ease with it and relayed the info to his wife as well.

Glad you're cancer free.  My mom died of cancer almost 10 years ago.  It could have been treated but she was afraid.  Too bad  :'(

When they knock you out, you don't care about the "installation" as you're in la-la land.  You wake up as though nothing happened.  My rear-end wasn't even sore  ::)

Anyway,  glad I could post this for everyone's benefit.

Alan <><  :D
Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: patio on September 02, 2007, 08:14:47 AM
"your rear end".....

Now i'm totally confused ! !

 ;D :D ;D
Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: Hopester Doofus on September 02, 2007, 11:18:10 AM

When they knock you out, you don't care about the "installation" as you're in la-la land.  You wake up as though nothing happened.  My rear-end wasn't even sore  ::)

Well aware of that, amigo. 'Twas just a little joke.  :)

I actually greatly appreciate the post, because my day is coming soon; colon cancer runs in my family (my aunt succumbed to it not too long ago) and you're the second person this week who has shared their coolonoscopy story to me.  Knowing the facts is going to encourage me not to let my fear of the procedure override my good common sense.

Godspeed, my friend.
Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: ale52 on September 02, 2007, 11:38:00 AM
You are most welcome.  This is something that no one should be afraid of, yet the idea of some stranger sticking a long black snake up your *censored* is a little much to deal with.   :P

I can't encourage people enough to have this done.  I'm truly glad to share my story in the hopes of helping prevent some other poor soul from being victim of a colon cancer.

I HATE cancer  >:( >:( >:(

Alan <><  :D
Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: street1 (RIP) on September 02, 2007, 03:18:57 PM
Now I must tell you ale52.I call it 'Roto Rooter' that makes the
fear factor go away.  ;D
Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: PeckerWood on September 02, 2007, 03:48:57 PM
Really usefull topic. Thumbs UP!! ;)
Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: ale52 on September 06, 2007, 09:31:14 PM
Just came back from the follow-up visit to the doctor.  He said my pipes look very good and I won't have to come back for 10 years  ;D :D ;D :D

Being vegetarian has paid off!  :o :o

Alan <><  :D
Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: honvetops on September 06, 2007, 09:42:48 PM
Alan , I'm so glad for you and you must feel great* ...........

Title: Re: You need to get this done
Post by: ale52 on September 07, 2007, 06:29:07 AM
Thanks honvetops  ;)  Yes, I DO feel great.  Cancer runs in the family (my mom died of it) and my dad has prostate cancer (under control with medication).

Another test done  ;D  Woo-hoo  :o :o

Alan <><  :D