Computer Hope

Internet & Networking => Web design => Topic started by: Gary1963 on September 04, 2007, 06:46:12 AM

Title: Adobe Photoshop & Optimizing for Web
Post by: Gary1963 on September 04, 2007, 06:46:12 AM

It seems that every time you take Photoshop and save optimize for web, and take it to say dreamweaver or frontpage and load it as a web page it loads one gif at a time and does not look professional.

Any ideas on how I can have gifs load better?    Or do I need to explain myself better?

Go to this website as an example of what I am talking about:


Gary   ;D
Title: Re: Adobe Photoshop & Optimizing for Web
Post by: michaewlewis on September 04, 2007, 07:46:00 AM
Who's hosting your website?
One thing I noticed in your code that could be slowing you down is the preloadimages() function. Try taking that out and see if it speeds up the load time.
The other thing that is slowing you down is that your entire website is images. Not only will it take forever to load a page, but it will be a nightmare for you or anyone else to update the website. Try replacing as much content as you can with text. You also don't need to use gifs for most of your graphics. Switch them with jpegs and see what happens. jpegs load differently on webpages than gifs do and might fix the problem. Just make sure you don't compress them too much. :)