Computer Hope

Other => Other => Off topic => Topic started by: yanng1 on September 06, 2007, 08:59:12 PM

Title: A fun question
Post by: yanng1 on September 06, 2007, 08:59:12 PM

My professor asked me this.  It is not for credit, I think he's just having fun with me.
Try to answer this question:

Rex, Ham, Woody & Buzz are crossing a bridge.
In order for anyone to cross they need the 1 flashlight they have.
The bridge can support only 2 of them at any time (any 2 doesn't matter).
The flashlight battery has 1 hour left on it.

It takes woody 10 minutes to cross, Buzz 5 minutes, Ham 25 minutes and Rex 20 minutes to cross. 

how can this be done with only 1 hour of flashlight life?
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: Comp Guy on September 06, 2007, 10:02:41 PM
Wow, are you sure there is a solution to this?
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: yanng1 on September 06, 2007, 10:47:28 PM
No.  It is possible that this question=undefined.  But I feel like there is an answer.
PS.  no cheating like, "buzz can fly, or carry woody"
Im looking for 'computer science' answers.
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: Comp Guy on September 06, 2007, 10:50:49 PM
If Buzz were to go across with each of them, and then come back to get the next person, the time would be 65 minutes. Hence, still exceeding the hour limit.
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: mektek on September 07, 2007, 09:38:54 AM
The two fastest go across. 10 minutes
The fastest returns with torch 5 minutes
the two slowest go across 25 minutes
The second fastest returns 10minutes
the two fast go across again 10 minutes

Total 60 minutes - What do i win?
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: yanng1 on September 07, 2007, 11:15:50 AM
Very good mek-tek.  Thank you.  Can I ask how long it took you? 

-I got nothing to offer, but I think the computer hope Admin should bump you up from beginner. 
that was more than a real 'beginner' would have got.
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: Ivy on September 07, 2007, 11:23:37 AM
Level of expertise dont depend on how smart a person is , it depends on how many posts a person has( i guess smart people have more posts :-\), any way super kool proven again  8).

P.S. whats the matter Mektek you dont even attend great weddings anymore, even when you are invited!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: yanng1 on September 07, 2007, 11:33:22 AM
I know, ivy.  I was telling mek tek that his quality outweighs his quantity.  The commendation for his status remains though. 
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: Ivy on September 07, 2007, 11:44:38 AM
I know, ivy.  I was telling mek tek that his quality outweighs his quantity.  The commendation for his status remains though. 
What i was refring to was a joke or a locked thread called level of expertise, so just chill  :)
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: Richenstony on September 07, 2007, 01:09:03 PM
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: Ivy on September 07, 2007, 01:11:50 PM
Get whom Tony?
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: Richenstony on September 07, 2007, 01:57:06 PM
ya told him to chill :D
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: Ivy on September 07, 2007, 02:10:46 PM
To chill is to relax :)
and where on the earth is pekerwood !!!!!!!!!
i had heard of a run away bride but pekerwood is the first runaway bridegroom!!!!!!
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: Comp Guy on September 07, 2007, 02:56:43 PM
Wow I cannot believe I didn't think of that! I was close though :P

Good job, mektek! :D
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: unlovedwarrior on September 07, 2007, 10:23:36 PM
Level of expertise dont depend on how smart a person is , it depends on how many posts a person has( i guess smart people have more posts :-\), any way super kool proven again  8).

P.S. whats the matter Mektek you dont even attend great weddings anymore, even when you are invited!!!!!!!!!

post counts don't mean anything in here its just a name what counts is the quality of the posts you make and the advise you give
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: Ivy on September 07, 2007, 10:36:00 PM
You are right Unloved, and i was referring to a thread , anyway i guess not many read it ( in that thread Mektek , Spero and me were joking about levels os expertise) .... :) :)
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: contrex on September 08, 2007, 05:00:17 AM
This is one of those thinking tests like we had at school 40 years ago.

A farmer is standing on one bank of a river, with a fox, a chicken, and a bag of grain. He needs to get to the other side of the river, taking the fox, the chicken, and the grain with him.

However, the boat used to cross the river is only large enough to carry the farmer and one of the things he needs to take with him, so he will need to make several trips in order to get everything across.

In addition, he cannot leave the fox unattended with the chicken, or else the fox will eat the chicken; and he cannot leave the chicken unattended with the grain, or else the chicken will eat the grain. The fox is not particularly partial to grain, and may be left alone with it.

How can he get everything across the river without anything being eaten?

Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: street1 (RIP) on September 08, 2007, 05:27:08 AM
Take the chicken across,then the grain,take the chicken back,get the fox,
take the fox back across,and leave him with the grain,now go back and get
the chicken.

Bwahahaha! We were having chicken for supper anyhow. ;D

I haven't heard that in a long time contrex.....We're old. LOL
Title: Re: A fun question
Post by: Comp Guy on September 08, 2007, 02:02:42 PM
This is one of those thinking tests like we had at school 40 years ago.

A farmer is standing on one bank of a river, with a fox, a chicken, and a bag of grain. He needs to get to the other side of the river, taking the fox, the chicken, and the grain with him.

However, the boat used to cross the river is only large enough to carry the farmer and one of the things he needs to take with him, so he will need to make several trips in order to get everything across.

In addition, he cannot leave the fox unattended with the chicken, or else the fox will eat the chicken; and he cannot leave the chicken unattended with the grain, or else the chicken will eat the grain. The fox is not particularly partial to grain, and may be left alone with it.

How can he get everything across the river without anything being eaten?
Yanng's was harder!