Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows Vista and 7 => Topic started by: san on September 08, 2007, 07:47:41 AM

Title: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: san on September 08, 2007, 07:47:41 AM
I have Vista as my opertating system,but have a XP Home Recovery partition.I originally had a clean XP but i did somethin stupid and it wont boot up.I then tried the Recovery function but now it was not the usual GUI instead now it is command promt which i have no clue of operating.My OEM is Compaq,but the Vista is from Dell which i got with my laptop.Currently i hav no probs with Vista, but i wud like to know is there any way of restoring XP on a new partition from the recovery partition D (like a dual boot).
Title: Re: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: mundesley on September 08, 2007, 10:02:56 AM
I have Vista as my opertating system,but have a XP Home Recovery partition.I originally had a clean XP but i did somethin stupid and it wont boot up.I then tried the Recovery function but now it was not the usual GUI instead now it is command promt which i have no clue of operating.My OEM is Compaq,but the Vista is from Dell which i got with my laptop.Currently i hav no probs with Vista, but i wud like to know is there any way of restoring XP on a new partition from the recovery partition D (like a dual boot).

What you have done is illegal, read the EULA, one OS on one machine is all that is allowed, just because you can do it does not mean you should.

If I have misunderstood what you have done I apologise in advance, if I haven't I doubt you will get any assistance here .
Title: Re: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: contrex on September 08, 2007, 11:12:17 AM
Buscrew, I guess you are American. Maybe you would like to know that not everybody lives in the USA with its cockamamie DMCA. What san did would not be "illegal" in the EU where I am glad to say I live. It might be a technical EULA breach but it would not be "illegal". His Vista CD is his property, he paid for it, so don't go calling people criminals. You Americans burn me up with your "OH! It's illegal!" all the time.

Title: Re: XP Recovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: mundesley on September 09, 2007, 10:11:59 AM
No I am not American, it doesn't matter where you live, it's illegal. He may own the DVD, but not what is on it, he like everybody else gets a license to use it, provided he complies with the EULA., even more so as he states it's an OEM version not a full retail copy. OEM is strictly limited to the machine it was purchased with, and the license dies with that machine, installing it onto another is not a "Technical Breach" but an illegal use of the software.

I like a lot of other people pay full price for the software I use. I also know how to download and use pirate versions. I choose not to, as my conscience does not allow me to do it.

The point I was making was that if someone chooses to install an OS outside of the EULA, and then corrupts his PC, why should\would anybody want to help him recover it. I notice from your post you did not offer any constructive help, only choosing to rebuke me without knowing the facts, and making incorrect assumptions about my nationality.
Title: Re: XP Recovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: contrex on September 09, 2007, 11:39:58 AM
No I am not American, it doesn't matter where you live, it's illegal. He may own the DVD, but not what is on it, he like everybody else gets a license to use it

I repeat, it's not "illegal", here, despite what you wrote, which is wrong.

If you're not American, why do you spell "license" with an 's'?

Microsoft and other EULAs are not even completely upheld by many US courts.

The enforceability of an EULA depends on several factors, one of them being the court in which the case is heard. Most courts that have addressed the validity of the shrinkwrap license agreements have found them to be invalid, characterizing them as contracts of adhesion, unconscionable, and/or unacceptable pursuant to the U.C.C. —see, for instance, Step-Saver Data Systems, Inc. v. Wyse Technology (939 F.2d 91), Vault Corp. v. Quaid Software Ltd. (at and Rich, Mass Market Software and the Shrinkwrap License (23 Colo. Law 1321.17). A minority of courts have determined that the shrinkwrap license agreement is valid and enforceable: see ProCD, Inc. v. Zeidenberg (at, Microsoft v. Harmony Computers (846 F. Supp. 208, 212, E.D.N.Y. 1994), Novell v. Network Trade Center (at, and Arizona Cartridge Remanufacturers Association Inc. v. Lexmark International Inc. may have some bearing as well.

The 7th Circuit and 8th Circuit subscribe to the "licensed and not sold" argument, while most other circuits do not. In addition, the contracts' enforceability depends on whether the state has passed the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) or Anti-UCITA (UCITA Bomb Shelter) laws. In Anti-UCITA states, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) has been amended to either specifically define software as a good (thus making it fall under the UCC), or to disallow contracts which specify that the terms of contract are subject to the laws of a state that has passed UCITA.

Recently, publishers have begun to encrypt their software packages to make it impossible for a user to install the software without either agreeing to the license agreement or violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and foreign counterparts.

The DMCA specifically provides for reverse engineering of software for interoperability purposes, so there was some controversy as to whether software license agreement clauses which restrict this are enforceable. The Eighth Circuit case of Blizzard v. BnetD determined that such clauses are enforceable, following the Federal Circuit decision of Baystate v. Bowers.

That's just the USA.

In Great Britain, where consumer law broadly follows European Union norms, the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 lay down that terms not individually negotiated in a consumer contract are unfair and hence non-binding. The EULA comes after the sale. Microsoft [for example] has no special exemption from contract law. Contracts don't come into force PRIOR to them being agreed.

I appreciate that Microsoft wishes it can - AFTER THE SALE - substitute a contract which overrides UK or European contract law, but the plain fact is that it cannot.

Thus, the following statement is howlingly incorrect, even within the USA, and even more so outside of it. Suck it up.

it doesn't matter where you live, it's illegal

Finally, it seems to me stupid and cowardly to call the violation of an (actually invalid) commercial contract "illegal" and then hope to intimidate people into feeling that they have committed a criminal act when they have not.

Title: Re: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: contrex on September 09, 2007, 01:28:21 PM
How did "Buscrew" the registered user become "Mundesley" the "guest"?

Title: Re: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: san on September 09, 2007, 01:32:36 PM
 First of all I`m sorry for breaking any law or any agreement.Secondly,i`m so sorry for posting  and asking for help.But it really doesn`t matter if i get or don`t get any help here.i`m perfectly happy with what i have.As for the post i did ,it was compltely out of curiosity..thank you to both "mundesley" and "contrex" for commenting.. ;)
Title: Re: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: contrex on September 09, 2007, 01:46:17 PM
First of all I`m sorry for breaking any law or any agreement.Secondly,i`m so sorry for posting  and asking for help.But it really doesn`t matter if i get or don`t get any help here.i`m perfectly happy with what i have.As for the post i did ,it was compltely out of curiosity..thank you to both "mundesley" and "contrex" for commenting.. ;)

Please don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong. Nothing at all. I hope you realise that.

San, you go right ahead and do what you want with your own property! Every forum gets blowhards like the guy who chose to cut and run when his ignorance was exposed.

You have done nothing illegal.

You can surely recover your machine to a new install using your Dell OEM recovery disk and the D: recovery partition? You may have to wipe out Vista first, but you can repeat later the steps to install it.

Title: Re: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: Deerpark on September 09, 2007, 02:02:58 PM
You have nothing to be sorry for san. We only learn by asking questions and as contrex said you've most likely not done anything wrong.

To answer your original question I think the answer is no. I'm pretty sure you would need a proper Microsoft installation disc in order to make it dual boot; since you most likely don't have any control over where the restoration partition installs XP.

Oh and Buscrew aka Mundesley, you criticize contrex for not adding any constructive info to this thread... where exactly is your constructive input? All you've done is call the OP a criminal and prove you don't have the legal knowledge to back that accusation.

EDIT: If the OEM disc allows you to decide where to install Vista, you could do it by installing XP first from the recovery partition and then installing Vista on another partition.

Title: Re: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: san on September 09, 2007, 04:26:17 PM
these are the folders in D..saved as a text file...

[saving space - attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: patio on September 09, 2007, 08:32:27 PM
How old is this Compaq because it appears these recovery files are for an HP...HP did buy Compaq.
Title: Re: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: programming_pat on September 09, 2007, 08:40:05 PM
You cant take a recovery partition and put it on a computer as a dual boot. You would have to install windows xp clean and use it that way. Also why do people have to argue about things on forum boards?
Title: Re: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: contrex on September 09, 2007, 11:49:00 PM
Also why do people have to argue about things on forum boards?

Are you for real?
Title: Re: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: san on September 10, 2007, 03:15:12 AM
reply to patio... the machine is about 2 years old...
Title: Re: XP Revovery Partition but have Vista installed!
Post by: patio on September 10, 2007, 05:45:57 AM
I then tried the Recovery function but now it was not the usual GUI instead now it is command promt which i have no clue of operating.

The reason that this did not look familiar is you probably hit the 2nd "R" prompt that comes up in the setup process...this is called the Recovery Console and is used to repair  XP...

I would try again and follow the prompts for a Repair Install and see if it completes...

Repair Install of XP (

I suggest reading it thru and printing out a copy for reference...
This should'nt affect the current Vista install if done properly...