Computer Hope

Software => Computer games => Topic started by: Mosqwik on September 24, 2007, 12:35:22 PM

Title: Game junkies?
Post by: Mosqwik on September 24, 2007, 12:35:22 PM
We guys spent a lot of time playing computer games. I'd rather say we sometimes can live in a computer world playing all day (and often night) long. I used to have a some kind of game addiction way back like a lot of my friends had. I remember those days than my parental units were telling me all the time 'what the heck are you playing these games all the time?, you'd better do something real - study, work, sport etc.'
Sure you can easy guess what I was against to stopping playing
I got even myopia that days because of PC games
Anyway many folks believe that to be a computers gamer is not better than to be a junkie, because often you can't stop playing and you can't live without it.
Do you encounter the same problem I had? Are your parents, girlfriends against your gaming?
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: Calum on September 24, 2007, 12:42:39 PM
I don't have a problem, no.
But, I also don't have a PC that can game right now.
When I did, and I will have it back soon, I wasn't addicted, although I did play a lot of games.
I still balanced gaming, study time, and family time though, and still read books or played football, etc.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: Richenstony on September 24, 2007, 01:03:25 PM
I don't have a problem, no.
But, I also don't have a PC that can game right now.
When I did, and I will have it back soon, I wasn't addicted, although I did play a lot of games.
I still balanced gaming, study time, and family time though, and still read books or played football, etc.
Lies all lies ...  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: Flightfanatic on September 25, 2007, 08:27:46 AM
yea, i think i have that problem too! Mosqwik your not alone i this!   :)
I play Wolfenstein Enemy Terretory, and Counter Strike, last week i bought 3 energy drinks to get me through all night of playing wolfenstein. On average, i am on my computer 6 to 7 hours a day. Thats why i think i am a computer junkie! (and a gaming junkie!)
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: Richenstony on September 26, 2007, 06:36:45 AM
Im a game junkie i addecpt it though.....  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: gamerx365 on September 26, 2007, 06:43:17 AM
yeah lol. I sometimes i forget that im not on the computer. Occasionally ill be sitting somewhere starring at some thing and the just hit something to keep the screensaver from coming up lol.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: Kurtiskain on September 27, 2007, 02:37:25 AM
I have to say I think I am. But not just to Games, it can be anything, Music to Games and basically...just a computer junkie :)
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: apple266 on October 04, 2007, 08:04:43 AM
I love Eve and it is more fun that my real life and I can't get to it anymore because It got too expensive. My mom was also confronting me about my problem and it was really annoying.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: GX44 on October 04, 2007, 08:54:54 AM
Eve is awesome. Spent so much time on it not even doing much but the massiveness (even a word?) of it is insane.

I used to be an uber gamer but fell away from it past few years. Would say I'm just a casual gamer now. mainly on my 360 as well nowadays.

I remember the days though when I stayed in all weekend, getting about 3 hours sleep the whole weekend just to play games. I miss they days.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: ultimatum on October 16, 2007, 09:54:50 PM
Same here, as soon as I was introduced to Counter-Strike 1.5 it started. I played before school, I would come home for launch to play it, after school. Then I got to re-downloading Heroes of Might and Magic, myself and a friend of mine would spend weeks playing against each other day and night trying to beat each other this kept on going on for a while. I still played sports in school and outside of it but at one point I just lost that interested in playing games all the time, so now I would only play with my friends only like 4 times a month tops (Battlefield 1942, Counter-Strike: Source mainly). I had the addiction but I could control it.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: kuszmania9999 on October 16, 2007, 11:47:16 PM
i hope i can stop!
i'm begging developers to stop making games..please...... :'(
my girldfriend said im addicted, do i ::)
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: JDan on October 17, 2007, 12:25:08 AM
I think there is such a thing as playing too much. What I'm more interested in is the debate between whether or not playing MMOs is considered are talking to people, real people. That means you have a life right?
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: Dark Blade on October 17, 2007, 12:43:29 AM
Yep, I just recently got addicted to StarCraft. I spend hours playing sinlge player, then twice as long play on

What a wonderful life I have.....
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: apple266 on October 17, 2007, 08:33:05 AM
I'm addicted to Eve online and I haven't been able to play for months and it's wearing my patience thin.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: ultimatum on October 17, 2007, 10:29:43 AM
I think there is such a thing as playing too much. What I'm more interested in is the debate between whether or not playing MMOs is considered are talking to people, real people. That means you have a life right?

I wouldn't call that a life since your interacting through a game and you're concentrated on the game not the people you play with. Your goal is achieve something with your character whatever it may be. Your friend and family don't realize your talking/playing with other people so to them you are addicted to games.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: quaxo on November 21, 2007, 05:40:08 PM
Do you encounter the same problem I had? Are your parents, girlfriends against your gaming?

I'm at a location overseas where it's difficult to get certain games, so my mother sends them to me from the US.

My girlfriend is a gamer too.  ;D
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: ultimatum on November 21, 2007, 06:46:38 PM
Wow... this is the most unexpected reply I've ever read. My mom would never ship not (mentioning buying) a game to me no matter where I am.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: gamerx365 on November 21, 2007, 07:07:58 PM
i know lol my mom doesnt buy me games ever... exception of christmas... but she did buy me the greenday bullet in a bible video for my psp a couple weeks ago...
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: Nastidon on December 12, 2007, 03:38:47 PM
Ohh the heydays of gaming. For me it started bright and early. I remember back in the day, we got our first IBM computer, a 486 clocked at 40 MHZ. Boy did me and my brother play the heck out of that thing, that computer costs my parents a good grand or two back then. I played everything from Doom, to Blake Stone, to all the point and clickers, up till we couldn't play the new stuff that was coming out, like Quake 1. Quake 1 required a 90 mhz at least, along with StarCraft and all the other  oldies but goodies. Command and Conquer, Duke Nukem 3d, Hexen, Heretic, amongst alot ton of others. From there it was basically a daily thing for me, I did have quite an addiction, but I did keep it under control as well, I could have played less, but I was able to balance a social life, along with keeping up with my school work as well, *censored* all that tinkering with electronics and such even helped me get the job I have now. I'm still pretty much addicted, but I do play way much less, as work and real life set in, you really don't have the stamina anymore to sit in front of a computer screen for 8 hours at a time. Now, I stick to one game for a while, then move on to something different. Heck, I used to juggle three games at a time, ohh boy now that I read all this back, I was a freaking addict.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: Emiel on December 19, 2007, 07:22:58 AM
Wow, Game Junkies... Now THAT'S a topic that concerns my addiction.  :P

No seriously, I'm a real videogame addict. From the moment i started gaming, i was a great fan of videogames. It increased when my parents bought a videogame console (because my dad was home being sick, lucky me! ;D), a Nintendo 64. From that moment on, I got many kinds of videogames and consoles. In the years after that, the addiction grew and grew with every new game that passed. Until a year or two ago, when I started to realize that there are more things in life than videogames. Right now I'm trying to do other stuff more so that there'll be less time to play games. One of the main reasons that it's working is because I played all of my games so much that it's starting to get boring, but who knows, there might be a game in the future that brings back the addiction. I hope not... :P
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: gamerx365 on December 19, 2007, 07:27:10 AM
n64 was my first real console, gameboy color was my first game console though
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: Emiel on December 19, 2007, 07:40:58 AM
n64 was my first real console, gameboy color was my first game console though
Me too, only my very own first gaming console was a gameboy. Those grey old things.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: gamerx365 on December 19, 2007, 07:41:52 AM
lol yeah. i havent seen many of those, usually see gameboy pockets or colors.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: quaxo on December 19, 2007, 07:53:40 AM
I still have my old grey Gameboy. Still works too. There's one dead vertical line on the left of the screen, but if you give it a good smack, it usually comes back on.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: BC_Programmer on December 19, 2007, 10:44:44 AM
Hey., I'm not addicted, I can stop whenever I want.

I have this really fun game, it's called "Visual Basic 6". I just can't stop playing it.
It seems the moment I quite working in doom, suddenly Visual Basic 6 springs forth with my project! And I can't resist! I write tens of pages of code, just so I can test it and go into the fun Break mode.

(lol, seriously though..)

I used to play my Super Nintendo whenever I got a chance. *censored*, now I can barely manage to play Super Mario world for more than ten to fifteen minutes before I get bored, whereas when I got my SNES(7 years old- 13 years ago), that was the only game I had for three years, and I played it for I think an average of at least two hours a day. Funny how things change.

It's not "games" I'm addicted to, it's computing. the internet, Visual Basic, Perl, C++ Java HTML CSS Visual C++ Visual Studio 2005 Windows 3.1 MS-DOS WFWG, do you accept the license agreement,please wait while windows checks your drive for errors ,BSOD.
Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: S_R_S5 on December 19, 2007, 06:24:52 PM
My parents use to be on my case and they called me lazy..
They stoped recently..

Title: Re: Game junkies?
Post by: rasilun on December 20, 2007, 02:36:49 PM
I'm a computer Junkie. I work with computers all day and then at home. I played WOW very heavily for 3 years then stopped. <--(Yes, I'm ashamed) I play a little on a private server now but not very often at all. WOW is mind destroying! Now, all I play is BF2, CC, COD 2-4, some Crysis and other games. I'm a full time college student, have a full time job and I'm married with a little girl. Games are very addicting but it's all about control. You just have to remember (and have) what is important in life and make time for it. I probably spend to much time on the computer (my wife thinks so) but that's what the world is coming to. In another 10 years we will just have computers embedded into your heads.

Anyways, it's about responsibility. The problem is gaming takes a huge amount of time and you loose track of everything else. I can spend countless hours in BF2 or a game of EE.   ;D  Anyone that blames the games is crazy. It's the person in my opinion.