Computer Hope

Software => Computer software => Topic started by: mos82 on October 30, 2007, 12:01:12 PM

Title: excel Spreadsheet data mistake, need help on how to fix it
Post by: mos82 on October 30, 2007, 12:01:12 PM
Hi my problem is probably simple yet I dont have an answer. bare with me. I am doing a project at work where I am using 2 excel spread sheets 1 for 2007, 1 for 2008.  The problem is by accident i type info on the 08 spreadsheet that should be on the 07 spreadsheet.  How do I take the info and put it on the right spread sheet.  I am also using a formula.  when I try to paste it I get "NA" or "REF!", and the proper data wont "connect"  So How do I switch info from one spreadsheet to another?
Title: Re: excel Spreadsheet data mistake, need help on how to fix it
Post by: soybean on October 30, 2007, 12:22:30 PM
Do both spreadsheets have the same layout?  Same cell formatting, same formulas, etc.? 

You're only copying values, i.e. numbers, not formulas, from one to the other, right?  So, you might, for example, copy a number in cell B10 from one spreadsheet to the same cell in the other, right?
Title: Re: excel Spreadsheet data mistake, need help on how to fix it
Post by: elxr06 on October 30, 2007, 12:42:29 PM
if you copy formulas from sheet 1 to sheet 2...

excel will calculate according to formulas just like on sheet 1 but, using sheet data you want to use for sheet 2.

So you need to have data in sheet 2 (or you can rreference to data on other sheets) otherwise NA or REF! appears to tell you formulas didn't work because no data existed.
Title: Re: excel Spreadsheet data mistake, need help on how to fix it
Post by: patchrunner on November 05, 2007, 03:49:12 AM
Just to clarify what you are doing, are you using the 'edit','paste special', 'values' sequence to paste your data ?     if not then make sure you try this first.

If you still get  error messages then you may have an an error in the formula.

If not then try : '=if(iserror(your formula=true),0,your formula) this will remove the error BUT will insert a 0 in the cell
Title: Re: excel Spreadsheet data mistake, need help on how to fix it
Post by: tpolcha on November 05, 2007, 06:26:17 AM
I think the new data your trying to insert (under those formula's) is incompatible with all the previous data (mathematical computations) you have from the start of each years data, It is recognising it as a false total.

I hope some of the previous suggestions have already helped you.  I think I had a friend with a similiar problem.  I think he was able to temporarly   disable the formula's for the respective columns, cut and paste your data and then reinsert the appropriate formula's.