Computer Hope

Software => Computer software => Topic started by: DaveLembke on November 21, 2007, 11:34:09 AM

Title: 800MB ISO, Ubuntu Studio, Nero 6, requests CD-RW media over DVD-R/RW
Post by: DaveLembke on November 21, 2007, 11:34:09 AM
Ok... here is something strange...

I am a member of and their recent episode mentioned Ubuntu Studio, and the link to it at

I downloaded the ISO and the checksum is good, and when trying to burn with Nero 6 I get the request that it wants to burn 800MB to a 700MB CD-RW Disk, it doesnt like a DVD-R or RW and for the heck on it I popped in a CD-RW and it then said not enough space ( obviously ).

Anyone seen this before where an ISO only likes a certain flavor, in this case CD-RW even though the CD-RW's are only 700MB Max storage??

Not sure if this is a Nero issue or if I should contact Ubuntu support to see why their ISO is requesting only a CD-RW, since I have never seen an ISO be media specific.

To me I am thinking its Nero 6 goofing up... what do you think?

Hardware is a Compaq AMD 2800+ with 1GB Ram, 40GB HD, DVD-RAM Burner, and CD-RW Burner. OS is XP Pro SP2, and I have 10GB Free HD and virus clean with Corporate Edition 10


Title: Re: 800MB ISO, Ubuntu Studio, Nero 6, requests CD-RW media over DVD-R/RW
Post by: Deerpark on November 21, 2007, 02:41:45 PM
According to the site it's a DVD image which would also explain the image size. (Although you can get CDs with an 800 mb capacity)

Have you tried burning the image with another burning app?
You could try CDBurnerXP ( for example... it's free.
Title: Re: 800MB ISO, Ubuntu Studio, Nero 6, requests CD-RW media over DVD-R/RW
Post by: patio on November 21, 2007, 02:51:45 PM
Or select the overburn ( terminology ? ) option in Nero which allows you up to 15% additional space over CD capacity...
Title: Re: 800MB ISO, Ubuntu Studio, Nero 6, requests CD-RW media over DVD-R/RW
Post by: DaveLembke on November 22, 2007, 03:01:42 PM
Thanks for the info... I will give it a shot and reply back with status
