Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: Eppinizer on January 27, 2008, 06:59:23 PM

Title: Mother board fried? or maybe cpu?
Post by: Eppinizer on January 27, 2008, 06:59:23 PM
Well, I moved my computer from my dorm room back to my house. when i started it up the first time the computer would turn off on its own about halfway through the windows loading screen. I decided maybe one of the USB plug-ins i had was shorting, so i removed all of the USB's, and just left my keyboard. This time the computer started and went to my windows screen perfectly, but when i plugged in my USB mouse i got a BSOD, and my computer restarted. I then unplugged the mouse and the computer shut off. This time, I could not turn it back on. I’ve taken everything out and tried with different setups, I've also tried resetting BIOS, taking out the battery, messing with the PWR SW jumper, and no luck. I cant get any of the fans starting up. When i hit the power button there is no sign of life whatsoever. I am going to jump off a lift soon because i am getting pretty frustrated -_-.

If anyone has any ideas of what could be wrong, and/or what i could do it would make my life a whole lot better. Also, if anyone solves the problem i will give them a cookie!

Thanks alot,
Title: Re: no one likes me >< ??? replies=0
Post by: blunder on January 28, 2008, 06:35:37 AM
have you tried a different PSU?
Title: Re: no one likes me >< ??? replies=0
Post by: patio on January 28, 2008, 09:17:03 AM
Is this the new build from a few months ago that had the PSU at 220 ? ?
That PSU may have given up the ghost ...hopefully the MBoard and CPU have survived once again.
Are you getting any beeps on startup at all ?
Did you re-seat all the internal components especially the RAM and vid card ?
Title: Mobo fried? help! ><
Post by: Eppinizer on February 08, 2008, 06:14:53 PM
patio, did you like go back into my past and look at those old threads? cuz thats creepy!! but no that was a different build.

Yes i did reseat everything.

I tried a different PSU.

There is no beeps because the PSU doesnt even turn on. there is nothhing turning on at all.

I think im going to just change the mobo. Although the light does come on.. so i know its receiveing power.

Its been a while since i came on CH because i was so depressed with my computer i decided to take a break and re-think the situation. I guess its time to get a new mobo.

You guys think its dangerous to leave my cpu in the mobo thats dead? Because i really dont want to have to replace it ><.

Thanks for ur help guys.

Title: Re: Mother board fried?
Post by: patio on February 08, 2008, 11:51:21 PM
I'm not sure why you would think it's creepy...i recognised your name and remembered similar troubles with the machine.. and wanted to know what we were dealing with since there were no details whatsoever on the machine in question.

I'll move along now and leave it to others but i'd suggest posting some details on the machine.
Title: Re: Mother board fried?
Post by: Broni on February 09, 2008, 12:19:37 AM
patio is...
Title: Re: Mother board fried?
Post by: Eppinizer on February 09, 2008, 07:19:55 PM
patio I <3 you o.O lol
It was just impressive that you remembered me because i rarely come on CH.

Machine details:

Cooler master centurion 534 case

Amd athelon 64x2 6000+ windsor

m2a-mvp (480 x chipset) mobo

2gigs of crucial DDR2 800

1 8800 gtx

 Broadway Com Corp 600watt psu

2 150g wd HDD(SATA2)
1 500g maxtor HDD(SATA2)
1 60g old maxtor HDD(IDE)

 GIGABYTE 92mm Ball CPU Cooler

I am also now considering that its possible that my CPU fan wasn't set on as well as it should have been. I had brought it back from my dorm, and it got knocked around. Sooo It may be possible that the fan was not on properly and my CPU got burnt out from multiple restarts.

Now my question to you guys... If it was my CPU that blew up, would my fans turn on? Like, would anything start at all? or would it just sit there and nothing would go on at all. Because if i could get any life at all out of anything i could try to trouble shoot, but i simply don't get any response.

Anyways once my paycheck comes ill buy some new parts, I'm just not sure what parts to buy ><.

Thanks again,