Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: nymph4 on April 03, 2008, 10:15:58 AM

Title: Chip Set and Motherboards Q/A
Post by: nymph4 on April 03, 2008, 10:15:58 AM
I am going to Builb a PC and I am going to use it for Video and Audio editing.

I am not going to  be using dobble Moniters and I will just be placing a basic video card into it. The video card will not have any Coaxle out puts or anything like that.

My q/a is about the Chip set on the Motherboard. I know I should look for a Motherboard with a high speed Front/side BUSS. But does it matr the type of Chip Set that is on the Motherboard??

The Chip Set controals the speed of the Motherboard but does it matter what kind it is and does the Chip Set afect the type of Video card I will use??
Title: Re: Chip Set and Motherboards Q/A
Post by: homer on April 03, 2008, 04:08:12 PM
The Chip Set controals the speed of the Motherboard but does it matter what kind it is and does the Chip Set afect the type of Video card I will use??

no, it will only effect the quantity of cards you can use. for example a 680i chipset allows 2 video cards to run at X16 each, whereas a 780i will allow you to run 3 video cards at X16 each.

But does it matr the type of Chip Set that is on the Motherboard??

depends if you want SLI or Crossfire.