Computer Hope

Internet & Networking => Web design => Topic started by: Flame on February 11, 2005, 07:49:58 PM

Title: Banner?
Post by: Flame on February 11, 2005, 07:49:58 PM
Hey everyone! I have a question... For my website, I am redesigning it, but I need to have a banner to go at the top... This is a games site, so it as to be done in a certain way.... Does anyone know where I can find a banner like this? I have a few programs that might work, but I do not have the time, nor the patience to do it myself... Modifications I can handle, but not starting from scratch... Can anyone help?

Title: Re: Banner?
Post by: Corrosive on February 12, 2005, 01:21:46 PM
The only real reason I could see in making a banner ad is to get other folk to put it on their sites in order to increase traffic. If this is a bid to make a little extra cash, you'd be better leaving a little gap and put in the message "Advertisers Welcome: Click here". Hopefully, you may be able to get a little link exchange going with a few sites.

I don't see how making your own for your page is going to help you in any way. If you simply don't want to have a few banners which are unrelated to the content of the site, then don't use them, or better yet, use Google's AdSense, just like Computer Hope is. (
Title: Re: Banner?
Post by: Flame on February 12, 2005, 01:37:42 PM
Let me try to rephrase that... On many websites they have banners at the top, like this one... Here's  link, but look at the TOP of the page, to see the banner that I am referring to... ... Let me know what you think...

Title: Re: Banner?
Post by: Corrosive on February 13, 2005, 01:03:50 PM
You meaning the montage of varous different videogame characters? That's something you're going to have to do yourself, I'm afraid. You'd be best not to nick that one (for obvious reasons) and there is nothing that'll do it for you.

Hope you paid attention in Art class...
Title: Re: Banner?
Post by: Flame on February 14, 2005, 01:02:03 PM
Well, not necessarily CHARACTERS, but I mean to have a banner that plays the same role as that one does... It would have the same purpose... (Looks)... What I'm pretty much LOOKING for as a banner, is one that is "graphical".

Title: Re: Banner?
Post by: David Tebera on February 15, 2005, 04:36:56 AM
Do you have Photoshop*? Probably the simplest thing to do is take a snap shot (print screen) of a banner you like and then within Photoshop drop in the tidbits you want to ad. In other words cut and paste screen shots of your images. Try your best to use sure the snatched image as a guide only or modify it enough that it becomes uniquely yours.

*Any decent image editor
Title: Re: Banner?
Post by: Flame on February 15, 2005, 12:57:01 PM
I have Paint Shop Pro 8, Dreamweaver, Flash, and that's just about it...

Title: Re: Banner?
Post by: D Tebera on February 15, 2005, 03:11:46 PM

First things first. Did you know that your page,"" tries to load a Trojan Horse? Dldr.1stbar.A That's a shame for a guy of your standing on a site like this. Ya might want to fix that.

2nd, I call it a masthead rather then a banner. Banners are for ads whereas a masthead is continued throughout the site.

Paint Shop 8 can do the job easily BUT if you have Flash You might want to use that. It may be harder depending on your design but typically loads much faster then an image map.

The Games revolution sight is done very well. no doubt about it. If you want your page to be as good it will take some work.

Things to consider is the width you wish your page to be. In the old days and the safest was 800 pixels across. Now many are around 1,000. Flash is better on wider mastheads.

Here are two from the game I play. The latter is easiest. The first uses flash and is cooler.

The thing you need to decide is the image you want and what you want it to convey to the viewer.
Title: Re: Banner?
Post by: Flame on February 15, 2005, 03:27:49 PM
Really? My site is trying to install a trojan? THIS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED! I will contact the host about this RIGHT NOW.... Thanks for your help!  ;)   (A trojan... How embarrassing...  :-[ )