Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: Hollyh on July 04, 2008, 03:18:51 PM

Title: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: Hollyh on July 04, 2008, 03:18:51 PM
current Compaq computer has AMD-K6-2 at 500mhertz processor, windows 98, physical memory of 58138 kbytes, memory 64 megabytes, storage, I am looking to upgrade(but spend about 400 to 500$) What kind of processor, and Ram should I be looking for? Is higher better? I want to use an IPOD and use a digital camera and surf the web. . What are the minimums I can get by with? Thank you for any and all replies. 
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: xavier on July 04, 2008, 05:25:37 PM
For the price i would go with the DELL INSPIRON 530 appx in the range of $500[google dell inspiron]
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: Hollyh on July 04, 2008, 05:42:28 PM
Thank you, xavier for the help, I have heard good things about Dell and that is the computer I use at work... :)
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on July 04, 2008, 05:48:54 PM
Getting a new computer really depends on what you want to do on it.

I want to use an IPOD and use a digital camera and surf the web.
Personally, I would get something with over 1GB RAM and a processor with a speed of over 2GHz.
It should have decent cooling as well.
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: Hollyh on July 04, 2008, 05:59:57 PM
Dear Carbon:
What is the cooling part of the computer? What should I look for with cooling? Do you have any brand preferences? I want a dependable one, I have to say that I have had no problems with my Compaq, but find that I need to upgrade my Windows but don't have the room., there are some websites I can't access because of this... What is RAM? And What does the processor do? Do I need a computer with good 24/7 support?I am a computer novice...Thank you for any answer on this....I would also like to use ebay and post a resume somewhere. Thanks again...Happy fourth to all...
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on July 04, 2008, 06:07:51 PM
It would probably be easier to go to the local computer store to get a computer. They normally have pretty high-end specs and good cooling already.

Here is just a brief run-down.

RAM - Random Access Memory.
Basically, if you have more RAM, the more programs you can have running. More RAM makes the Computer and the Programs run faster.

CPU - Central Processing Unit.
The heart of the computer (or the brain). The faster it is (the more GHz it has), the faster the computer will be (more calculations per second). For what you're planning on doing, I don't think you need over 2.5Ghz. I currently have 1.7GHz.

Desktop Computers generally have pretty good cooling because of their size. Just make sure there is room between the back of the computer and the wall and it won't be an issue.

If you don't plan on playing any hard-core modern games, You shouldn't have to worry about getting a computer with Dual Core Processors and 2GB RAM.
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: stevejohnson1958 on July 04, 2008, 06:11:33 PM
RAM - Random Access Memory.
Basically, if you have more RAM, the more programs you can have running. More RAM makes the Computer and the Programs run faster.

This is not necessarily true...

More RAM does not make your computer run improves the computer's performance, however, the CPU dedicates how fast your computer processes information.
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: Hollyh on July 04, 2008, 06:21:44 PM
You guys are great, I know I would get reliable info from you all(VS a salesperson), I want to know what I need, and go in and get it....all of this info is greatly appreciated...Do you guy's have a preference for Intel VS AMD Athlon processors?  Do I need good Tech support? Whatever I buy, it will be my responsibility/no blame to anyone but me if something goes wrong...-and the info you give me will help in the buying process...Thanks again... 8)
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: stevejohnson1958 on July 04, 2008, 06:34:42 PM
The processor will depend on what you'd like to do with your computer...and what your motherboard will support.

Some may recommend the Intel while I've seen a lot of gamers who tend to prefer AMD...depends on who you ask...and exactly what you'll be doing with the computer, my friend...

As for me...and my recommendations...while it depends on the Dell you may find a problem with support or upgrades...should you need them.

You can probably find a decent computer at your local computer and/or retail store for the price you're looking to spend.

However, you may be looking at a computer with Vista installed...and I've heard a lot of complaints about that OS, but then again...I've heard a lot of positive feedback as well.

As far as my experience goes with the Vista experience...I'd be more satisfied with's just more stable.

I'd recommend a Gateway, HP, or Acer...based on your budget...and I'm sure you'll find a good one...hopefully...with XP installed.
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: drmsucks on July 04, 2008, 06:44:12 PM
@Hollyh: More than likely, you'll buy a computer with the Windows Vista operating system - there are several 'flavors' of Vista and you will probably get one with the Home Edition; that is all that you need.

However, with Vista, you MUST get at least 2 GB of RAM for it to run satisfactorily - Vista will run with 1 GB but will be very slow. Likewise, for Vista, I would get a CPU that is 'dual core' and has a speed of 2 gHz or more. @Carbondudeoxide is right that you don't need a dual core for your intended purposes, but time marches on, and you've already shown that you'll probably keep this computer for awhile - you probably won't find a 'single core' processor, anyway!

The other processor choice you'll have is: AMD or Intel - it doesn't make any difference (as long as the speed and number of cores are the same); AMD based computers are quite often less expensive than Intel.

I don't know if you belong to Sam's Club or COSTCO but, quite often, they have computers that would serve you well and may extend the factory warranty. Be careful in other stores to buy only what you want and need - the salespeople can be quite testy!

Best of luck with your decision.

EDIT: This was written before your reply, Hollyh, and before Saviour's. I would disagree with Saviour regarding Vista/XP for you and recommend Vista Home Premium. With your propensity for keeping a computer, there is no need to buy one with 'yesterday's' operating system. Except for 'power users' and 'gamers' the complaints about Vista are mostly past tense. You will also find a much larger selection among machines with Vista installed.

Just my opinion! :)
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: xavier on July 04, 2008, 07:11:01 PM
Google {newegg} and [tigerdirect]
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on July 04, 2008, 07:18:49 PM
I was thinking of XP when I wrote my RAM recommendation.
You will most definitely get a Vista so I recommend at least 1GB of RAM
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: drmsucks on July 04, 2008, 07:29:44 PM
I was thinking of XP when I wrote my RAM recommendation.
You will most definitely get a Vista so I recommend at least 1GB of RAM

@Carbondudeoxide: I have Vista on two dual boot machines; installed when each machine had 1 GB. I hated the Vista 'user experience' - upgraded each machine to two GB and Vista runs fine; albeit slower than XP. I urge you to change your minimum Vista RAM recommendation to at least 2GB. :)
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: Hollyh on July 04, 2008, 09:48:23 PM
All of you are AWESOME!!!  I can't thank you enough, for a novice like me you all have put it into clearer perspective...I would rather ask questions from people who all of you, and people that put it into a language I can understand...I know you all are the ones to come to with computer questions, you are kind and won't lower the boom on me like a salesperson would(to go with the most expense and bells and whistles).... :) :)
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: drmsucks on July 04, 2008, 11:11:10 PM
Please let us know what you decide and how you like your new computer!
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: Fred8 on July 05, 2008, 12:29:23 AM
Before you go into a high st shop, try and find someone who could build you one to the sec. that you want and not what they wantto sell.
For what you will pay them you could pay half the price.
A decent Spec. that would cost you £ around £700+ . would cost less than £350.
I know this for a fact, as I have just built 2, one cost me £425.( in the shop it would have been £1,500.
the other cost £275.( £900 in the shop.)
Title: Re: I am wanting to buy a new computer...
Post by: truenorth on July 05, 2008, 12:12:31 PM
Hollyh,If you are not in a big rush to spend your hard earned money on a computer just yet. I would recommend the following--let this post continue to elicit replies and continue to benefit from the suggestions (if you don't end up totally confused from the different opinions you will undoubtedly receive). Your choice will very much evolve to a matter of your own personal choice. As has been stated you need to clearly define what your actual needs are(you seem to have somewhat done that already).Then you should spend a bit of time trying to become informed as to what will meet those needs. Some will go for the "brand name" computers IE; Dell,Compaq,Cisnet,Etc. others will advocate the custom built ones (as Fred8 has done). There are other options that have not yet been mentioned such as purchasing a "refurbished" or even a "used" one. If you ultimately decided to get one that operates with one of the versions of Win XP that may be difficult if you want to buy "new" as it is now very difficult to find a "brand name" new computer that does not have a version of Vista.Custom built will perhaps make that easier.As Fred8 states it is often the case that your local computer store (provided you have access to where robust competition exists) will often meet exactly "your requirements" cheaper than a brand name which can often be more of a "package" that they offer.Also to be considered for the future is often brand name computers are very restrictive as to what components you can use for any repairs (if they become necessary--as often they will only accept parts made by the computer manufacturer). This is less of a problem generally with "custom built". I would use an analogy from the automotive world --if you insist that you must have an engine with a great amount of horsepower then you MUST ensure all the other drive train components are capable of handling that power--that example is clear when it comes to the O/S choice.As has been stated you MUST NOT allow someone to sell you a computer with Vista if it does NOT have a least 2GB of RAM. This can also be a factor insofar as other choices you might be persuaded to include.I would reiterate that at this point if you have the luxury of time i would spend it learning more then make your decision from the basis of "your own knowledge" as opposed to the great variety of the suggestions of others (as well intention though they may be).goodluck,truenorth