Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows NT/2000 => Topic started by: johnny5 on February 22, 2005, 10:44:02 AM

Title: So, now I do Format C:
Post by: johnny5 on February 22, 2005, 10:44:02 AM
    I have done the unthinkable, I have given up on win 98 and formatted, I now have copy of win2000 pro, cause I hear that one is most stable. any thoughts on what order I should install things? ex. MOBO chipset drivers, direct x, vid card sound card, network,modem etc drivers, programs and craplets? also, any thoughts on using ntfs? does it support the same file security encryption as xp pro does?
   I am a new student learning to program, and I plan on using micro$oft visual studio enterprise ed,dreamweaver,fireworks mx, photoshop 7,And M$ transaction server, and IIS/Pweb server. (Which i have backed up all from my last comp)
   I have a computer witch i have built myself, using an Epox mobo with onboard sound,and a duron 800, (OC to 1003mhz) 512 MB RAM, geforce 4 MX 64MB, 2 60 GB hdd's, (not raid) and an Aureal 3D monster sound II 300 MX, witch I am told the company no longer is around any more to support drivers?
   Should I just leave that card out and just go with the onboard sound?
    Anyone with any thoughts and ideas you may have, from your experiences  of building a computer, please give me your feedback,
   I am not a newbie, but, There are still Sooo many things I dont know yet,especially about win 2000 ( ive never used before) maybe i should stick with win 98se? cause i am familiar with that one? or is win 2000 better?
Title: Re: So, now I do Format C:
Post by: Joleen on February 22, 2005, 02:01:49 PM
Win 2K is much more stable and secure.  98 will soon be unsupported my MSoft.  I don't think it matters what order you install drivers as 2K will pre-install most of them anyway.  NTFS is the same as XP and is a better file system than FAT.
Title: Re: So, now I do Format C:
Post by: merlin_2 on February 23, 2005, 04:57:23 PM
copy of w2k? win98 and re-build system/?~