Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: jinxjack on July 17, 2008, 03:36:55 PM

Title: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: jinxjack on July 17, 2008, 03:36:55 PM
I want to know That a Pentium d 3.40ghz will be able to fully use the power of 8800gt 512 mb DD3.
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: Calum on July 18, 2008, 03:16:58 AM
It depends on what games you'll be playing.
In some games that CPU will bottleneck it, in others it won't be a problem.
Do you already have these parts?
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: jinxjack on July 18, 2008, 08:06:40 AM
i have Pentium D now and i will have 8800gt On sat. I will play games like Bioshock, lost planet, crysis and many games like these. Exactly what do u mean by bottleneck?
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: JXY on July 18, 2008, 08:48:30 AM
bottleneck as in it will cause a "cut off".

and, just on a side note, lost planet isn't a GR8 game. some may like it, but i haven 't heard many good reviews. Personal experience also tells me there are others to choose from. If you know what i mean.   :P
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: Calum on July 18, 2008, 08:52:05 AM
Bottleneck as in it will not allow the graphics card to work at its full potential, i.e. with a faster CPU the graphics card would be able to function better.
In games like Crysis especially you'll see the effect, it's very hard on a lot of components.
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: jinxjack on July 18, 2008, 09:09:22 AM
I hope this would not harm the video card? How much potential would be lost?
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: Calum on July 18, 2008, 09:19:02 AM
It wouldn't harm the video card at all, it would just not utilize the full power of it.
You may find this page (,1928-8.html) helpful - although your CPU is not there, it's lower than any of those, it gives you an idea of how the CPU affects performance in Crysis.
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: JXY on July 18, 2008, 09:20:23 AM
think of a computer's cpu as its brain.

think of cpu speed or clock as how fast the brain thinks. The brain thinks the whole time, but when you're playing a game, it has to think alot harder (depending on which game though).

The faster the brain thinks, the faster it can access your 512mb of vram. Hence, the faster the performance.

Slow brain = slower accessing of vram = slower performance.

Not taking into account any other variables which may affect video performance, that is how the cpu speed limits the capability or potential of a graphics card.
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: jinxjack on July 18, 2008, 09:34:35 AM
JXY great Answer.Thanx. So what should i do i dont have enough money to buy both Video card and a new processor. I am thinking of buying the video card now and buy the processor later. Which processor you think  i should buy? Meanwhile are you sure nothing will happen to the videocard.
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: Calum on July 18, 2008, 09:36:28 AM
Meanwhile are you sure nothing will happen to the videocard.
Yes, I am positive.

I would advise waiting until you have enough money for a new CPU before deciding what to buy as prices are changing all the time, and new CPUs are also being released.
What motherboard do you have?
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: jinxjack on July 18, 2008, 09:46:23 AM
Meanwhile are you sure nothing will happen to the videocard.
Yes, I am positive.

I would advise waiting until you have enough money for a new CPU before deciding what to buy as prices are changing all the time, and new CPUs are also being released.
What motherboard do you have?
I have Gigabyte S series Which supports Core2 duo and quad.
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: Calum on July 18, 2008, 10:04:44 AM
OK, well that's all right then.
Just checking that it did support recent CPUs.
Go for the video card, and then post again when you have enough for a CPU and we can give you some more advice on that if you like.
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: jinxjack on July 18, 2008, 10:17:34 AM
thanx. I will be sure to come again. Thank u all.
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: Calum on July 18, 2008, 11:37:12 AM
You're welcome, glad to have helped.
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: JXY on July 19, 2008, 06:07:33 AM
if you're low on cash, you could purchase new cooling systems, then attempt overclocking your cpu. but that's only if you're desperate. overclocking has its risks and subsequent consequences should appropriate cooling not be applied. It's not advised. Besides, purchasing a new cpu has it's benefits.
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: jinxjack on July 21, 2008, 12:30:54 PM
Hey! I got the new Video card gigabyte 8800gt 512. And it Rocks, but there is one problem the cpu gets very hot when playing games like bioshock etc. Is there better way to get cpu cool down witout much money. The cpu fan is fine. I have three extra case fans. And Can anyone tell me how good the games Neverwinternights 2 is? I have never played much online games, So how you play it?
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on July 21, 2008, 12:32:47 PM

What do you mean when you asked How you play it?
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: jinxjack on July 21, 2008, 12:41:15 PM
What do you mean when you asked How you play it?
I mean i have no idea what to do in it?
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on July 21, 2008, 12:46:16 PM
Heh, I honestly have no idea what Neverwinternights is.
Perhaps asking this in the Game forum would be more appropriate.
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: JXY on July 21, 2008, 07:42:05 PM
oh yea definitely.

about the cooling, do what carbon suggested if you can.

open one side of your computer case, and just put a conventional fan next to it.
Title: Re: Pentium D and 8800gt 512?
Post by: Calum on July 22, 2008, 06:08:30 AM
Replacing the CPU cooler would help more than that I believe.