Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows Server => Topic started by: iamtonsoffun247 on August 26, 2008, 09:58:46 PM

Title: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: iamtonsoffun247 on August 26, 2008, 09:58:46 PM

I hear too many people complaining about vista before they try it.... so TRY before you decide you dont like something.  I know this is directly through windows, but hey, Im sure the reactions are real. 
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: soybean on August 26, 2008, 10:16:18 PM

That link displays a page for me that says, "This website has been updated to run on the very latest version of the Microsoft® Silverlight™ (Beta 2) plug-in. Please re-install."

I already have Silverlight installed; I'm not going to install that Beta 2 version.  Why did you post that link?  How does it relate to your topic here?
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: iamtonsoffun247 on August 26, 2008, 10:19:37 PM
o really? my bad it was workin today for me.  It basically shows people who have never used vista, but say how much they "hate it".  Then they are introduced to "mojave", which is a fake name for vista, to see what people thought of it.  They end up lovin it, and are surprised it is Vista.  Its better if watched, but that sucks that you cant watch it w/o DLing the beta.  O wait you can watch it w/o the beta, just click the "here" link and watch it that way.  Its pretty funny  ;D
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: Twylla on August 27, 2008, 12:10:23 AM
I really like my Vista... well that was until a week ago until it started to get a bit of an attitude  ::)

But seriously I really like it.   I would definately go that way again with my computer.

Twylla ;D
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: kizza1645 on August 27, 2008, 12:56:27 AM
That link doesnt look too say. Sort of sounds like a trap.
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: GX44 on August 27, 2008, 01:09:52 AM
I don't like Vista. I have tried it, I have persisted in trying to make it my primary OS, but I just... don't like it. At all.

Graphically it looks amazing, but apart from that I just prefer XP.

Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: Zylstra on August 27, 2008, 02:04:30 AM
Most people who dont want Vista havent actually tried it.

Actually, and I can not stress this point enough, most people who complain about Vista now also complained about XP when it was first released. I didnt like XP for a long time.

I use Vista on my laptop, and have seldom had problems that I would not have in XP with it.
Heck, Vista repaired itself one day after an improper shutdown, that was interesting.
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: kizza1645 on August 27, 2008, 02:19:40 AM
Most people who dont want Vista havent actually tried it.

Actually, and I can not stress this point enough, most people who complain about Vista now also complained about XP when it was first released. I didnt like XP for a long time.

I use Vista on my laptop, and have seldom had problems that I would not have in XP with it.
Heck, Vista repaired itself one day after an improper shutdown, that was interesting.

Touche, but the difference is vista in impractical for professional users. Thats what people are complaining about. Its not compatible with hundreds of programs and appilcations. I dont think that in 3years people will be forthright with vista as with xp.

Its just a totally different os.
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: Zylstra on August 27, 2008, 02:30:16 AM
Same with 98 compared to XP? Or even 2000 for that matter.

I am what you might call a professional computer user. I have found very few applications that didnt work with Vista. QBASIC programs still work with Vista, which, to me, thats all the support any program needs right there.

Usually when a program wont work beyond a certain OS, its because the programmer built it for a specific operating system, not other operating systems.

Believe it or not, Vista is actually a faster OS. The new architecture introduced in Vista is far superior to XP, and the data caching technologies (via Memory, not the hard drive, which explains why many systems are suspended at 50% RAM) increase the speed even more.
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: kizza1645 on August 27, 2008, 02:35:46 AM
Yes thats true, but you cant beat XP's reliability if your a professional user. Don't get me wrong i was the one who bought the first copy of vista sold practically. I enjoy using it for its interface qualitys.
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on August 27, 2008, 03:38:19 AM
Oh.....The Mojave Experiment........

Personally, I don't care for the fancy graphics. In fact, I prefer the old Windows Classic theme than anything else.
Much faster and clearer (for me)
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: fireballs on August 27, 2008, 03:53:58 AM
If i may express my opinion; I don't believe this is a question of..' you're either with us or against us'.

at the moment i've got three working laptops:

The on i'm on at the moment has vista, great for casual use - easy on the eyes - plays most games i can think of - the usual good points, plus it's never died more that i can handle so i've not really had any bad experiences with it.

One laptop has XP, that's also not died more than i couldn't handle - but i use it for more practical things finances, spreadsheets, databases. to me it just feels more like a work computer than a home PC like vista does.

and the third one has Mandriva Linux - For a couple of reasons, not least for the specs:
1.2Ghz single core CPU
512 RAM
no mouse
and more than it's fair share of knocks, bumps, drops etc.

If you could get vista, or any other windows OS, to run on that i'd eat my own face. But i use this one for programming, mainly C++. To me it just feels more like a programmers OS.

Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: soybean on August 27, 2008, 07:24:56 AM
The Mohave Experiment seems a little silly.  It's only capturing people's initial reaction to a very limited exposure to Vista.  Also, I viewed some of the clips and none of the subjects seemed to be what I'd call expert Windows users. 

Touche, but the difference is vista in impractical for professional users. 
Hmm, you mean to say that, with five versions to choose from, none of them are practical for "professional users"?  That seems like nonsense.

Thats what people are complaining about. Its not compatible with hundreds of programs and appilcations.
I don't know but I'm skeptical that it's still not compatible with hundreds of programs and appilcations.  By now, haven't most major software developers released versions of their programs that run with Vista?
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: GX44 on August 27, 2008, 08:18:55 AM
By now, haven't most major software developers released versions of their programs that run with Vista?

The compatibility issues have vastly improved over the last year or so (not sure on exact timeframe...) but there are still a lot of programs & games which have issues. (
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: iamtonsoffun247 on August 27, 2008, 09:07:46 AM
The Mohave Experiment seems a little silly.  It's only capturing people's initial reaction to a very limited exposure to Vista.  Also, I viewed some of the clips and none of the subjects seemed to be what I'd call expert Windows users.

Well most people that I hear complain about Vista are Novice users.  People that do know more about Vista and how it works may not like it that much at all, but there are defenitely more people like in the video in the world than expert users(unfortunately  :P)
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on August 27, 2008, 09:12:10 AM
I just wrote a rant here but I decided not to post the whole thing but summarize it:

I am an eXPerienced user.  :)
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: Dias de verano on August 27, 2008, 09:43:50 AM
I much prefer SuSe Linux to Vista, so what does that make me?
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: soybean on August 27, 2008, 11:41:58 AM
I went back to that page and viewed two of the "demos" at the bottom of the page.  They have some interesting info, some features I was not aware of. 
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: Zylstra on August 27, 2008, 04:30:57 PM
I much prefer SuSe Linux to Vista, so what does that make me?

That makes you an argument none of us want to start : D

I would use Linux if:
It had support for Windows Live Mail, and Messenger with the Messenger Plus addon, and support for The Sims 2 (None of those are supported in WINE, and The Sims 2 cant even run in a virtual environment)
I do use it for my server. My server is running Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron, (I actually upgraded to Hardy when it was still in BETA, worked excellent!) and it really makes a robust server. I tried Windows Server 2003 as a webserver for a few weeks, and really didnt like it. I did like the management interface, but, I kept having permission issues with letting users view my site, and also getting PHP to work with IIS 5.0 was difficult. I learned a lot in a short amount of time though.
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: merlin on August 27, 2008, 05:40:26 PM
As for vista....,strike a lite>

The ab^ve platform as been based,from win95 etc......$stop.
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: patio on August 27, 2008, 07:00:56 PM
As for vista....,strike a lite>

The ab^ve platform as been based,from win95 etc......$stop.

The above platform has nothing in common with Win98 including the core and kernel components...
Title: Re: For those of you with negative feelings about Vista.....
Post by: Dias de verano on August 28, 2008, 12:07:32 AM
In truth I have very little time for OS fanbois. Among computer forum posters, I think that some (mainly younger, male, geeky IMHO) people have an almost autistic type of obsessive attachment to trivial things like which OS they like, how much RAM, brand of CPU, etc. They remind me very much of a type of person we have in the UK called "trainspotters" who are (often with Asbergers) obsessive collectors of railway engine numbers, who fiercely champion their favourite class of engine.