Computer Hope

Software => Computer viruses and spyware => Topic started by: xlyesterdaylx on September 15, 2008, 09:24:37 AM

Title: Zlob Virus....?, Windows warning message/blue desktop
Post by: xlyesterdaylx on September 15, 2008, 09:24:37 AM
So...last night for some *censored* reason my desktop wallpaper turned into a wallpaper with a window design that is telling me i have spyware in my computer and trying to trick me into downloading some software to fix it, i denied it of course. After some research i find that it's something called "zlob virus"? So after trying to fix it for 2 hours into 2AM.

I've only managed to half fix it....i got my desktop back. i was able to change the wallpaper back into whatever i want...but the main problem remains. Occassionally the computer will freeze at desktop when trying to start up, and IE doesn't work, googlechrome doesn't work. Both thinks that i'm offline, but i know i'm online..because firefox works. Which is my main browser that i use.

The problem with firefox is that when i search for something on google, and click on the link i want to go to, another tab or window will open, not to the site i want, it redirects me to ads. Even if i try to manually enter the address into the url box. It will not display the page...other sites work when i do that. But not for when im trying to reach a legit source to fix the problem...

it's like the virus knows i'm trying to find something to get rid of it. Sorry this is kind of long, i don't even know where the problem begins or when it ends.

If it helps..i have XP...i also tried system restore point, but there's no saved point for some reason. ???
Title: Re: Zlob Virus....?, Windows warning message/blue desktop
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on September 15, 2008, 09:27:37 AM
I think you should start here:,46313.0.html