Computer Hope

Other => Other => Off topic => Topic started by: ilikemycomputer on October 17, 2008, 07:34:32 PM

Title: Last 'Titanic' survivor sells mementoes to pay for care
Post by: ilikemycomputer on October 17, 2008, 07:34:32 PM
LONDON (AFP) — The last remaining survivor of the Titanic disaster is auctioning mementoes from the doomed liner to pay for her nursing home fees, a newspaper said Thursday.

Millvina Dean was only two months old when the Titanic struck an iceberg on its maiden voyage and sank in 1912, but now at the age of 96 she is struggling to make ends meet and hopes to make 3,000 pounds (3,845 euros, 5,171 dollars) from the sale.

Personal items going under the hammer include a 100-year-old suitcase filled with clothes given to her family by the people of New York after they arrived there following the catastrophe.


Mods, please forgive me for my language.. but, what the *censored* is wrong with people these days!? This woman has lived through the titanic, World War I, World War II, and people are still trying to squeeze money out of her?! Now why hasn't somebody wealthy stepped up and done the responsible thing by writing her a check to help her out n her last few years on earth...? That just goes to show the way this world is today  >:(
Title: Re: Last 'Titanic' survivor sells mementoes to pay for care
Post by: Aegis on October 17, 2008, 11:43:57 PM
Mods, please forgive me for my language.. but, what the h**l is wrong with people these days!? This woman has lived through the titanic, World War I, World War II, and people are still trying to squeeze money out of her?! Now why hasn't somebody wealthy stepped up and done the responsible thing by writing her a check to help her out n her last few years on earth...? That just goes to show the way this world is today

I was thinking along the same lines in the moments between finishing the article, and going on to your observations! 
Title: Re: Last 'Titanic' survivor sells mementoes to pay for care
Post by: street1 (RIP) on October 18, 2008, 03:41:20 AM
I consider her a UK Icon.We have the same problems in the USA.

If the UK government is going to waste money,and waste it will,
I wonder why a government official hasn't already fixed this problem.