Computer Hope

Other => FAQ solutions database => Forum => Topic started by: Carbon Dudeoxide on October 27, 2008, 08:06:00 AM

Title: ComputerHope Chat
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on October 27, 2008, 08:06:00 AM
ComputerHope Chat (

As you may have noticed, ComputerHope now has a new Social Help Chat.

Our ComputerHope Chat was primarily made and implemented to our forum as a social chat for our ComputerHope Members to 'hang out' and to talk off-topic.
However, It has also been created as a help channel where guests (or existing users) can sign on and ask for help or just a computer question (providing there is someone online to answer).
The accepted protocol is to pause general chatting when a request for help is made. We want to be courteous to all who visit the chat channel.
Please remember that we aren't all online 24/7, we don't know everything, and we only answer in English. Therefore, our channel is an English-Only channel.
We will always try to assist but if we can't, there are always the forums (

If you have used the chat, you may have noticed a user under the name of Hopebot.
He is not a real person, but an information directory.
If you need to know the definition of something, simply type:
"Define TERM" (without the quotes)

For example:
Quote from: Chat
<Carbon>   Define Chat
<HopeBot>   Carbon: Try looking at:

If no one is there to help you.

There may be numerous users online, but if no one is in the chat or no one can to help you, please register on our forums and start a new post.
1 - Register:
2 - Information to provide:,33586.html
2 - Starting a new topic:,45928.0.html

To close the Chat
Simple close your browser window or tab. The chat will automatically log you out.

ComputerHope Chat Statistics
Title: ComputerHope Chat Rules
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on October 27, 2008, 08:09:12 AM
ComputerHope Chat Rules

To enforce these rules, if you see anyone doing any of the above and there are no OPs online, please PM one of our Staff Members:

HopeBot's Warnings
<HopeBot>   *WARNING # 1/3* Carbon please dont talk in all uppercase, it makes it LOOK LIKE YOU ARE YELLING!
<Carbon>   <censored>
<HopeBot>   *WARNING # 1/3* Carbon watch your language. Continue to use profanity and you will be kicked and/or banned.
Note: Swear words are automatically censored; but that doesn't mean you can use them.