Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: lectrocrew on October 30, 2008, 12:17:42 PM

Title: How to create 1 partition out of 2 on hard drive?
Post by: lectrocrew on October 30, 2008, 12:17:42 PM
I created 2 partitions on my C drive with Acronis Disk Director a few months ago and now I want to undo that so my C drive is just 1 partion. I cannot get the Acronis software that I paid ~$50 for to re-install on this drive with new operating system (Vista)correctly. Is there a way I can combine these partitions using Disk Management?
Title: Re: How to create 1 partition out of 2 on hard drive?
Post by: Eg0Death on October 30, 2008, 12:52:50 PM
I don't believe that Disk Management has the capability to do what you want. 

What is happening when you attempt to install the Acronis software?
Title: Re: How to create 1 partition out of 2 on hard drive?
Post by: patio on October 30, 2008, 01:03:26 PM
Official Acronis Support Forum (
Title: Re: How to create 1 partition out of 2 on hard drive?
Post by: lectrocrew on October 31, 2008, 09:59:08 AM
I don't believe that Disk Management has the capability to do what you want. 

What is happening when you attempt to install the Acronis software?
It's a dialog box about interuption before removal. I took a screen shot - attached. I cannot find Acronis DD in 'Add Remove Programs' (or I guess it's 'Programs and Features' in Vista, I'm still learning the Vista control panel.
Sorry I took so long to reply. I'm working 7 nights a week and very greatfull considering all my friends who are getting laid off.
 patio;  I'm going to the Acronis link you gave me now. Thanks!

[Saving space - attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: How to create 1 partition out of 2 on hard drive?
Post by: GolemdS on October 31, 2008, 01:37:49 PM
I think Acer PCs have a thing with partitions. Is this the same PC? Because if it is, wouldn't it have to be already installed for you to make those partitions anyways?

My friend had a boot tool that can manage partitions. I think you may have to use that to delete the other and resize the first. Then defragment. I'll try any find the name of that software.
Title: Re: How to create 1 partition out of 2 on hard drive?
Post by: lectrocrew on October 31, 2008, 03:02:50 PM
wouldn't it have to be already installed for you to make those partitions anyways?

I don't understand your reponse, most likely because of my ignorance, but I installed Acronis after XP was installed on this drive when the drive was new.
This is the same computer I had this hard drive installed in when I created that partition with Acronis Disk Director. The difference is I now have Vista OS instead of XP. I don't see why it makes any difference which computer, OS or hard drive I am trying to work with. I paid $50 for the software, and have the correct key code registered to my personal information, and there is no limitation specified by Acronis for using this software with a different OS, drive, ect.. Next April, I may have to renew my licence in order to keep using the Acronis, (but I don't even think there was a 1 year time limit on the purchase - although, if so, I'm well within that limit).
Title: Re: How to create 1 partition out of 2 on hard drive?
Post by: lectrocrew on October 31, 2008, 03:03:32 PM
Official Acronis Support Forum (
I posted a thread on the forum you linked me to patio, but have not recieved a reply yet.
Title: Re: How to create 1 partition out of 2 on hard drive?
Post by: lectrocrew on October 31, 2008, 03:14:14 PM
I think Acer PCs have a thing with partitions. Is this the same PC? Because if it is, wouldn't it have to be already installed for you to make those partitions anyways?

I may now see what your asking better. I think 'no' since the hard drive in question has undergone 1 or 2 or 3 ect. recoveries since the acronis DD software was installed. You know how it is with these things when your a rookie; "OOPS, that didn't work and I have a black screen - time to run the ol' recovery disc." But thanks to you and everyone else on CHF, it's still processing just fine!
Title: Re: How to create 1 partition out of 2 on hard drive?
Post by: lectrocrew on October 31, 2008, 09:39:53 PM
Okay, the Acronis software did load enough to show a 'technical support' link. I logged onto this page and it gave an option of re-downloading the software I purchased. (Thanks Acronis!!!)
I now have Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 running fine, and acomplished the merger of partitions by deleting the larger unused partition, then I clicked on 'expand free space' for the partition my operating system is on (drive C in this case). Acronis allocated the deleted partition space to this partition and I now have 1 partition , with 232.88 GB.
So I got what I wanted mostly, but what happened to the other  17.12 GB of drive space?
Title: Re: How to create 1 partition out of 2 on hard drive?
Post by: patio on October 31, 2008, 11:32:19 PM
So I got what I wanted mostly, but what happened to the other  17.12 GB of drive space?

Hidden Acer Restore partition...? ?