Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: jjevans on November 20, 2008, 06:34:43 PM

Title: Build or buy a budget gamer?
Post by: jjevans on November 20, 2008, 06:34:43 PM
    I am in the market for a budget gamer for my teenagers.  Best prebuilt I've found is Asus SLI M2N, Athlon 64 x 2 5400+, 320GB HD, 2GB DDR2800, twin ATI Radeon 4670's (512MB) running crossfire, 600 W SLI ready PS, Vista Home Premium 64 bit, DVD burner, etc for $700 from Ibuypower.  Is this too good to be true?  Can I build something comparable (crossfire, SLI or maybe even a conventional single card setup) for less money?  Is this something that should be attempted if I'm not familiar with checking components with a multimeter?  Are attention to detail and patience all that is necessary? 
    I saw an old thread where Homer made a suggestion list for a $1200 build and it looked really good!  Would a $500-$600 gamer even be worth building?  Should I stick with the prebuilt?  Is there other prebuilt systems equal or less cost that can keep up with modern games on max resolution?
    I apologize if any of these questions are a taboo for this site.  Seems I have a knack for that.  If so, please forgive:  Yes, I'm a noob.
Title: Re: Build or buy a budget gamer?
Post by: mattman18t on November 20, 2008, 06:51:33 PM
Hi.  I am a noob too. But was in your shoes about a week ago.

Check out this thread.,70141.msg458638.html#msg458638

Title: Re: Build or buy a budget gamer?
Post by: patio on November 20, 2008, 07:34:18 PM
I'd buy the pre-built for that price and build another one with the bread i saved... ;D
Title: Re: Build or buy a budget gamer?
Post by: jjevans on November 20, 2008, 07:55:31 PM
Really good components.  With the extra money needed for OS and upgrade to at least DDR2 1066, I may still try to trim something somewhere, but it may not be possible without major regrets.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Build or buy a budget gamer?
Post by: Calum on November 21, 2008, 02:49:58 AM
The build I knocked together that matt referenced is on a par with that one from Ibuypower, assuming that doesn't include keyboard, mouse, monitor etc.
DDR2 1066 is not necessary at all, and Vista 64 bit is available for $100 - bringing the total to $684.93/$619.93 (I didn't check all the prices again so expect some variations).
Upgrade the graphics to this - - if you want some extra grunt.
Want Crossfire for upgradeability?  Swap the motherboard for
Two 4670s will be a little faster than one 4850, but one card gives you an easy upgrade path, two don't.
Title: Re: Build or buy a budget gamer?
Post by: mattman18t on November 23, 2008, 03:37:27 PM
To the OP !..................

I put one together with a whole lot of help from Calum.  It is the build he put together in that link he gave. u.  But I upgraded to  a Intel Core 2 Quad, 4 gb  of Ram and the 4850 HD card.  It is not quite finished being installed yet, but it was right at $800 after tax, and before rebates.  Free Farcry 2, to boot.

Title: Re: Build or buy a budget gamer?
Post by: yuki953 on November 24, 2008, 04:23:32 AM
WOW!!!!! FINALY!!!!, i knew i had this build tucked away for some reson,

my gameing sytem for a budget, (i was planning on looting vista sshhhhhh, but im not allowed to talk about that)