Computer Hope

Software => Computer viruses and spyware => Topic started by: Baffled on November 28, 2008, 09:30:45 AM

Title: Does Kaspersky destroy your PC?
Post by: Baffled on November 28, 2008, 09:30:45 AM
My church has two PCs. The Office one was being very slow. I gave it a good look over (straightened out the registry, removed all unecessary start-up thingies did the Malware scans etc.) but it still was very slow.

The church paid for an "expert" to come and give it the once-over. This expert told the secretary that Kaspersky (which was on the machine) was highly damaging to PCs and will eventually destroy them. He recommended that we remove it and replace it with AVG. I have since done this at the insistance of the minister but I can find no evidence to back up the claims of the "expert".

Can anyone throw any light on this claim? Or is it just a new urban myth in its infancy?
Title: Re: Does Kaspersky destroy your PC?
Post by: Carbon Dudeoxide on November 28, 2008, 10:14:31 AM
Nonsense. I would like to see this expert's evidence.

As for speeding up the computer, this may be very useful:,62253.0.html
Title: Re: Does Kaspersky destroy your PC?
Post by: CBMatt on November 29, 2008, 03:05:03 AM
Yes, Kaspersky completely ravages any computer within minutes, which is why it's one of the most popular anti-virus programs available...

I know it's a bit hard to tell online, so if you can't tell, I'm being terribly sarcastic.  If this computer "expert" actually said that, then he is a complete idiot.  AVG is a good alternative because it's free, but I assure that Kaspersky is highly trusted and considered by many to be one of the best anti-virus programs available.  If I were you, I would go ahead and stick with AVG because it should give you ample protection.  However, I would not stick with that so-called expert.
Title: Re: Does Kaspersky destroy your PC?
Post by: Baffled on December 01, 2008, 01:46:31 AM
Thanks, that confirms my thoughts.