Computer Hope

Hardware => Drivers => Topic started by: casse2go on January 12, 2009, 07:03:57 AM

Title: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: casse2go on January 12, 2009, 07:03:57 AM
First, if this is not in the right place please redirect it, and let me know where it is.

Okay, below is a link to my local Mediabase Request Form. When I do a request for the last few days, I have not gotten the "Thank You" page.

I had no problem with this until a few days ago. I recall that a quick pop-up about my picture or video card or something flashed, before I could really read it. I was diverted by the TV. Anyway, so now I can do the actual selection and submit but the Thank You page doesn't show. However, at the bottom of the page the word "DONE" always appears.

Could this be a V-Card problem? Is there a way to test if my V-Card is on its way to junk heaven?

Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: quaxo on January 13, 2009, 02:57:56 AM
I'm getting 404 errors (page not found) for the entire site. Must be down. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with your problem or not. We'll wait for it to come back up and then take another look.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: casse2go on January 13, 2009, 05:26:04 AM
The link I supplied says ERROR 404? I have never gotten the ERROR and I just clicked the link and the page came in.

Thanks, I'll be here.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: quaxo on January 13, 2009, 10:12:53 AM
Ok, the site is back up.

But I'm getting the same thing as you. After clicking submit, I get a blank page and it says "Done" in the status bar. No other messages appeared. Anyway, this might just be a problem with their site.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: casse2go on January 13, 2009, 10:30:58 AM
Okay do you think that means the submit has taken its full course and was registered?

Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: quaxo on January 13, 2009, 06:27:34 PM
Can say for sure. I tried several times with the same result. The only thing I could really recommend is to contact them and ask if they're aware of that issue.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: casse2go on January 13, 2009, 07:24:31 PM
Okay, I'm overworked or something. I should have included this link as well. It's for the same type of service but another station, and I have the same problem with it.  This is why I am thinking maybe my machine has the problem. Admitttedly I have no idea how they are all linked to Mediabase.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: patio on January 14, 2009, 07:52:07 AM
Looks to me as if the issue is on there end...
The playlists might only stay "live" for a certain time period.
Have you contacted mediabase or checked their Forums ? ?
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: casse2go on January 14, 2009, 08:07:19 AM
Hey Patio, Btw, excuse my manners everyone. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

No I haven't because you see this is not just me voting as you might guess. And I follow the posts of other using this service and not one of the post implies that there is a problem with Mediabase.

If I were having problems with my V-Card what might some signs be. Maybe I'm just very low on space I dunno. I can't read the Task Manager's Report. I do know my machine is slowing down.

I check with mediabase.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: patio on January 14, 2009, 08:19:16 AM
Right click the C: drive in My Computer and select Properties...this will show used and free drive space.
Windows should have approx 15% for instance itf it's a 200G HDD you should keep about 30G free.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: casse2go on January 14, 2009, 08:46:39 AM
Thanks...the info was:



CAPACITY        222GB

Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: patio on January 15, 2009, 06:45:21 AM
You have plenty of room on that drive...
I still think it's on their end.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: casse2go on January 15, 2009, 07:06:21 AM
Thanks guys, I appreciate you. You're the best!
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: casse2go on January 15, 2009, 01:46:13 PM
Okay, I got in touch with the people at Mediabase...they say it looks as though the system is being hacked. They'll get on it and not sure how long it'll take.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: patio on January 15, 2009, 08:05:47 PM
Ahaa ! !
Good to see you again Casse.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: casse2go on January 15, 2009, 08:14:35 PM
Thanks, and you too. You know I was thrown by why anyone would hack into a system that measures or records music. But then I guess, new artists could do it to get their music on the list for requests. Also, fans could do it to flood the requests for their favorites.

Wow! The music industry is indeed cut-throat./b]
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: patio on January 15, 2009, 08:29:29 PM
Always has's where the word payola came from...and that was way before you or i were born.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: casse2go on January 15, 2009, 08:35:15 PM
Wait a minute, hold up! I might be older than you think. Payola? But I thought payola was more or less common practice these days. Why would anyone hack a music database/mediabase? I thought payola was simply paying stations to play an artist's music. So how does....I'm trying to figure this out. If you're doing payola, why hack?
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: patio on January 15, 2009, 09:07:31 PM
See i got you thinking...

Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: casse2go on January 15, 2009, 09:28:10 PM
*giggles* I was thinking before mister. Now I want answers because this is the world that our young musician (David Archuleta) has decided to enter. I would guess that rogue artists could always hack their music onto the list. Heck, my local station didn't know anything about the mediabase request form; which is in fact the station's playlist made available for requesting.

so if you have an upstart group, they might hack because I don't see where they'd have the money for payola. I'm thinking that involves thousands if not hundreds of thousands. So you see, this goes to the AT40 and who gets played on that. Ryan Seacrest says the AT40 is about SALES and REQUESTS. But last week when he was out, his stand-in said it was about SPINS and REQUESTS. So yeah, I can see hackers manipulating the countdown. Oh man! Cut-throat indeed.

I need to speak with a DeeJay. Let me see if there's one in here. Thanks Patio.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: patio on January 15, 2009, 09:31:55 PM
Anyone whether right or wrong...for financial gain or otherwise can and will manipulate data to suit their agenda...

Take Politics for instance.
Title: Re: Possible V-Card problem
Post by: casse2go on January 15, 2009, 09:45:00 PM
Well, let's hope political change does in fact take place. We all need to work together with this president the last one froze us out. This one is asking the man on the street if he has an answer for the economic crisis. I'd say that change already.