Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: WilliamMichael on January 27, 2009, 10:11:09 AM

Title: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: WilliamMichael on January 27, 2009, 10:11:09 AM
Can someone please tell me if I can install a better graphics card into my computer. Dell Lifetime support has really pissed me off. I just installed a Creative XtremeGamer Fatality sound card that works fantastic !!!! I did upgrade "according to Dell" from a Nivada 64m card to a Radeon 215m 9550.
But I am hearing that these ddr things are on the boards themselves. *censored* I really liked Nivida, and would love to put the best card into my system. Can Anyone Please Help Me. I am never callind Dell Lifetime Support again. Can anyone even suggest a better graphics card for my system ?????  ??? ??? ???

Microsoft Windows XP, Home edition, Version 2002, Service Pack 3

Computer:  Intel (R)
                   Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.8GHz
                   1.79 GHz, .00GB of Ram
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: Calum on January 27, 2009, 10:44:43 AM
Welcome to the forums.

What's the actual model of your Dell?
It should be on a sticker somewhere, for example Dimension 2100.
We'll need that, your budget, and what games you play/whatever made you decide you needed a better graphics card, to best help you.
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: WilliamMichael on January 27, 2009, 10:52:43 AM
I have a Dell Dimension 8200
would like to get the best graphics card, can't afford a new computer
I love playing games, but picture seems to hang, like stop motion
I had a Nivida 64m, upgraded to a Radeon 9550 thru Dell
But have been told I could of done better... Thanks
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: WilliamMichael on January 27, 2009, 11:02:38 AM
LoL, I maxed out Ram to 2.00 GB ;)
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: Calum on January 27, 2009, 11:06:46 AM
Looks like to really upgrade your graphics, you'd need a new power supply.
A new graphics card would really be held back by your processor, too.
Still ... this PSU ( and this graphics card ( should tide you over.
Would definitely give you a good upgrade, without wasting money on a really fast card that wouldn't be utilised anywhere near its potential because of your CPU.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: WilliamMichael on January 27, 2009, 11:17:27 AM
WoW guy, very bad reviews on that card.
So is the Radeon 9550 better than the Nivida 64m
and wouldn't it be better to get the ddr2 Radeon one instead?
power supply sounds interesting, but you have to fix it !!!!!!!
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: Calum on January 27, 2009, 11:21:19 AM
There are some bad reviews, you're right.  maybe best to get a different card.
This ( looks OK.
The Radeon 9550 should be better than that Nvidia, but both are quite old cards.
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: WilliamMichael on January 27, 2009, 11:35:43 AM
Hey Thanks for all your help, what do you think of this card?
XTASY Radeon X1300 512MB , do you think this is better? :-\
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: Calum on January 27, 2009, 12:03:39 PM
The X1300 should be better than a 9550, but it's still a low end card.
It would work fine, and you probably wouldn't need a new PSU though, which is a plus.
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: WilliamMichael on January 27, 2009, 12:07:53 PM
Hey thanks Calum, but a little confused.....
what would be the best .......
the Xtasy Radeon X13000

or the

Sapphire 100175L Radeon and the new power supply ???????

Thanks again for helping confused me !!!!! ::) :o ::) ;)
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: Calum on January 27, 2009, 12:13:28 PM
Sorry for the confusion.
The 100175L (X1650 Pro) is the best card, followed by the X1300, followed by the 9550, followed by the 64M Nvidia card.
If you have the money and want to keep this computer going for a while, I recommend the new pwoer supply and the X1650 Pro.  if you want to save a little cash but still upgrade this system, get the X1300.  Anything better than the X1650 would be a waste of money really.
Hope this clears things up.
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: WilliamMichael on January 27, 2009, 12:28:50 PM
Thank you Calum, You have helped me out greatly !!!!!
I will never buy another computer from Dell
But I will buy one from Cyber Power out of CA.
Thanks again so much !!!!!!!!!!
Bill  ;D :D ;) :)
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: Calum on January 27, 2009, 01:05:20 PM
You're more than welcome, glad to help.
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: WilliamMichael on January 28, 2009, 08:43:27 PM
Hopefully this is my last question "yeah..Right...LOL" ???

I have purchased both the radeon video card x1650pro and power supply.

Do I have to connect a separate voltage line into the video card, there is a white connector there, on the rear of this card, or will the card be supplied by plugging it into the video slot, in itself ? And what is the polarity of this connector. I know my new creative extreme gamer sound card has one, but did not connect anything power cable to it.

If I install the new power supply first, do I still have to run a power line to the video card? ::)

Thanks again for all the help. Bill :o
Title: Re: Confused about ddr ddr2 ddr3
Post by: ThrowingShapes on January 28, 2009, 09:34:52 PM
The card you have installed does not require additional power from the psu.  I believe the connector you are seeing is the TV-out connection.  I'm just judging by the picture on newegg, but you don't have to worry about connecting anything after you put it in.

Dell's can be a little fickle, hope they didn't cause you to much trouble.

Enjoy your new card!