Computer Hope

Microsoft => Microsoft Windows => Windows XP => Topic started by: rejoicing1 on May 07, 2005, 06:07:04 PM

Title: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 07, 2005, 06:07:04 PM
We purchased a new Dell computer in January. MY husband and I have been playing around with the old one, A Gateway2000 Pentium11 with Windows98. We decided we would try and install Windowsxp from the CDrom given us with our new computer!( Are you getting the feeling we are dummies now?!!!) installed, but then when we went to do a setup we ran into problems....
How can we remove The XP and start all over, and what can we do?
ps. We are just doing this as a learning experiment and fun so we are not paniced, but we would like to  get this set up for our neighbors to use. ( we are both senior citizens and not too computer savey!)
Thank you in advance for any help.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 07, 2005, 06:13:23 PM

Do you have the Windows 98 SE OEM (or System Restoration) CD that came with the Gateway computer?

Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 07, 2005, 07:02:35 PM
unfortunately no....we have the Windows 98 updateCD.
By the way, I sure love your ID!! That is why I am a rejoicing1  !!
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: Flame on May 07, 2005, 08:59:20 PM
The reason that it didn't work is becuase Dell, along with other computer manufacturers have installed a security device, which only allows their computers to have the OS installed on... It's hard to explain, but in simpler terms... You can only use those CDs on the Dell computer... Sorry!  :-/

Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: Mac on May 08, 2005, 03:00:29 AM
Which means that what you are trying to do is illegal. I would format the '98 computer and re-install '98.

A Pentium II and probably too little RAM plus a small drive size is not really good enough for XP.

Still these might come in use...

XP Clean Installing (
XP Compatability Test (
XP Partition Management (;en-us;309000)
XP Installing Recovery Console (

RAM Knowledge Base (
RAM And What it Does (
RAM Virtual Memory Paging (
RAM Reseating & Fitting PDF File (

Processor Temperatures (
Service Pack Slipstreamer (
Power Supply Wattage Calculator (
Everest Home Edition Computer Diagnostic Program (


Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 08, 2005, 07:46:23 AM
Wow I didn't know that. I was under the impression that you could use a CD once you purchased it, at least for your OWN use. Thank you. I will try now to reformat and reinstall the Windows 98. Any links on how to do that? Thanks everyone for your help.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: Mac on May 08, 2005, 08:37:25 AM
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 08, 2005, 09:02:34 AM

One question......when I boot up it asks me what I want to do
1. Windows XP set up or
2.Windows 98.
If I choose Windows 98, it boots up fine as usual.
Is there anyway that I can go in and remove Windows XP,( whatever DID get installed?) In " My computer", what would it look like? I did a search yesterday and by " dates" it would appear that there are a lot of files on the day we tried to install it. I just don't want to go in and remove some important files...........
Hope this makes sense.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 08, 2005, 12:00:27 PM

<----- Agrees with Flame
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 08, 2005, 12:08:57 PM
unfortunately no....we have the Windows 98 updateCD.
By the way, I sure love your ID!! That is why I am a rejoicing1  !!

Yeah, it's good to know relief from guilt and stress is always just a prayer away! (Philippians, chapter 4).

When you say you have the "Windows update CD" do you mean that you have the Windows upgrade CD?  If this is what you mean, then do you also have the installation floppy disks (or CD) for Windows 95 or some previous operating system?

Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 08, 2005, 12:22:07 PM

Yeah, it's good to know relief from guilt and stress is always just a prayer away! (Philippians, chapter 4).

When you say you have the "Windows update CD" do you mean that you have the Windows upgrade CD?  If this is what you mean, then do you also have the installation floppy disks (or CD) for Windows 95 or some previous operating system?


Yes, guilt free is great!! Have to keep reminding myself of that fact.
Now on to the questions.......
We have the Upgrade, yes. Sorry for the confusion. My hubsand thinks we have a Windows 95 CD if I haven't given it a toss. He will search for it, and I will let you know.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 08, 2005, 05:02:40 PM

Very true.

If you have the Windows 95 CD and the Windows 98 CD you will be able to install Windows 98 again.  The advantage to this is a two-fold one: First, this will allow you to reformat the hard drive, which will erase the Windows XP operating system.  Second, this will allow you to remove any private information (such as your credit card number) or files (such as letters you have written) to which you do not want the next owner of the computer to have access.  So, let us know if you your husband finds the Windows 95 CD of floppy disks.  

If he does not find it (or them), it is still possible to remove Windows XP (that is, if the setup program saved the data to uninstall the operating system).  In this case, you will then have to go through the long process of removing any documents, Internet Explorer favorites, address book entries, and other files and settings to which do not want the next owner of the computer to have access.

Let us know, then Mac or Flame or i will suggest what to do next.

Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 10, 2005, 08:25:56 AM

Very true.

If you have the Windows 95 CD and the Windows 98 CD you will be able to install Windows 98 again.  The advantage to this is a two-fold one: First, this will allow you to reformat the hard drive, which will erase the Windows XP operating system.  Second, this will allow you to remove any private information (such as your credit card number) or files (such as letters you have written) to which you do not want the next owner of the computer to have access.  So, let us know if you your husband finds the Windows 95 CD of floppy disks.  

If he does not find it (or them), it is still possible to remove Windows XP (that is, if the setup program saved the data to uninstall the operating system).  In this case, you will then have to go through the long process of removing any documents, Internet Explorer favorites, address book entries, and other files and settings to which do not want the next owner of the computer to have access.

Let us know, then Mac or Flame or i will suggest what to do next.


Good morning. Had to help with my sister yesterday who has cancer so have had to set my computer woes on a back burner.  How would I know if Windows XP  " uninstall"  is on the computer. What would the file look like?
Probably another silly question.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 10, 2005, 12:05:55 PM

Sorry to hear about your sister; i'll pray for her.

To answer your question, the uninstall XP option is only available if you are able to get to the XP desktop.  After reading your posts again, i believe i was mistaken that this option is available to you because the setup program did not complete the installation of XP.  

Now, to get rid of the message to choose which operating system you want, the easiest way is to edit the boot.ini file that the Windows XP setup created.  You have to be careful doing this, however, because making a mistake in the file will mean you will not be able to start Windows 98 till you correct the mistake.

There are at least two safe things you may change in the file:

A.  The default operating system should be changed to Windows 98 (right now it must be set to select XP setup).

B. The amount of time for the computer to wait before selecting Windows 98 should be set to zero.

Once these changes are made and saved in the file, your computer will seem to boot to 98 as normal.  Then all you may want to do is delete the files that the Windows XP setup program created (that is, if you want to create more space on the hard drive to install programs and save documents, etc.).  If it were me, i'd just delete the ARC path to the setup program in the boot.ini file, but i would not suggest you do this, as making a mistake will cause problems.

Of course, if you do find the Windows 95 installation CD (or set of floppy disks) then it will be easier, as i mentioned in the above post.  Let us know if you want instructions as to how to edit boot.ini.

Blessings to you and yours,

Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 10, 2005, 02:18:15 PM

Of course, if you do find the Windows 95 installation CD (or set of floppy disks) then it will be easier, as i mentioned in the above post.  Let us know if you want instructions as to how to edit boot.ini.

Blessings to you and yours,


I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to help me on this. Hubby thinks he MAY have a set of floppys and has set out once again to do a search for them. Is there any where I could purchase reasonable a new CD for Windows 98 if I cannot find my old one?

Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 10, 2005, 05:06:26 PM
questions , questions........
I have been thinking the easiest route for us would be to look for a new, or unregistered Windows98CD that we could go ahead and install.  I have been roaming around ebay this afternoon checking out auctions of Windows98. I see lots of them, some say oem.( what's that?)
Also could we get a Windows98 second edition and install that? or would that cause problems?
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 10, 2005, 05:16:44 PM
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to help me on this. ... Is there any where I could purchase reasonable a new CD for Windows 98 if I cannot find my old one?

Thanks for saying so.   :)

I have to say there was a time when i used to think helping others was a waste of my time.  Then, someone introduced me to Christ, and now, well, He has changed me somehow.  In the past i couldn't resist the urge to put myself first, now i have this irresistible desire to help others out.  When i began learning about computers, the task was too overwhelming, so i promised God that if He'd help me learn i'd give away what i've learned to help others.  I guess that's why i'm here.

It's all about giving to others because He gave so much for me; as my friend John put it, "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for [each other]." (1 John 3, verse 16).

To answer your question, a quick search of for Windows 98 SE turned up nearly 2,000 hits!

You may want to check some of these out to get an idea of what people are asking, then call a local computer repair shop to see if they have any Windows 98 Second Edition CDs available.  If you decide to make a bid at eBay, make sure to go only with those sellers who have a history of being honest in the past.

Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 13, 2005, 07:11:52 AM

Thanks for saying so.   :)

I have to say there was a time when i used to think helping others was a waste of my time.  Then, someone introduced me to Christ, and now, well, He has changed me somehow.  In the past i couldn't resist the urge to put myself first, now i have this irresistible desire to help others out.  When i began learning about computers, the task was too overwhelming, so i promised God that if He'd help me learn i'd give away what i've learned to help others.  I guess that's why i'm here.

It's all about giving to others because He gave so much for me; as my friend John put it, "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for [each other]." (1 John 3, verse 16).

To answer your question, a quick search of for Windows 98 SE turned up nearly 2,000 hits!

You may want to check some of these out to get an idea of what people are asking, then call a local computer repair shop to see if they have any Windows 98 Second Edition CDs available.  If you decide to make a bid at eBay, make sure to go only with those sellers who have a history of being honest in the past.


Thank you. Have had to shelve the computer for a few days and just getting back to this forum. You said it so well.! Jesus gives us the desire to help others and reach out. Blessing comes in giving out of ourselves.

On to the computer now, you are saying then that  Windows SE would be ok? I think what we will do then is to purchase a Windows 98 SE and go in and wipe off what is there.......(we are playing around with 2 old computers).......and then try the fresh install with a purchased Windows off of ebay.I will do what you said though first, and call a local computer repair. I also will only buy from a reputable seller. I hear that many try and sell imposters and illegals.
If you happen on to ebay and see one that looks good and REASONABLE , give me a heads up!!! Thank you , and have a GREAT DAY.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 13, 2005, 09:31:32 AM
Opinion please on this CD?
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 13, 2005, 12:22:33 PM

I like the fact that the seller has a 100% satisfaction rating from eBay users.  I don't like the fact that the seller makes excuses about not checking every item sold.  Does this mean he will sell you a scratched CD that you cannot use?  I also would recommend Windows 98 Second Edition (not the original version of Windows 98).  You may pay a little more for it, but it will be worth the cost.

Another place to check would be

I'd consider the full version over the upgrade (unless you are sure you have all the Windows 95 floppy disks and that none of them are damaged).

Blessings to you!

PS. How is your sister doing?  

Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 13, 2005, 04:04:24 PM
I will check Amazon. We ended up not finding the floppys, so we will have to purchase the full version. We will go for Windows98 SE.

My sister is still very much in pain and going through the post surgery blues that come with cancer.
Her hope is in the Lord, however. Thanks for asking.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 13, 2005, 04:37:10 PM
That is a good place for her trust to be.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separtate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans, chapter 8, verses 38-39)

God bless you, your sister, et al.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: cassia Patricio on May 13, 2005, 05:33:16 PM
I would like to know how to post a message in the internet. I actully want to post  about 500 copies of this massage that I have in my text file documents.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: Fed on May 13, 2005, 05:41:56 PM
cassia Patricio, you need to start a new topic for this & I suggest you explain a little more of what you are trying to do.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 14, 2005, 06:37:00 PM

<--- Agrees with FED
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 15, 2005, 06:46:08 PM

<---- is wondering how the rejoicing one is doing
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 15, 2005, 07:26:13 PM

<---- is wondering how the rejoicing one is doing

Sister is doing much better today. Took her dinner after church and her color looks better and swelling is going down in her legs.( caused by her heart condition!)

Haven't pursued the computer repairs this weekend, but we are going to call tomorrow to a computer repair and ask how much they charge for a new Windows98CD .You can expect MANY QUESTIONS when we get that CD!!!!*g*

Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 16, 2005, 11:15:43 AM
cassia Patricio, you need to start a new topic for this & I suggest you explain a little more of what you are trying to do.

Good morning cassia. How do I do this.......just start a brand new thread? I am new to this forum.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 16, 2005, 12:05:11 PM
Rejoicing One:

No rush on the computer; your family comes first!    Thanks for the update on your sister.  I'll keep her in my prayers.

God bless,
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: Fed on May 16, 2005, 02:57:15 PM
Rejoicing1, if you read back you will see the poster
(cassia Patricio) asked a question completely out of context, this is called hijacking a thread.
I only advised them to start their own thread so that better results are achieved for all.  :)
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 17, 2005, 12:16:59 PM
Rejoicing1, if you read back you will see the poster
(cassia Patricio) asked a question completely out of context, this is called hijacking a thread.
I only advised them to start their own thread so that better results are achieved for all.  :)

Thanks Fed. Everlearning one here!!!!LOLOL!!!
Hard for me to keep up on forums but they sure are neat!!!
I did put a bid on a Sealed New Windows98SE CD........we will see if I get it now.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 21, 2005, 10:28:45 AM

<--- wonders how it's going for Rejoicing
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 29, 2005, 07:39:57 PM

<--- wonders how it's going for Rejoicing


Well here I am, the long lost rejoicing1 !!! I finally bought a Windows98 CD. YEAH!!!!!! sealed and new. It isn't the Second Edition, but hubby said we have the upgrade and can use that once we install 98. He is gone to Oregon for  a funeral of a friend and as soon as he comes back we will be bombarding this forum for HELP!!.......Computer play will be shelved until next week. Hope you are all fine. Sister on the improve each day. Thanks for your prayers.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: Raptor on May 30, 2005, 09:07:40 AM
Second hand Windows 98 CD's are sold at very low prices.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: merlin_2 on May 30, 2005, 09:08:23 AM
i bet its no sound..and display graphics settings>>you will be asked if you wish to make a startup disk..take the option>
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on May 30, 2005, 10:21:41 AM
Second hand Windows 98 CD's are sold at very low prices.

Well I actually paid $36. for it on Ebay.......are you going to pop my balloon and tell me it wasn't a good buy? is the link. I guess I will have to upgrade after I install it? I do have the Windows 98 upgrade.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on May 31, 2005, 08:05:31 PM
Rejoicing One:

Good to hear from you!  $36.00 for a never used Windows 98 is a steal in my book.  :)

Glad to hear your sister is doing a little better.  I'll keep asking God to get her through whatever comes her way.  She is blessed to have a sister who cares for her as you do.

If you think of it, pray for my wife.  She has been freakin' out since we got the bad news that my employer is eliminating my job (and those of 100 others in my job classification).  I'm hopeful i'll be able to start a career in information technology (i.e. working with computers and computer networks).

May God bless your socks off!
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on June 01, 2005, 09:21:58 AM
Rejoicing One:

Good to hear from you!  $36.00 for a never used Windows 98 is a steal in my book.  :)

Glad to hear your sister is doing a little better.  I'll keep asking God to get her through whatever comes her way.  She is blessed to have a sister who cares for her as you do.

If you think of it, pray for my wife.  She has been freakin' out since we got the bad news that my employer is eliminating my job (and those of 100 others in my job classification).  I'm hopeful i'll be able to start a career in information technology (i.e. working with computers and computer networks).

May God bless your socks off!

I sure will be praying that the right job will come along.........and it WILL.God never allows a door to be closed without opening another.....
He has promised to supply ALL, yes, ALL our needs!!!

I am hoping that the CD will work just fine.........time will tell!!
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: JohnK on June 02, 2005, 08:43:38 AM
It's a good thing that you have the Windows 98 SE upgrade CD. You are lucky that you don't have to keep using the first edition. That's what I'm using, and it sucks! Of course, it's still better than Windows 95...  :)
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on June 11, 2005, 11:13:12 AM
It's a good thing that you have the Windows 98 SE upgrade CD. You are lucky that you don't have to keep using the first edition. That's what I'm using, and it sucks! Of course, it's still better than Windows 95...  :)

Good morning all. I am ready now to try and play around with my old computer. I bought a fdisk to reformat and the 98 windows operating system. Here is what I am getting when I put in the Fdisk........I get passed the part where it says I want to use the " Large Disk support"...........and to " Create Primary DOS partition" then says, " Create Primary DOS partition"................Current Fixed Disk Drive......................Part:C:1, Status: A, Type: Pri DOS, mbytes:9782,Syst: FAT32, Use:100%........and then it says " Primary Partition already what??????????? This may not make sense to anyone.....but going to chance sending it on......I guess what I am saying is apparently I need to format this computer before I install the Windows98 CD.............right?
Confused this morning but wanting to learn.........

Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on June 11, 2005, 11:14:19 AM
Rejoicing One:

Good to hear from you!  $36.00 for a never used Windows 98 is a steal in my book.  :)

Glad to hear your sister is doing a little better.  I'll keep asking God to get her through whatever comes her way.  She is blessed to have a sister who cares for her as you do.

If you think of it, pray for my wife.  She has been freakin' out since we got the bad news that my employer is eliminating my job (and those of 100 others in my job classification).  I'm hopeful i'll be able to start a career in information technology (i.e. working with computers and computer networks).

May God bless your socks off!

PAGING " PCDocforChrist".............PAGING PCDOC.........
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on June 11, 2005, 01:12:25 PM
PAGING " PCDocforChrist".............PAGING PCDOC.........

I DID IT, I DID IT , I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I reformatted, and installed the Windows98!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of myself right now!!!!!!!!!!!!Watch out computer world. HERE I COME!!!!
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: pcdoc4christ on June 18, 2005, 08:27:41 AM
Rejoicing One:

Sorry i didn't respond; i've been preoccupied with my job search.  Funny how a semi-crisis will change one's own perspective.  

Glad to hear you figured it out!

Still praying for you and your sister.

God bless,
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: rejoicing1 on June 19, 2005, 07:24:14 PM
Rejoicing One:

Sorry i didn't respond; i've been preoccupied with my job search.  Funny how a semi-crisis will change one's own perspective.  

Glad to hear you figured it out!

Still praying for you and your sister.

God bless,

Thankyou for your prayers. I often think of you and your family also.
Did you find a job? Glad our MASTER TECH knows all about every detail of our lives.
Title: Re: A Computer dummy needs helps
Post by: blue_caddy on June 19, 2005, 07:59:14 PM
glad to here you got it running wasnt hard lol anyways take care      blue