Computer Hope

Hardware => Drivers => Topic started by: Guyfrom909 on May 11, 2005, 05:13:54 PM

Title: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: Guyfrom909 on May 11, 2005, 05:13:54 PM
Hey people, I am new to the forum and hopfully it can be of great help. I hope to help and recieve help from and for other members. My problem right now is I have a laptop(Sony Vaio PCG-C1MV) that needs a fresh install of XP, I deleted the old partition and has a new one already formatted and ready to go. Problem, i dont have the original external cd-rom drive that came w/ the laptop which prohibits me from installing XP because i have no cd drive. I have a 3rd party external drive(IN.coder cdrw/dvd) which worked fine when the computer was running. Dos does not reconize it because the boot disks do not have a driver for it. The external USB floppy drive works fine. I have contacted IN.coder and they are working on sending me the dos drivers. As soon as i get them i can install them, but how do i do that? What command or steps need to be taken to allow dos to reconize the optical drive. I am using win98SE boot disk.  Any input will make you my new friend. Please help out.
Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: Computer_Commando on May 11, 2005, 05:36:20 PM
...dos drivers. As soon as i get them i can install them, but how do i do that? What command or steps need to be taken to allow dos to reconize the optical drive. I am using win98SE boot disk....

1.  copy the driver to the Win98SE boot disk.
2.  hope bootdisk has mscdex.exe
3.  Add line to config.sys
something like:  devicehigh=driveryouget.sys  /D:mscd001
4.  Add line to autoexec.bat
loadhigh mscdex /D:mscd001 /M:10 /L:g

Note:  the g in /L:g assigns drive G to the CDROM

Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: Guyfrom909 on May 11, 2005, 05:39:07 PM
great, thanks commando. Will give it a try and let repost in forum what happens.  ;D
Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: Guyfrom909 on May 12, 2005, 03:00:47 AM
hey commando, i come with bad news. It did work, or didnt do it right. Can anyone give me a step by step on how to do so or can anyone modify the win98se bootdisk to tayor my need for me?
Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: Computer_Commando on May 12, 2005, 02:53:36 PM
Post your config.sys and autoexec.bat
Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: merlin_2 on May 12, 2005, 04:24:57 PM
Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: Guyfrom909 on May 14, 2005, 12:51:16 AM
THanks merlan, thats a good page to bookmark , but the IN.coder drivers were not found in there. Here is my config.sys and autoexec.bat:


menuitem=CD, Start computer with CD-ROM support.
menuitem=NOCD, Start computer without CD-ROM support.
menuitem=HELP, View the help file.

device=himem.sys /testmem :off
device=oakcdrom.sys /D :mscd001
device=btcdrom.sys /D :mscd001
device=aspicd.sys /D :mscd001

device=himem.sys /testmem :off

device=himem.sys /testmem :off

dos=stackhigh ,umb
devicehigh=ramdrive.sys /E 2048

@echo OFF
set LglDrv=27 * 26 Z 25 Y  24 X 23 W 22 V 21 U 20 T  19 S       18 R 17 Q 16 P 15
set LglDrv=%LglDrv% O 14 N 13 M 12 L 11 K 10  J 9 I 8 H 7  G 6 F 5 E 4 D 3 C
call setramd.bat %LglDrv%
set temp=c:\
copy %RAMD%:\ > NUL
set comspec=%RAM%:\
copy extract.exe %RAM%:\ > NUL
copy readme.txt %RAM% :\ > NUL

echo Please insert Windows 98 Startup Disk 2

%RAM%:\extract /y /e /l %RAM%: > NUL
echo The Diagonistic tools were successfully loaded into drive %RAM%.

IF "config%"=="NOCD" GOTO QUIT
IF "config%"=="HELP" GOTO HELP
LH %ramd%:\MSCDEX.EXE /D :mscd001 /L:%CDROM%

call help.bat
echo YOur computer will now restart the setup menu will appear.

echo TO get help, type HELP and press ENTER
rem clean up environment varible
set CDROM=
set LglDrv=

okay there it is, what do i replace/add with what?
Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: Computer_Commando on May 14, 2005, 08:56:29 AM
I assume the driver for the external CD is btcdrom.sys.  You have too many drivers with the /D :mscd001 parameter.  Try one at a time until you find the one that works.  I think the aspicd.sys creates the drive letter for the CD.  Remove the /D :mscd001 parameter from all but the oakcdrom.sys.

Config and autoexec are more complicated than they need to be.  Don't create a RAM drive and don't load any files from C-drive.  Strip it down to bare minimum.  Keep it simple!
Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: T on June 04, 2005, 09:06:51 AM
hey commando, been at this for a couple weeks now. same problem, no progress. you think if i email you my bootdisk and the drivers that came w/ the usb optical drive, u can modify it for me? ???
Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: merlin_2 on June 04, 2005, 12:36:12 PM
This is for winxp pro and home>>

^if you winxp home search for them^
Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: Guyfrom909 on June 09, 2005, 09:26:44 PM
Thanks merlan, ill try this out, hopefully it will run in
dos, the laptop i have doesnt have any o/s on it.
Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: merlin_2 on June 12, 2005, 03:22:31 PM
put one of it then>>
Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: Guyfrom909 on June 24, 2005, 01:15:38 PM
*censored* sony products!! so difficult to find compatable/replacemnt products. spoke to a vaio rep and found out the cd rom that came with it orignally had a recovery  switch on it so it would boot. the lap top doesnt support any other external cdrw drive in dos. only 3 sony models would work. so thats solves my problem. came up with another one though. i need recovery disks to install the factory image then upgrade to xp pro since there is no operating system on it. never will i buy any sony computing products!!! >:( Anyone know where to get them? I need sony vaio pcg c1mv recovery disks. email me please!!
Title: Re: How do I install drivers in DOS????
Post by: merlin_2 on June 24, 2005, 02:52:06 PM
buy a winxp full edition disk....and boot it....then worry about drivers.....