Computer Hope

Software => Computer viruses and spyware => Topic started by: lemonfresh on April 24, 2009, 07:45:42 PM

Title: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: lemonfresh on April 24, 2009, 07:45:42 PM
I used to use the free version of AVG but for the last 11 months I have been using the full AVG suite that costs money.  With my recent experiences with the Sysxd problem and possible Trojan I am wondering if AVG is all it is cracked up to be.  AVG totally missed both these problems and the only way I got rid of the problem was through this site; using the CCleaner, SuperAntiSpyware, Malwarebytes and HijackThis as well as help through the forum of course.  Since my AVG is due for it's annual licence renewal in a week or so I am wondering if I should look elsewhere.

Does anyone suggest a good security suite I could use, preferably free but not necessarily?  The other option I was thinking of was to let my AVG licence lapse and use the free AVG and run the above mentioned programmes every week or so to check for nasties.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated (preferably before my AVG licence is due).
Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: soybean on April 25, 2009, 07:23:46 AM
Does anyone suggest a good security suite I could use, preferably free but not necessarily?  The other option I was thinking of was to let my AVG licence lapse and use the free AVG and run the above mentioned programmes every week or so to check for nasties.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated (preferably before my AVG licence is due).

Assuming this computer is not used for business, meaning it's personal use and qualifies for the free version of AVG, the above approach would be my choice.  And, make sure you have a firewall running.
Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: lemonfresh on April 25, 2009, 08:43:31 AM
Yep, Personal home use only.  I use the standard Windows firewall.  I'm assuming the Windows Firewall is reasonably reliable?
Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: tesla on April 27, 2009, 05:20:23 AM
eeh. ive had bad expierences with windows firewall. i suggest getting "trend micro" its not free but ive used it for 2 years and never had a virus or spyware etc.
Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: SuperDave on April 27, 2009, 06:36:50 PM
Windows Firewall will only protect you from incoming traffic. Any infections you may have on your computer are free to interact with their home base anytime they feel like doing so. By interact, I mean sending back personal information such as passwords, keystrokes, banking info, etc. As for myself, I'm quite satisfied with ZoneAlarm on my XP and Vista Firewall for my laptop.
Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: lemonfresh on May 01, 2009, 06:58:50 PM
Thank you for all your comments.  Especally about Windows Firewall.  Is zonealarm free?  Usually anything worth a pinch of salt isn't free, but you never know.
Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: x2543 on May 01, 2009, 07:48:30 PM
Windows Firewall will only protect you from incoming traffic. Any infections you may have on your computer are free to interact with their home base anytime they feel like doing so. By interact, I mean sending back personal information such as passwords, keystrokes, banking info, etc. As for myself, I'm quite satisfied with ZoneAlarm on my XP and Vista Firewall for my laptop.

commodo firewall is a good free firewall if you want alternative to windows firewall that is free. To just have avast home edition (which is free) and windows firewall turned on and having Malwarebyte free on hand, my computer's been feeling good so far. But then again, I do have hardware firewall turned on via router .....

Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: Chris PCX on May 02, 2009, 06:13:41 AM
I have never had a problem with AVG internet security, but if you are looking for a change, I would suggest NOD32. Very good and light on your system.
Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: computer1000 on May 02, 2009, 10:06:24 AM
I heard some good things about Avast Professional Edition.  You may want to check that out.
Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: TorrentIt on May 02, 2009, 10:48:28 AM
I heard some good things about Avast Professional Edition.  You may want to check that out.
Windows Virus Protection,
 Are All Examples OF HORRIBLE Protection Programs,

If I Picked A AntiVirus,
It Would Be Nortons AntiVirus,
Ill Tell You The Best Ones,
Heres My Choice Of The TOP 3 AntiVirus's


I Can Tell You How To Get Free Ones Of All These,
If You Thank Me

Check Out My Laptop Problem!

Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: x2543 on May 02, 2009, 12:08:17 PM
antivirus protection is there but if you're not proactive, what matters? Driving a car with safety features is uesless if you're doing things that overrides the safety features .... lol  :D

Who said AVAST or Nod32 is crappy. that's all crap. If you don't like it, don't use it and don't complain to everyone else that you don't like it or use it .  >:(
Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: jim46nor on May 02, 2009, 12:55:20 PM
Avira is a good, free Antivirus software.

Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: atittaya23 on May 03, 2009, 01:37:13 PM
I will try to sum up as best as I can (English is not my native language)

There is no such thing as perfect antivirus program. All well-known with good reputation antivirus programs are equally good. But to get the most security protection out of your security program you should:

1. Read this; Virus prevention tips ( and Web safety ( and Keeping Yourself Safe On The Web ( and How did I get infected?, With steps so it does not happen again! ( And not just reading it, you need to try to follow it, too.

2. Changing you behavior of how you use your computer and internet. You're the first who can prevent the malware attack the most. Even if you have a very good security program but you're still continuing to do something to override that security yourself on purpose such as using p2p programs or going to well-known unsafe site (shareware, adult content sites or etc) or using pirated programs, cracked programs then the result will be the same as you don't have any security program at all. Practice how to use computer safely will help you a lot.

3. If you read the number 2 and think what the point in having security program? Well, it will help protect you from any threats that you're not aware of. Such as whenever you go to a normal looking website (any website that seem innocence)  that you don't know it contain malicious code, it's will protect you by preventing the access. Or when you receive a executable file from someone you know and trust whose his computer might be infected without you knowing about it and when you try to execute it, the program will prevent you, too.

4. Try to use many different well-known with good reputation antivirus software (make sure to try it one at a time, never install more than 1 antivirus at the same time) Then try to understand how to use all of its options and update its virus database regularly (once per day is the best). And when you arrive to an antivirus that you feel you like it the most and really understand how to use it properly and feel very comfortable to use it then that is your answer, this antivirus is the one that suit you the best.


I'm not malware expert but since Broni and evilfantasy helped me with malware problem nearly a year ago, until now I'm happily to say that I don't have any malware problem again at all. All I did is using my computer safely and follow the instruction from Virus prevention tips ( and Web safety ( and Keeping Yourself Safe On The Web ( and How did I get infected?, With steps so it does not happen again! ( to the T.
Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: evilfantasy on May 03, 2009, 01:40:32 PM
Thanks atittaya23 .

(| (| (| (| (| (| (|
Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: lemonfresh on May 04, 2009, 07:24:27 AM
Looks like I started a hornet's nest of disucssion about this one; which is a good thing.
I am told that many computer boffins use ESET NOD32 Antivirus so I can't see that it would be crappy.  My mother's future son inlaw who is employed in computer industy convinced her to go with it.  She is signing up for 2 years (cheaper apprently).  But as I've mentioned I'm not interested in paying for antivirus.  I've pretty well made up my mind that I will use the free AVG and use the three standard spyware programmes suggest to check everything else. 

Thank you TorrentIt  for your input, but in the past I've found Norton to cause too many conflicts with other software cuasing all sorts of crashes and problems.  Have the recent versions improved on that front lately?

The last issue I raised which seems to have gotten off the track a bit with this discussion is the issue of a decent (preferably free) Firewall.  This discussion has informed me that Windows XP firewall only protects one way (in traffic) and leaves outgoing traffic vunerable.  I figure if I have the spyware under control that shouldn't be a problem but I probably shouldn't take the risk.

So some suggestions regarding two way protection based free firewall would be fab.  Or am I asking for too much?

Thank you Tesla for your suggestion of trend micro.  Thank you SuperDave for your suggestion of Zonoealarm.  But the only free firewall suggestion so far is commando from x2543 , thanks for that.

I guess what I'm asking is if there is a free two way protectiuon firewall out there, or am I wanting to have my cake and eat it too.   Is the only good firewall one you have to pay for?  More comments and suggestions would  be appreciated.

Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: evilfantasy on May 04, 2009, 11:33:08 AM
All free and very good.

Remember only install ONE firewall

1) Comodo ( (Uncheck during installation "Install Comodo SafeSurf..", Make Comodo my default search provider" and "Make Comodo Search my homepage" if you choose this one)
2) Online Armor (
3) Sunbelt/Kerio (
4) Agnitum (
5) PC Tools Firewall Plus (
Title: Re: What is the best PC Security Software
Post by: x2543 on May 04, 2009, 11:41:07 AM
or if you have windows vista or higher, you got windows firewall, which seems to do just fine if you got a good antivirus, and one or two malware backup checkers and you use your good judgment :) to help save your computer from the bad stuff.