Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: skyblue on April 29, 2009, 01:15:59 AM

Title: external Hard drive
Post by: skyblue on April 29, 2009, 01:15:59 AM
My iomega 500gig external hard drive has pack up .
Its makes strange noises when switch on ,the light on the front says its switched on
but my computer doesn't see it,is it possible to retrieve the files etc from it ,unfortunately i have never back it up and
i have lots of holiday pics etc
Title: Re: external Hard drive
Post by: hot dog on April 29, 2009, 01:34:45 AM
Have you made any changes to your computer, around the time you noticed this problem? If so, what are they?

Have you tried plugging it into another computer, to retreive the files?  If your drive works in another computer, then we have narrowed the problem down to your computer.  If it doesn't work in another computer, then the problem is likely the drive.

You could try booing into Safe Mode to see if your computer sees it......Restart>tap the F8 key>select "safe mode"  If your computer sees it in Safe Mode, then likely there's a driver conflict with your system, or an application conflict....  If this is the case and you don't know what program is causing it, do a System Restore....

make sure to back up, in the future ;D
Title: Re: external Hard drive
Post by: JJ 3000 on April 29, 2009, 01:42:42 AM
Its makes strange noises when switch on ,the light on the front says its switched on
but my computer doesn't see it

It is, most likely, dead. I'm sorry.
Title: Re: external Hard drive
Post by: quaxo on April 29, 2009, 01:51:16 AM
My iomega 500gig external hard drive has pack up .
Its makes strange noises when switch on ,the light on the front says its switched on
but my computer doesn't see it,is it possible to retrieve the files etc from it ,unfortunately i have never back it up and
i have lots of holiday pics etc

Can you describe the noise?
Title: Re: external Hard drive
Post by: skyblue on April 29, 2009, 03:42:59 AM
Thanks for your replys
hot dog,yes i have tried it on my lap top,so i don't think its a computer or driver fault

JJ 3000 , thanks for your condolences is their anyway to retrieve the files?

quaxo Can you describe the noise?

 A little clicking sound + every 30 secs or so its like a spring recoil if you get what i mean
Title: Re: external Hard drive
Post by: dr_iton on April 29, 2009, 04:55:12 AM
Buy another one. Sorry.
Title: Re: external Hard drive
Post by: quaxo on April 29, 2009, 07:58:35 AM
Thanks for your replys
hot dog,yes i have tried it on my lap top,so i don't think its a computer or driver fault

JJ 3000 , thanks for your condolences is their anyway to retrieve the files?

 A little clicking sound + every 30 secs or so its like a spring recoil if you get what i mean

Yeah, sorry to say, that sound means your hard drive is dying. At this point, there's nothing you can do to get your pictures. There are data recovery companies out there that might be able to help you though, but it probably won't be cheap.
Title: Re: external Hard drive
Post by: patio on April 29, 2009, 08:09:29 AM
One thing you can promises here:

Put the drive enclosure in a ziploc bag and freeze it overnight.
Be ready to transfer your pictures to the other otherwords setup enough free disk space and a directory for them ahead of time.
Next morning connect the drive and power it up...wait about 45 seconds and then start copying them.
DO NOT try to burn them at this point...this stresses the drive too much...they can be burned later.

NOTE: This has worked for me exactly 5 times out of over 70 attempts so the success rate is very low...still worth a shot though.

You will only get one chance so be prepared.
Title: Re: external Hard drive
Post by: tesla on April 30, 2009, 06:25:33 AM
yeah ive had 2 hard drives give me the click of death. i recovered one using the freezer trick. i think wd has a recovery service if its one of there drives put the price of it is over $230
Title: Re: external Hard drive
Post by: truenorth on April 30, 2009, 08:11:59 AM
skyblue,In the "I'm desperate" dept. (along the lines of patio's suggestion) -here is another that has worked for me on odd occasions. With the computer running and the external turned off then turn on the external and at the same time continuously tap the outside of the externals case with a blunt object (like the knuckle of your index finger) but not excessively hard. This might get the drive functioning for that episode.However if it does immediately proceed as per patio's suggestion to transfer the data as it may or may not be able to be repeated successfully again.I would try the "freezer" technique first. fingers crossed--good luck,truenorth
Title: Re: external Hard drive
Post by: skyblue on May 01, 2009, 01:31:00 AM
Thanks anyways ,tried both suggestions no luck
Title: Re: external Hard drive
Post by: patio on May 01, 2009, 06:14:57 AM
Services will be the following Monday at 10:00 AM EST....
Title: Re: external Hard drive
Post by: truenorth on May 02, 2009, 06:47:08 PM
 :( R.I.P.