Computer Hope

Software => Computer games => Topic started by: delibrete on May 30, 2009, 08:54:50 AM

Title: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: delibrete on May 30, 2009, 08:54:50 AM
Probably the hardest thing to do at a LAN party is choose the game. So I made a list for all you freeware lovers and LAN gamers.

Here's a list of some of the LAN games I've come across.

LAN Games:

First Person Shooters:

Assault Cube (Fast action, 4/5)

Saubraten Cube 2 (Fast even on slow computers, 4/5)

Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (Popular, a good computer is recommended, 3/5)

F.E.A.R Combat (Another popular FPS,  good graphics and physics, 4/5)

Nexuiz (Simple fast and intense, 4/5)

Warsow (Cell shaded Quake 3 alternative, 2/5)

Savage 2 (Combines FPS RTS and RPG, 4/5)

Xreal (Similar to Quake 3, 4/5)

Urban Terror (Good game but big download 700mb, 4/5)

Smokin Guns (I heard this game is popular, 4/5)

Acid Arena Monster Blast (Bright Colours and fast gameplay, 3/5)

Hidden and Dangerous (Very hard but fantastic game, 5/5)


Teeworlds (2D Fun and addictive, 4/5)

Soldat (2D One of the best multiplayer games in the world although you need to pay to get the registered version, 5/5)

Recwar ( 2D Fun and entertaining, 3/5)

Kong (3D A funny top down shooter, 3/5)

GTA 2 (2D Old but fun, 4/5)

Liero Xtreme (2D Worms like game, 4/5)

Lemmingball Z (3D Combine Goku with a Lemming, 4/5)

Blood Master (2D/3D Fast and action packed, 4/5)


Trackmania Nations (Fast fun, comes with track builder, 5/5)

Trackmania Nations Forever (The sequel to Trackmania Nations, 5/5)

Driving Speed 2 (A good ol' racing game, 4/5)

M3 Challenge (One of the most higher rated racing games, 4/5)


VPN software:

I don't have a LAN network so I use a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

What is VPN you say?

A VPN joins two remote computers together over the internet as if they where in a LAN network.

There are a few VPN programs out there and I've used alot of them but the best I've come across is:

1st Place, COMODO EasyVPN

And tied in 2nd place, Wippien and Hamachi

Wippien :

Hamachi :

Hamachi is also really really good if you just want a simple VPN connection. Also it comes with ZERO configuration so you don't have to deal with firewalls. *thanks to my good friend qwertyman XBLGT: TOOC00L4U


Honourable mentions:

If you can get your hands on the full version of

>Doom 1, 2 and 3

>Quake 1, 2, 3 and 4

>Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2


>Unreal Tournament

>Rainbow 6 Series

Then I recommend these games because they are extremely fun. But unfortunately there not free :(

In the future I'll add to the list so feel free to mention some other good LAN games
Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: BC_Programmer on May 30, 2009, 09:14:21 AM
to ammend the list, I'd like to point out that, with Doom, it is really the WAD files that you would need to "purchase"- DOOM.WAD, DOOM2.WAD, etc. Since the program itself has been released under the GPL. Thankfully, because if this fact and the number of ports, one can download a port as well as a free WAD file, a prime example of an iWAD being FreeDOOM, which recreates a fairly good Doom feel with entirely new resources.
Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: delibrete on May 30, 2009, 09:35:44 AM
Don't forget zdoom  ;)
Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: BC_Programmer on May 30, 2009, 11:17:28 AM
How would I do that? ZDoom is a port and can run FreeDoom.
Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: Fairadir on May 30, 2009, 11:31:51 AM
I just tried out Teeworlds with my brother.
It's really addictive, and fun too!  ;D
Thanks for the post lol, we were really bored.
Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: improbabilitist on June 03, 2009, 08:37:27 AM
Open Arena (

quake3 engine with different models and resources  ;D

See promodemo:
Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: michael_79 on September 16, 2009, 06:02:44 AM
GTA2, one of the best (and funiest) lan games ever.
Also good is OPEN ARENA its a Quake 3 clone and its freeware!

Perhaps u will find here some other ideas:

One of the classics is Age of Empires 2, runs on nearly every PC and its freat fun to rum battles over hours...

Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: BC_Programmer on September 16, 2009, 06:19:50 AM

One of the classics is Age of Empires 2, runs on nearly every PC and its freat fun to rum battles over hours...

When did AOE2 become freeware?
Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: delibrete on September 24, 2009, 09:17:13 PM
Thanks that's a really good site for looking up free lan games

And I don't think AOE2 is freeware but there is a command and conquer game that was released as freeware.
Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: Blendman on November 19, 2009, 05:43:32 PM
I just joined and was reading this thread, thought I'd throw in a free one that I was surprised not to see here..., plus a couple of others.

Alien Arena is an awesome game.


which I liked for a while but got old to me.

Hidden and Dangerous Deluxe is now free I guess, never played it, downloading it now, looks good though.

Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: delibrete on November 23, 2009, 12:35:07 AM
Yeah those are some pretty awesome games.

Alien arena has some good graphics since it was built using the unreal engine. Bzflag is really really fun :D

also I put hidden and dangerous up there, maybe you just didnt see it.
Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: Blendman on November 23, 2009, 03:48:52 AM
I put hidden and dangerous up there, maybe you just didnt see it

No I didn't, sorry about that.  :-[ 

Yep, Irritant did a great job over hauling AA for sure.

Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: harry56 on April 15, 2010, 07:41:40 AM
Free Games for Download

Freeware Directory (
Title: Re: Best freeware LAN games and VPN software
Post by: blackrainbow on June 30, 2010, 04:25:04 AM
i have red alert 2 and red alert 2 if any one plays them ill be happy to create a hamachi vpn to play against some one :)