Computer Hope

Hardware => Hardware => Topic started by: Calum on June 30, 2009, 05:54:56 AM

Title: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Calum on June 30, 2009, 05:54:56 AM
Just thought this may make an interesting topic to discuss.
Basically, what do you like in a case?
I don't mean what hardware ... just the case itself, e.g. material, weight, size, any special features, and so on.

Please also explain, if you can, why you like whatever you say.
Also I understand some people like different features for different reasons, for example you may want something in a server case but not in a HTPC case, so feel free to discuss different features for different applications.

I'll start this off.
I like a big, heavy case, steel or aluminium.  Gives me a feeling of quality and solidity, I hate flimsy cases but love "tanks".  This ha to extend throughput the case - a power button with a good solid "click" is a plus for me.
I like lots of cooling and expandability.  Lots of fan spots are a mujst, even if I don't use them all.  Expandability for me means lots of drive bays and expansion slots.
I like built in dust filters, because I hate dust and the dust filters you can buy don't always work (my 120mm filters wouldn't fit on my Antec 900 because of the fan mounts).
I like a really classic look, very plain.
I like tool-free cases, with thumbscrews and rails.  Much more convenient to work on, as long as the construction is solid - bad tool-free cases just mean things fall out.  I don't mind some things needing screws, like fans, but tool free drive bays are great.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: squall_01 on June 30, 2009, 06:10:27 AM
It depends on the build, I like show but the ones with the side fan I dont care too much for.  I have one like it but to keep airflow right it has to sit closer too me an I dont use it all that much.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: SmittySr on June 30, 2009, 07:05:22 AM
I am picky about the rear I/O (expansion slot) covers. I don't like the ones that are breakaway. I like them to be secure and easily replaceable. I think that is one of the first things I look at. I am also not to fond of the ones held in by the little plastic locks. Those are definitely not secure. 

Good front back airflow is a must. keeping cool air moving across all the hardware is important to me.

I also agree with Calum, it is important for a case not to be flimsy.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Aardobard on June 30, 2009, 07:09:55 AM
Great thread Calum!

Looks: I like understated, simple design.  If it needs some shazaam, I'll take care of that.
Accessibility: removable or swing out mobo trays are a plus, but just being able to have access to the innards is essential.  I hate having to use a pair of needle-nose pliers to set a mounting screw into place because there isn't any room.  As Calum suggested, good toolless designs are a joy.
Airflow: Needs to be good 'cause it's going to get hot in there.
Layout: Why isn't BTX more popular? I'm a fan of bottom-mounted PSU's.  Modular HDD cages help increase airflow.  Crannies and nooks for cable management are a must.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Calum on June 30, 2009, 07:17:26 AM
Re: SmittySr's post:
The expansion slot covers?  Yeah, I know what you mean, I wasn't really a fan of the tool-free locks on my Coolermaster Elite 330, it was a hassle trying to get the cards to stay still while I locked it down and it didn't seem very secure.  With a larger video card I get the feeling it may have just broken free.
The plates held down properly by screws, that don't just break off, are the best.  I like the plates themselves to be solid too - they're there to cover the slot, so why make them with holes in "to increase airflow"?  If removing them helped with airflow, they wouldn't be there in the first place, am I right?

To Aardobard - thanks, glad you like the thread.
Looks like we agree on several points here too, a thread like this is great because it reminds people of other things they like.
I love bottom mounted PSUs too - my current case mounts the PU either top or bottom, and has a plate to mount 2 80mm fans where the PSU isn't.  Dual PSU mounts give you more flexibility, especially if your cables are short (I think PSU cables should be longer) but if it's a choice between top or bottom, I'd pick a bottom mounted PSU every time.
The BTX form factor is nice, my case supports ATX or BTX which I like (not that I'm likely to use BTX because it's so uncommon).  I was all hyped up about it when it was first announced but there's been little to no progress on it unfortunately.
Modular HD bays are great, hot swappable ones would be even better.
I'd love a modular PSU, but can't afford a new one yet, so cable management is a little difficult.  I tend to stuff all my cables at the bottom of the case if possible - my layout's quite clean for the amount of cables I have, but "proper" cable management needs more holes and nooks to hide them away than I have.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: SmittySr on June 30, 2009, 07:45:59 AM
I agree with squall_01 I am not a big fan of side fans. I like the idea of lots of air moving into the front and out of the back. I seems like the fans on the side just seem to interupt the air flow out of the back.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Calum on June 30, 2009, 07:57:05 AM
Not everyone needs a side fan, it depends on your other fans and your hardware.
I'm running with no side fan at the minute because my side vent isn't above anything that produces heat.  My old case's side vent was above my graphics card, as it was single slot I used the side fan as exhaust to remove the hot air.  If I was still using my old case I'd have the side fan as intake now, because my graphics card now has an aftermarket dual slot cooler.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: quaxo on June 30, 2009, 08:18:34 AM
Looks: I like black cases. Matches the rest of my stuff (monitor, mouse, keyboard, G13). I'm a bit annoyed by cases with a door over the bays, especially when the power switch is behind the door instead of on the front of the case where it's easier to get to. I don't care if it has audio jacks on the front, I paid a lot of money for my sound system (7.1 surround) and never use head phones on my desktop. USB ports on the front are a necessity for me as well, as I'm always plugging stuff in. It doesn't have to look fancy, doesn't have to have windows in the side or pretty lights.

Ventilation: Proper front and rear vents with room for good sized fans. With my current case, the side vent doesn't really matter, as my ASUS Silent Square CPU cooler blocks it anyway.

Inside: Plenty of bays, especially 3.5". I have 2 hard drives, 3.5" fan control for the Silent Square, and a 3.5" multi-card reader with extra USB ports. I only really need one 5.25" bay, as I have only ever had 1 optical drive in at a time. Tool-free is a plus. It's nice to be able to put in drives and expansion cards without having to screw anything in. I don't care if it comes with screw on panels, as I just replace them with thumb screws anyway.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Calum on June 30, 2009, 08:43:14 AM
I don't like bay doors, they tend to block optical drives, ventilation, and sometimes ports.
I don't like lights or windows at all.
Colour doesn't matter to me as long as it's not in my face - no fluorescent yellow cases, thanks.  I need at least two USB ports on the front, other than that I don't need any ports on a case.
I don't use external 3.5" bays since I ditched my card reader due to lack of USB ports on my motherboard.
I see your point about 5.25" bays, I'd hazard a guess that the majority of people out there use one bay, and the majority of the rest use two.  The small amount that's left might have two optical drives for disk to disk copies, maybe a multimedia bay, a fan controller, etc.
I like lots of bays for more ventilation (if you don't have solid blanking plates that is).  Also, more 5.25" bays mean you can get converters for 3.5" internal or external bays, no way to convert 3.5"'s to 5.25"'s without a saw.

Something else that comes up - what size fans do you all consider should be in cases, and what do you use?  A lot of people mention ventilation and airflow, but not specifically.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: quaxo on June 30, 2009, 08:52:21 AM
At the very least, one 120mm in the front and back. That's what mine has and has proven enough, along with the Silent Square and semi-blocked side fan (80mm), to keep my system at 45-50°C peak and around 30°C idle.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: squall_01 on June 30, 2009, 05:46:33 PM
I personally like ones that have four bays, the batman setup is that way were I have two drives an a dual fan in one an can add another cd drive if I wanted.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Quantos on June 30, 2009, 07:21:34 PM
I like crap loads of space, the bigger the better, within reason of course.  You can never have too much ventilation.
I really don't care what it looks like either, I spend my time using it, it's not an ornament.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: squall_01 on July 01, 2009, 05:08:43 AM
the bigger the worse it means you need more ventalation rather then just a few an can generate more heat.  Allows for more stuff but can be an over all issue.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Calum on July 01, 2009, 06:03:13 AM
I'd argue the other way around, squall - a bigger case has more space inside, and thus more air to dissipate the heat.
You don't necessarily need more fans just because the case is bigger, but a bigger case usually means there's more fan spots.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: squall_01 on July 01, 2009, 06:05:04 AM
If you cant derict the air its no differnt then a vacum, right?
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Calum on July 01, 2009, 06:08:50 AM
Not a vacuum, no, that's the absence of air.  A slight vacuum (usually called negative pressure) can be created by using lots of exhaust fans and no intake fans, but positive/negative pressure and the effects on cooling is a different topic.
If you mean a vacuum cleaner, I still don't see the similarity, sorry.

Think of a large case vs a small case, with the same components.  The hot air in a small case fills a larger proportion of it, whereas the same amount of hot air in a larger case fills less of the overall space, so there's more cool air.  That's better for cooling.
I can't say that's scientifically correct, but it's my explanation, and in my experience large cases give you better temperatures than smaller cases.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: GlitchPC on July 01, 2009, 06:32:42 AM
I have to agree with you, here, Calum.  A larger case means there is more room for the volume of air (in a large case) takes much longer to heat than the volume of air in a smaller case.  Therefore, a larger case will remain cooler than a smaller case.  However, it all depends on the hardware installed.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Calum on July 01, 2009, 06:36:16 AM
That's a much simpler explanation than mine, thanks.
It does depend on the hardware, yes, but I'm just saying that if the hardware is the same, a larger case will give cooler temps than a smaller one.  It's impossible to compare if everything is different.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: patio on July 01, 2009, 06:17:08 PM
My Recent Pick (,65107.0.html)

I'd buy another one...
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: quaxo on July 01, 2009, 10:52:11 PM
Mine is a Raidmax as well, although their web page for it is a bit weird: (

1. The title says "Black Only", yet most of the pictures show a white case.
2. The pictures show two lit plastic covers with smaller vents where mine has two big vents. (I prefer the big vents.)

Oddly enough the one they now display as the Ninja I've found on a few build websites, so they did actually make it. Not sure which came first though.

Here's what theirs looks like:

And mine:

I actually do quite like the case. The only thing I don't like is the glossy outside surface. Hard to keep clean.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Aardobard on July 01, 2009, 11:22:01 PM
Something else that comes up - what size fans do you all consider should be in cases, and what do you use?  A lot of people mention ventilation and airflow, but not specifically.
12cm fans get the nod here.  They have a good noise to cfm ratio, there are more options than you can ever need and they tend to be reasonably priced.  In the not so reasonably priced department, I really like the Noctua fans (except for the color scheme).  On my CPU HS it gives me identical temps to a 2000rpm Ultra Kaze and they make the Ultra Kaze sound like an unmuffled Harley by comparison.

That said, I'm not opposed to 14cm fans and my case will handle them.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Calum on July 02, 2009, 04:24:22 AM
It's all about picking the right fans for your needs.
12cm fans are perfectly fine because most cases take them, but for me it's more about the placement of the fans and the actual models than size alone.
The 200cm on my 900 was great, the Tricools sucked.  My favourite 12cms are the Scythe Slipstreams, I have the 1200rpm version and they push a huge amount of air whilst staying very quiet.  I have my favourites in every common size really, sometimes more than one for different types of build.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: camerongray on July 02, 2009, 01:23:36 PM
I don't bother much about cases - I am currently using a 9 year old Midi ATX case

Beige/White (Going yellow)
4x 5.25 bays
2x 3.5 bays
2x Case Fan fixing things

It is quite embarrassing  ::)

Take a look at my specs too - Terrible!
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Calum on July 02, 2009, 01:29:22 PM
Nothing wrong with older hardware, not everyone has to be on the cutting edge.
I've used many worse machines than yours.
Also, beige is my favourite colour in a computer case, sad but true.  One day I will fulfil my dream with a huge old beige tank of a case, a "sleeper PC" if you will.
Actually the colour doesn't matter to me as long as it's not garish, but beige fits in with my plan.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: Aardobard on July 02, 2009, 05:02:29 PM
I don't bother much about cases - I am currently using a 9 year old Midi ATX case

Beige/White (Going yellow)
4x 5.25 bays
2x 3.5 bays
2x Case Fan fixing things

It is quite embarrassing  ::)

Take a look at my specs too - Terrible!
Actually I remember seeing on a case mod thread somewhere about a method to restore the beige color on older plastic case parts.  Now if I could only remember where!
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: patio on July 02, 2009, 05:07:04 PM
Overclockers anonymous perhaps ? ?

Krylon makes a plastic specific spray paint that actually works rather well...
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: squall_01 on July 02, 2009, 05:08:14 PM
Mine is a Raidmax as well, although their web page for it is a bit weird: (

1. The title says "Black Only", yet most of the pictures show a white case.
2. The pictures show two lit plastic covers with smaller vents where mine has two big vents. (I prefer the big vents.)

Oddly enough the one they now display as the Ninja I've found on a few build websites, so they did actually make it. Not sure which came first though.

Here's what theirs looks like:

And mine:

I actually do quite like the case. The only thing I don't like is the glossy outside surface. Hard to keep clean.

I like the look of this case.  I ment that it would be a whrile wind of air inside it.  There is an articale I read about it, have to look at it again.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: quaxo on July 02, 2009, 05:13:42 PM
Not sure about the other design, but if it's anything like the one I have now, the front fan is absolutely useless.

The front fan in the one I have is positioned perfectly to pull air in through the two large front vents. In the other model with the plastic caps in front, the fan would be positioned between the vents and the front of the case, not giving it anywhere to pull air in from.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: squall_01 on July 02, 2009, 05:16:31 PM
some other way of cooling may work here if need be.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: quaxo on July 02, 2009, 05:19:21 PM
some other way of cooling may work here if need be.

With the model like mine, it hasn't been necessary. Like I said, those vents and the fan are perfectly positioned. But with the other case, why should the consumer have to spend more on cooling alternatives because of a bad case design on a case that is supposed to be designed for gaming?
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: squall_01 on July 02, 2009, 05:21:43 PM
cause everyones uses are differnt.  I had to get a bigger heatsink for mine cause my old board said that it was over heating.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: patio on July 02, 2009, 06:15:20 PM
My case has excellent cooling as well...
The front fan is well positioned with 3 air slots also well screened...
Pic Here (
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: GlitchPC on July 02, 2009, 09:19:08 PM
I like style and functionality...

While my current case is pretty much stock...I'm looking into using the following case to restore my old Gateway 700S machine.
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: patio on July 03, 2009, 06:13:53 PM
The Raidmax i linked to is about 30 Bucks cheaper...both side panels open all the way down...and the stock fans are more than enough.     ;)
Title: Re: What do you like in a computer case?
Post by: quaxo on July 03, 2009, 07:03:07 PM
I actually almost bought the ASUS Vento 3600, but had to change my mind when I realized it was just too wide at the base to fit under my desk properly. (